Allen West: A real man who takes on a "lady"

Dear Debbie, you're 'vile, unprofessional, despicable & not a lady' -- Allen West

Tea Party hothead Allen West blew up at fellow Broward U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz for her acerbic take on the Republican "cut, cap and balance" plan. Schultz, the Democratic National Committee Chair, all but named West ("the gentleman from Florida") in her criticism of the budget-cutting plan, which she said ruined Medicare and helped "Big Oil and companies that ship jobs overseas."


When he learned what she said (standard liberal/Democratic fare), West promptly trashed her by email, which Politico first obtained:


From: Z112 West, Allen
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 04:48 PM
To: Wasserman Schultz, Debbie
Cc: McCarthy, Kevin; Blyth, Jonathan; Pelosi, Nancy; Cantor, Eric
Subject: Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman-Schultz


Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!

I am bringing your actions today to our Majority Leader and Majority Whip and from this time forward, understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior……which dates back to the disgusting protest you ordered at my campaign hqs, October 2010 in Deerfield Beach.

You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!

Steadfast and Loyal

Congressman Allen B West (R-FL)


Wasserman Schultz spokesman Jonathan Beeton said in a statement: "I don't think that Congressman West is upset at the Congresswoman, but rather with the fact that she highlighted that he and other Republicans are once again trying to balance the budget on the backs of seniors, children and the middle class..As someone who lives in Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz's Congressional district, Congressman West knows that we have hundreds of thousands of seniors in South Florida who have paid into Medicare throughout their lives and now rely on this program to keep them healthy and active."


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Comment by Isirio Abelon on July 21, 2011 at 2:01pm

MR. LARRY LANDIN, I admire your undeniable decision.  You are a good man.


The Devil only take what you are willing to give.  I am giving the Devil none. Amen. Adios

Comment by Larry Landin on July 21, 2011 at 1:44pm

Hmmm...Anybody remember the scandal of the last Democratic "attack dog" (yeah, Weiner) who was considered an "up-and-commer," too.  Seems Congresswoman Schultz liked his tactics even though his attacks were dishonest as well.  How long will we have to put up with her - who knows.  At least Congressman (Col) West stood up to her attacks, though the dems will make it costly.

Oh, by the way, I have been a Democrat my entire life since turning 21, but due to the absolutely unethical, immoral and dishonest strategy of the current breed, I am changing my affiliation.  I do not want my name on their roles or my integrity linked to their lies and propaganda.  What ever happened to the good old Southern Democrats that believed what they said and said what they believed without attacking those who differed?  Well, don't know what my affiliation will be...too bad the Tea Part isn't a choice (yet).  I encourage all fellow Tea Party dems to follow suite...that would shake things up, now wouldn't it?

Comment by Geneo on July 21, 2011 at 1:22pm

I would hope that other Tea Party and Republicans members of Congress will  back Congressman West.More of our friends begining to speak out. Congressman Walsh from IL was on the Chris Matthews show MSNBCand really had Chris on the ropes. Matthews is well know on his show Hardball to bully guests if they are Tea Party or Republican supporters. I would urge any Conservative go on his show and be aggressive as Chris Matthews is.

Comment by Isirio Abelon on July 21, 2011 at 1:08pm
Cong. D. Wasserman Schultz is trying to be an star among her Democratic colleague. Ms. Schultz, it is a wrong start. Face the facts, We... Senior Citizen are not dummies. Why not tell the Seniors right now, that the Democrats cut 500 billion dollars on Medicare. President Obama appointed 15  Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) who decided and control payment of our Health care. The Death panel. They decide who will live and who will die!. President Obama said; to give you a pain killer, means wait for you to die?.  You will be fine or go to jail if do not purchase the mandated Obama Health care!.  Democrats are protecting and sided with the illegals who brought tons of drugs in the United States, taking our Jobs, free food stamps, free education with the American tax dollars. Sued Arizona in protecting our borders. Ms Schlutz, we have 9.2 % unemployment. Democrats are fiercely opposing the CUT, CAP, BALANCE? but why!!!. You want to raise tax so that you have more money to spent?. Fantastic!.   Etc, etc.  Adios.
Comment by Isirio Abelon on July 21, 2011 at 12:34pm

"The only thing need for the triumph of EVIL is for good men to do nothing" (By Sir Edmon Burke).

Thank you, Congressman A. West for standing up for our rights. This is a typical Democratic scare tactics. I listened to the CUT, CAP, BUDGET resolutions debate. Honestly, I changed channel every time the Democrats got the floor to speak because none of them are not telling the truth. Thanks. Adios.

Comment by amanda choate on July 21, 2011 at 11:28am

Though few here agree with me at least West does. Medicare must go away.

Comment by Wanda Christmann on July 21, 2011 at 8:58am
Wasserman Schultz is like the playground bully who bullies and bullies. Then when someone gets fed up and swings back (justifiably so), she runs to the teacher and tattles like a crybaby. Col. Allen West is a hero from the battlefield and now from house floor! They know it, and are trying to destroy him. He needs our support.
Comment by Larry Landin on July 21, 2011 at 12:37am
Not only is Congresswoman not a lady, she is also NOT honest.  If anyone reads the bill, they will find that it specifically protects the very line items that the Congresswoman and her fellow democrats use as fear mongering when they are a total fabrication.  Every single one of them in the House that continues to do this should be brought up on ethics charges.  It's not's lies and more lies.  When will it end?
Comment by Beth Korey on July 20, 2011 at 10:11pm

It's about time that someone started fighting back and stop worring about being politically

correct.  We voted them in to make more conservative decisions and at least we know that Col.

West definitely has backbone.

Comment by Geneo on July 20, 2011 at 7:28pm
Great Allen West for years Republicans have been to timid to speak out. Hopefully we will start electing those with the same courage as our Ex military MR. West

National Debt Clock


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If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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