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From My Point of View
In the greatest war every fought in the history of mankind, this nation and the civilization of Western culture, is losing!
• Posted by Dan Short on April 10, 2015 at 3:21pm
• The history of man we know for the length of man’s literacy. From the very beginning, the clashes of ideologies, cultures, societies, beliefs, and the ethnicity of different groups of identifiable peoples – the races – have all been different. Each group, each society, each in reality that exists of the races … as the reality of historical fact, is that races of people resided in different areas on this planets surfaces … have in their journey of existence matriculated their own mores – the standards – the accepted structure of their societies.
• As citizens of this nation, as residence of this planet, often the reality of this fact has been so convoluted and distorted that the false narrative that all men are alike is accepted. In the idealism of Christianity, and in the philosophy of the American nation’s foundation, this is accepted and even advocated.
• Those of the Western Canon, the advancement of the society of mankind that is, and always has been, the foundations for the European nations. The conceptual idealism of all societies that evolved from Greek philosophy and idealism, the Roman experiment, all of the Reformations of Germany, France, and England and England’s result, this nation, our States of many differences the States United on this continent, this America.
• As those of this society, this result of the Western Canon, we often forget that our reality – the nations and societies of our genesis – is not the reality, the standard, the mores, of all other societies of man. Ours this society of English, and as such the extension of Greek, Roman, Christian, and all others in the petri dish of this nation’s foundations, is as no other known to the civilized mankind. It is, the culmination of trial and error, of success and failure, and of mistakes and the resulting – what is the absurdity they call it, unintended consequences – errors of decisions.
• Is the society of Western Culture have any means to measure if it is the best? We’d like to say, yes, it does, there is no nation on the face of the earth that so many desire to enter either illegally, and legally. The insanity of being born here, as the mistake of the absolute insanity of the Supreme Court saying the 14th amendment says so. The fact that this nation has legislation, circumventing the immigration policy of this nation’s design with anchor babies and sponsoring extended family, or the worse of all, the man who is to enforce this nation’s preservation, by direction is allowing the greatest invasion of illegals – even known in any nation ever – into this nation.
• Is this nation able to measure that all of other societies are coming to this nation because of the wonder of becoming assimilated and one with this nation, that simple identifier, e pluribus unum, as our design? Instead, the reality is we cannot. Those who come to this nation, those whose mothers come to this nation, those who risk life and limb, traveling across nations to reach this country, we can but ask, why? Is it the desire for religious freedom? If so then why do they, many who invade, wish to take the idealism of all men have the right to worship as they wish, as long as, the condition, they also allow all others to worship as they wish! Is that our nation today? If so, then why is it we are being inundated to bring the theocracy of the dementia of the psychosis of Islam, and their ideology of ‘submit and obey’ with their demented sharia – domination – be accepted in this nation? Is that not what we are facing in our nation today? Is it not that this nation, which abides by the concept of Western civilization, identified by John Stuart Mill in his Theism; We accordingly call a people civilized, where the arrangements of society, for protecting the persons and property of its members, are sufficiently perfect to maintain peace among them.
• In this nation, the laws, especially of immigration, and rejecting those who will not, cannot, and never will assimilate into this nation are preserved is the only way there is to insure this wonder of idealism, this nation of exceptionalism, is preserved. The actions of this nation have the false narrative that our society, if we are not preserved, but are the mirror of the mistake of the United Nations, the epitome of misfits with one goal only, steal all they can from America, is irrationally our objective. As if this is not enough, we are now in the process of allowing not only the assisted invasion of illegals – by financing of our own government under the direction of the president …an impeachable offense … and the refusal to enforce this nation’s laws – being invaded. Compounding that with the mistake of the Hart-Cellar bill, destroying the ethnicity of this nation – as those who advance racism advocate, the racism of this nation – did so to preserve the assimilation, the preservation of this nation’s culture, its mores, its morals, and the religion on which all of these choices were based, Protestant Christianity. Advancing the fallacy, the illusion, the impossibility of all men, all societies, and all peoples are somehow the same advances insanity, not reason. If they are, then show the proof. Where, where on the face of this planet is there an example of a nation with any of the wonder of this one? What nations have opened their borders to allow anyone to enter? What is the answer? What are their results?
• This illusion, this fallacy, this absolutely insane concept that any nation, with their own form of society, can open their borders, allow those in, without any demands for assimilation has only one possible result. That result, the host nation will be consumed by the parasitical demands of the invaders. Is this confirm-able? Look at the problems in every nation that has attempted this political insanity. What is their result? It is constant, always the same, those who invade, who do not assimilate, and who never even attempt to become part of, understand, or comply with the host society advocate? The answer is always the same, the destruction of the host they are receiving altruism from, and the destruction of that very same society.
• There are differences in society, in even our society, that make divisions of how people, our own citizens look at different things in the political spectrum. Some are so bizarre, they become not only difficult, but beyond reason to why certain groups politically, vote the way they do. One that is beyond mental comprehension, beyond reason, beyond any possible mental note we know is that in our nation the Jewish segment votes Democrat. Is it absolute ignorance? That is hard to imagine, for it is verifiable that the Jewish contribution to our society is fact. What they have provided for not only this nation, but for the species of mankind is fact. To know that fact, and then to realize they vote for the party that is advancing the central planning, the centralization of our society, our nation is beyond anything that is possible to understand. Yet they do. The question, why is unknown. History shows certain things that we should know. Long ago, a man made the observation that is so concise I’ve found none more poignant; the words of Roger Ascham, ‘It is costly wisdom that is bought by experience.’ Here is where the illogical choice of the Jewish population is mind boggling. They know the results of the insanity of central planning. They experienced it is Germany, in Russia, in all of Europe, in this nation, and throughout the world. Yet they vote politically for those who advance central planning? This result refutes reason of even a cognitive individual.
• There is and has always been a problem with many in different races that also magnifies some irrational, incomprehensible reasoning, which has no reason – or example – of the why. The political racism of Lyndon Johnson, who by his own words emphasized that it was only the beholding of the black race, not their welfare that concerned him, is accepted today in that same black community destroying the very fabric of the advancement of civilization this nation had afforded them. Why, the false narrative that destroying this society will somehow make their live better? If so, where is the example? Why today is the average situation, the mean of the black community not improving, but facing a reduction, the advancement toward barbarism, not the society of civilized. Drugs, and desolation, academic opportunities destroyed by the social engineering – turning academic environments into social cesspools, not environment of learning – retarding any advancement this segment of society could possibly have.
• It’s difficult to use race as an identifier, for by our – this nation’s idealism – we are equal. Then why is this not obvious in the results we know. I’ve supplied a link, that is of a large sample set, and unless it was just done in Michigan or California, where American ideals do not reside, should have some validity.
• Why race matters!
• I didn’t make up this poll, or do the research. You only get the results, and don’t know the questions, but the divisions of the identified ethnicity, are eye opening. It emphasizes just how this nation has had the communist concept of hegemony, the culture communism of Antonio Gramsci advanced in this nation to the point that even polls abide by his identified objective.
• The lists go on and on. So many who attach their concept of what they believe with the exact diametric political entity that would – or could – advance anything they believe in. The why is the question! Why would the Jewish vote for an ideology that throughout history, central planning, government totalitarianism, has been their demise? Is it naivety, ignorance, or a willing suspension of disbelief? Who knows!
• Why do those of the black race vote for those who have created the scenario guaranteeing they will always be slave? What logic, is it also naivety, or ignorance, or advancing stupidity as they should know better?
• The many fronts in the war against this nation are varied. They come in every nook and cranny that is identifiable. Yet, there is one commonality, which every American should know by now, and have not the slightest illusion of the reality of this fact. This administration, this application of our government, this despicable congress – that will not impeach this proven enemy of this nation, this president – are our enemies.
• Once upon a time, there was some strange naivety we, the citizens of this nation, could forget being vigilant. We are now experiencing that result. There are many times in this nation’s history when the winds of change, the ‘fundamental transformation’ have occurred. The mistake of 1789, the national bank, the war of northern aggression, the Federal Reserve, deficit spending, social security, cronyism, and the list is as long as the pages stored in the congressional library.
• This nation is simple; it is so pure that how we’ve reached this place in history has only one identifier. The day those in government, became more interested in power – our first constitution congress – and forgot the role of this nation’s government … to preserve our citizens inalienable rights … we sealed this result we have reaped.
• Tomorrow, when all who believe in this nation, vote, remember our objective. Simply put, we need those who also believe in this nation, not those who would only run for office to advance their – political parties – objective.
• Vigilance is effort, and for far too long, this nation’s citizens have forgotten that realty, which is fact. Sadly we as a nation as Roger Ascham identified, It is costly wisdom that is bought by experience. We’ve paid the price, experienced the tragedy – and in doing so – have seemingly gained nothing from the experience.
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I know this is long but when I read it I felt like I had been hit by a brick.. WHY????????? and the answer..
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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