To all those who read my blogs, I could not write today. The only thing I could do was pray. Please forgive me if I am insulting you with my prayers. My heart is heavy today and you were on my mind. So, I prayed for you personally and for our blessed America. Please take a moment and say a prayer for those who are hurting because of the politics of our nation. Then, pray for our nation. Because our God is an Awesome God.
Here’s my prayer…
Dear Lord:
The headlines are not good in America today. And, You are an Awesome God.
Politicians are playing with the lives of the people. And, You are an Awesome God.
Jobs are gone. And, You are an Awesome God
Money is tight. And, You are an Awesome God
Food and gas are too high. And, You are an Awesome God
People are losing hope. And, You are an Awesome God
We have strayed away from you. And, You are an Awesome God
We ask your forgiveness. And, You are an Awesome God.
We ask for courage. And, You are an Awesome God.
We need a miracle today in America. And, You are an Awesome God
There are many who need to feel your peace today. And, You are an Awesome God
Those in power need to see you and tremble in your presence. And, You are an Awesome God
Thank you for loving us even when we don’t deserve it. And, You are an Awesome God
We love you God because you loved us first. You are Awesome!
Meet my friend Rich Mullins. He came into my life as a young mom and his songs were played in our home daily. Rich died in a tragic car accident but he left his footprint on the hearts of millions who love our Awesome God.
"Gracious Father, we, Thy children, so often confused, live at cross-purposes in our central aims, and hence we are at cross-purposes with each other. Take us by the hand and help us to see things from Thy viewpoint, that we may see them as they really are. We come to choices and decisions with a prayer upon our lips, for our wisdom fails us. Give us Thine, that we may do Thy will. In Jesus' name. AMEN" April 3, 1947. Help us Father to show the world an America to imitate--not the self-indulgent America with it's love of money, but the America that loves fair play, honest dealings, straight talk, real freedom and faith in God. Make us to see that it cannot happen as long as we are just partakers of the work of our forefathers. Give us faith in God and love for our fellow men, that we may have something to deposit on which the young people of today can draw interest tomorrow. By Thy grace, let us this day increase the moral capital of this country. (quote from June 11,1948) but so appropriate for today.
From a man called Peter, this is the prayer that should once again be used to open the Senate today.
"Gracious Father, we, Thy children, so opten confused, live at cross-purposes in our centgral aims, and hence we are at cross-purposes with each other. Take us by the hand and helpus to see things from Thy viewpoint, that we may see them as they really are. We come to choices and decisions with a prayer upon our lips, for our wisdom fails us. Give us Thine, that we may do Thy will. In Jesus' name. AMEN" April 3, 1947. Help us Father to show the world an America to imitate--not the self-indulgent America with it's love of money, but the America that loves fair play, honest dealings, straight talk, real freedom and faith in God. Make us to see that it cannot happen as long as we are just partakers of the work of our forefathers. Give us faith in God and love for our fellow men, that we may have something to deposit on which the young people of today can draw interest tomorrow. By Thy grace, let us this day increase the moral capital of this country. (quote from June 1948) but so apropriate for today.
Thank you Billie. You've a wonderful gift for putting into written word, what so many of us are feeling.
Really needed this today. Working two jobs. Tired and sleepy all the time. Never see my family. Can't participate in my tea party activities. But then I read your blog and am reminded to focus on the big picture again. It made me think of Galatians 6:9 - And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
One of my most favorite sayings I try to remember when I'm at my lowest says "Everything will be okay in the end. If it isn't okay, it isn't the end".
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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