“If we deny the truth of the Islamic threat, If we chose ignorance, If we allow political correctness to render us mute, If we are blind to Islamic infiltration and propaganda, If we ignore Islamic influences in our education curriculum ... then bid the republic which is ours goodbye.” – David Beamer
After a recent blog about the 9/11 attacks, David posted that comment. When we saw his name, we stopped and carefully read his words. It is humbling to listen to this man or to read his words. When David Beamer speaks of the 9/11 attack, we listen. Why?
He never wanted to be famous because his son was murdered.
He never wanted to speak in front of Congress.
He never wanted to lead the effort to build a memorial.
He never wanted to watch his grandchildren grow up without their father.
He never wanted to spend his life educating others on the evil of terrorism.
He never wanted to hear his son’s lasts words, “Let’s roll.”
He never wanted to lose his son.
But he did.
When David speaks, we listen.
We listen because he deserves our attention. We listen because he has done his research and he knows the truth about his son’s murder. We listen because this man’s son was one of the first to FIGHT against the evil men who were and still are attacking our nation.
We listen because David Beamer is finalizing what Todd started.
David is telling America -- Never turn your back on evil. It is here and it will destroy us if we are not vigilant and educated about their evil plans. In the words of his son, Todd -- America, Let’s roll.
Today’s video is David Beamer himself speaking at a First Coast Tea Party educational seminar. Please take time this week to listen to the words of David Beamer. He deserves your time and attention.
And a reminder, please donate to the Flight 93 Memorial that is still unfunded ten years later. The shame of that is almost unbearable when you realize the amount of wasted money our government and our people have spent. Please stretch yourself to give more than you think you can to this memorial.
Sacrifice a little. Todd sacrificed it all. Donate here: http://www.honorflight93.org/
God bless David and his family and God bless America.
Click for David’s presentation here. http://www.fctpcommunity.org/video/david-beamer-speaks-to-the
Recollections and Thoughts on the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11
Bill Korach
I remember exactly where I was on the day America was attacked. I planned to depart Boston for Seattle on 9/11/2001 on an American Airlines flight. I was engaged by KPMG Consulting to lead a team and assist Boeing Electronics on a planning project and expected to be in Seattle for a period of about 9 months, returning home to Salem, MA on weekends. However, Boeing wanted us there a day earlier so we departed on September 10th.
I was tired from the long trip and went to bed early. I was awakened on 9/11by a call from my son in school in Los Angeles at 6:00 am Pacific time telling me that a plane had hit the Trade Towers. I was so tired I went back to sleep. He called 15 minutes later about the second plane. Then I was wide-awake with the realization that America had been attacked and probably by Muslim terrorists. I joined my team in the lobby where we l watched the news and heard the confusion. Later we learned about another plane striking the Pentagon, and another about a plane crashing in Pennsylvania.
We watched the Trade Towers collapse-the building, and you could not believe how big they were. I had lived in NY, took my kids to the top for the view, dined there, attended meetings there, planned the 1986 Fleet week there and remember so many great times. I even have a plaque from the old Brooklyn Navy Yard with bronze relief of the Trade Towers.
Then my wife called with the news that my sister in law, Captain Ann Stencil, United States Navy, was in the Pentagon when it was attacked, she had stepped away from her desk-and that saved her life. But her entire staff was killed.
I learned that 28 fellow members of my club, the New York Athletic Club, were killed in the towers. Guys I knew from the squash court, toasted each other in the tap room-gone. The club, founded in 1868 had been a driving force behind the modern Olympic games. The NYAC hold more Gold and Silver medals that any club in America. What had these men and women done to deserve murder at the hands of Muslim fanatics? A neighbor who had been in the Trade Towers after the first truck bomb attack planned by the blind Imam was killed in the second attack.
I learned all of these things while in Seattle 3000 miles from home. My oldest son William was living near Philadelphia, my younger son Reed was in LA, my wife, Francesca in Boston. I felt helpless, I was no longer in the Navy Reserve, I wanted to protect my family, suit up and strike back, as I had done during Desert Storm But there I was stuck in Seattle, and unable to get home for weeks. My coworkers and I did go to the nearest church praying for America, the families of those killed and the coming justice that was coming to those who dared commit the 9/11 atrocity.
In the days after the attacked, I heard about flight 93, I heard there was a man named Todd Beamer who was on that flight, and somehow resolved to fight back. He said “ let’s roll” then no more communications. He lost his life stopping that wicked plan, and was the first American to hit back after that vicious attack against America and humanity. I felt that he had stuck the blow I could not-I felt he did it for me. I was so grateful for the chance to say thank you to David Beamer for his son’s heroism. I very proud of David Beamer for having the guts to speak out against the Obama administration for being afraid to speak the name of America’s mortal enemy “Radical Islam.”
Like David Beamer, I have been angered and saddened that the Obama administration fails to properly recognize the enemy and has caused so much division among the American people when there was once such powerful unity.
The scope of the attack, and slaughter was breathtaking, but from my experience as a form
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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