9/11: Reinforcements are coming...the good and the bad

As a little girl in Sunday school, I loved to hear stories about Bible times.   When it was time to listen to our teacher tell a story, we would scoot out wooden chairs near hers as she pulled the Big Book of Bible Stories off the shelf.  It was a large book with perfect pictures to go along with the stories.


All of them were great, but one has recently jogged my memory again.  It was the story about keeping our house clean so good could live in it. 


It goes like this.  When you decide to live a good life for Him, you clean up your life.  You want to do good things and take care of people and serve God.  You want to make sure you don’t fall into the old bad habits that brought you to Him in the first place.   When you start cleaning up your life, it isn’t easy.  Your friends encourage you to continue doing the “fun” things you did together.  You are tempted daily to fall back into your old ways.  As my teacher told us, "If you don’t live for Him every day and grow stronger in that Love, then the mean old devil will come back and he’ll bring more of his bad friends with him to make sure you fall back into your old ways."  In other words, he brings reinforcements.   


Ten years have passed and evil reinforcements may be on their way.  As 9/11 approaches, new threats are at our door and they cannot and MUST not be ignored.  In a recent report by Heritage, The Right Strategy to Fight Terrorism, they state:

“Unfortunately today, the United States is not on a trajectory to adequately counter the terrorism threat. Though America has enjoyed success in thwarting al-Qaeda's efforts against the United States, those victories have come as a result of a decade of taking the offensive in the war on terrorism. Now, though, the Obama Administration is changing course with its new National Strategy for Counterterrorism.”


 This week, the White House issued Guidelines on 9/11 Observances.  “The guidelines say the absence of Al Qaeda playing any significant role in the “Arab Spring” uprisings against longtime autocrats in the Middle East and North Africa should be cited as evidence that Bin Laden’s organization “represents the past,” while peaceful street protesters in Egypt and Tunisia “represent the future.”


It is unfortunate that we must spend today’s observance of 9/11 showing you not to believe this statement. 




  1. Six hundred al-Qaeda radical prisoners were released by the new Libyan regime.  Watch the video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgBzZtzqQ_M&feature=player_embe...
  2. Egyptian Sheikh Calls for Worldwide Sharia & Threatens Christian Extermination -- http://www.theblaze.com/stories/senior-eij-official-calls-for-world...
  3. Radicals plan Cairo-style occupation of freedom plaza in DC -- http://www.theblaze.com/stories/radicals-plan-cairo-style-occupatio...

Remember my Sunday school lesson?  If you don’t clean it out and fill it up with love, the evil one will come back with reinforcements.  They’re here.


Three thousand innocent men, women and children died on 9/11.  Will we allow more to die at the hands of radicals?  Will Congress put a stop to the low-level concerns of this administration or will it stand up and protect American citizens from evil men who want to destroy us?  Will those in Washington DC who want America to be like Cairo be allowed to shut down our government?


Just like the pictures in the Big Book of Bible Stories resonated with me for life, the pictures of 9/11 have also. 


Let us be reminded of the horror that evil men can do to innocent, loving Americans.  Show the attached pictures to your family and let them know that the enemy is coming back with reinforcements and this time, they may look like us.  9/11 Aerial Photographs


May God have mercy on America and send His angel reinforcements to protect us.  Amen


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Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on September 10, 2011 at 9:43pm
 Personally Hoffa jr. dose not worry me he may find that some of us SOB's are harder to take out than others. He is a pimp whos ego is fueled by a bully mentality take away the crowd and his bark would not be so loud. Men like him are all the same the are big and bad when they are among their friends but standing alone they are gutless.
Comment by LOTTO NICK ! on September 10, 2011 at 12:26pm

Don't worry about HOFFA JR.His dad said and made  the very same threat to a group of people back in the 1970' s and shortly after he simply disappeared!!!

What goes around will come around!!!

Comment by Christy on September 10, 2011 at 8:30am
Steven, great post.  We r the eyes and ears.  On to 2012 and don't forget local and state elections too.  An item of research for your group should be "ICLEI" Agenda 21 in other words.  Unfortunately we r fast  suffering frm it.  Watch for it in your Cities and Counties, your Mayor's and Supervisor's hopefully hve. not signed it into local law.
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on September 9, 2011 at 7:10pm
Christy ask an Islamic person what their religion is their reply will most probably be muslim. You and I may not see it as a religion but they surely do and if you do not follow the teachings of islam you are considered an Infidale by the muslims and according to the teachings of islam infidels are to be converted or killed. Call it what you like I call it ethnic cleansing. And as for Haffa perhaps you should listen to what he said again. He was referring to the TEA PARTY. If you choose to let some one else bargain for the price of your labor that is fine with me but do not attempt to force that on me. My labor is mine and I will sell it at a price that I consider fear.
Comment by J. Lo on September 9, 2011 at 8:46am
"Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves. "

Winston Churchill
Comment by Christy on September 7, 2011 at 8:14am
Steven, Islam is not a religion it is a way of life with the end result of  be converted or be killed.  When Hoffa talks about Freedom and Work he does not mean anyone that is non-union.  Union dues paying folks are the tea party'rs too, when they cast that ballott in the privacy of the vote booth they will vote Republican.
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on September 7, 2011 at 7:46am
Islam can not exist in a free culture it is impossible. By following the word of the Karan alone makes it impossible. To convert or be killed is not freedom it is in fact ethnic cleansing no matter how you flavor it. Forced unionism is not freedom either. I do not understand how these groups can stand flat footed on the ground and say they support freedom all the while pushing these agendas off on people who do not want them. They sugar coat and twist their agenda in an attempt to make it look good but under the surface there is that element of force or greed that removes freedom of choice. I for one will decide on my own which god I will serve and I will negotiate the price of my labor on my own win or lose it is on me. That is freedom of religion and the persuit of happiness. God bless you all and God bless America.
Comment by Joe Story on September 6, 2011 at 4:47pm

TS, We agree much more than you think. By only playing defense in the homeland I mean that inside our borders we are not doing anything to change the minds or stop the radicals. I would rather take the chance and have freedom than continue giving up more and more freedoms in the name of safety. The opression of the government in response to this perceived threat is everyday. If we had to live with crazies everyday we would take them out instead of appeasing them. We certainly would not be allowing them to build isolated enclaves for recuiting more radicals and pushing their agenda within our borders. 

US citizens bow to Islamic demands as they seek absolute Dhimmitude, the Islamic system of governing populations conquered by jihad wars, encompassing all of the demographic, ethnic, and religious aspects of the political system. With each concession comes further surrender and appeasement towards Islamic demands.

I stand with you give me freedom or give me death.

Comment by tamara stephenson on September 6, 2011 at 3:26pm

It is too easy for any radical, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, to kill innocent Americans.  One of the reasons it is easy is because we are a free country.  Americans can  essentially go where they want, associate with whom they want, worship where they want.    With freedom comes risk.  I'll take the risk.   I watched Norway deal with a terrorist situation in its country by a man calling himself a christian and killed innocents because of a perceived threat he felt.  I will take the risk of the crazies over giving up my freedoms because without freedom, what is any safety worth?  I know Jefferson said it way better.  If people want to march in the streets, then I'm all for it.  If workers want to strike, please do.  If people want to call me a barbarian, please, bring it on.   If some marchers really think they can shut down the government, go for it.  

And by the way, if taking out Osama Bin Laden in secret in Pakistan isn't going on the offensive, I don't know what is. 

Comment by E. A. Temin on September 5, 2011 at 11:30am
Billie, this is an excellent post! I would like to share this with my church share group, with your permission. Please e-mail me at imgodsgal@gmail.com and let me know if it is OK.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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