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Michael Savage: "Trumps War" - His Battle For America


"When you look at the world today,

What is your point of view?"…

" You may not realize how bad it was, because the lying media didn't call any of this rioting. No, these Brownshirt street thugs were ""Protesters""."  Michael Savage

"Let's not forget these aren't spontaneous, grassroots uprisings by honestly concerned liberals. These are organized criminal mobs, funded by George Soros to wreak chaos on American cities."  Michael Savage

ACLU Launches Nationwide Resistance Training.

In his book Michael Savage has identified 188 different groups/organizations that are funded by Soros. The ACLU is one of them.

March 13, 2017 at 6:55 am

FALMOUTH — In an effort to attract and energize volunteers, the American Civil Liberties Union livestreamed a resistance training video Saturday evening to thousands of groups across the country, showing people how to get involved in fighting the policies and rhetoric coming from President Donald Trump’s office.

The training was also the launch of People Power, a grass-roots effort by the national civil rights group aiming to engage volunteers to “take the fight against Donald Trump’s policies not just into the courts, but into the streets,” according to the ACLU’s website.

“We have seen a huge groundswell of support for the ACLU,” said Matt Allen, a field director at ACLU of Massachusetts.

The event informed people about their rights when protesting or when stopped by the police. “It’s the first step in building longer-term campaigns,” Allen said.

Jonathan Polloni, a Falmouth-based real estate lawyer, organized a viewing of the training session at the Falmouth Public Library. It was one of the handful of People Power events held Saturday on the Cape and Islands.

Polloni said he donated money to the ACLU after the election, and the organization reached out to him to host the event.

“My wife kind of got me to take action,” Polloni said. Policies that have come out of the Trump administration have shocked the attorney and inspired him to get involved. “The genesis really was the Muslim ban.”

More than 50 people gathered in a meeting room in the bottom floor of the library and listened as Anthony Romero, the executive director of the ACLU, opened the event, which was broadcast from Miami.

“These last four months have been certainly challenging for the ACLU,” Romero said.

The group plans to continue fighting Trump in court on his travel ban affecting six majority-Muslim countries and lead the fight to protect civil, First Amendment, LGBT, and reproductive rights, but they need ordinary citizens to also resist, he said.

Faiz Shakir, the national political director of the ACLU, called on the people to set up meetings with their town’s police departments to talk about their policies regarding the local enforcement of federal immigration laws.

One way to fight Trump’s threats against so-called “sanctuary cities” is to make sure local law enforcement are not involved in enforcing federal immigration laws, he said. The ACLU provided a model policy for how state and local police departments should handle immigration laws, and Polloni is planning on reaching out to Falmouth Police Chief Edward Dunne to talk about the issue. Attendees also suggested bringing up the topic at the upcoming “Coffee with a Cop” event.

Other speakers during the training touched on protesters’ rights, what to do if ICE comes to a neighbor’s home, and the importance of contacting federal legislators. Shakir also asked that people write to the ACLU to give them ideas on how to resist Trump’s policies.

Karen Bacigalupi, of Mashpee, said she went to the training because she wanted to see how she could get involved.

“Every single group that Trump has gone after, I have friends in these communities,” she said.

Glenn Rowland, who attended the training with his wife, Marilyn, said he was driven to attend the session after seeing Trump’s actions since he was elected.

“I was really spurred on by what is going on after the election on the national level,” said Rowland, a Falmouth resident. The new administration has created an anti-immigrant and anti-rights atmosphere, he said, and the training provided him with ideas to get publicly active.

“We realized our rights certainly can get trampled on,” he said.

The group plans to meet again on April 8 at the library to continue the momentum of events like the Women’s March and other protests around the country.


___Soros Gave The ACLU $35 Million To Train Anti-Government Protesters

March 8, 2017 William Craddick, Disobedient Media

The American Civil Liberties Union is moving away from legal advocacy to organizing and training revolutionary protest groups called People Power. Soros’ Open Society Institute has given the ACLU over $35 million and millions more to other leftist organizations to file lawsuits against the policies of President Trump. This is part of Soros’ strategy to “reshape the American justice system” which includes funding leftist district attorneys in political races across the country. -GEG

Startling developments have revealed that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has moved beyond their original charter as a legal advocate for individual rights under the Constitution to actively taking a hand in training and organizing protest groups throughout the country. Their shift in focus came just over a month after reports emerged that George Soros was sinking tens of millions into the group through his affiliated organizations. Articles prominently featured by the ACLU announcing the shift towards actively organizing anti-government protests are authored by a former employee of Soros-funded groups. The startling shift indicates that the ACLU has decided to participate in Soros driven protest movements with the goal of subverting American democracy and driving regime change in the United States.

I. The ACLU Has Actively Begun To Assist In Protest Organization

The ACLU’s shift from their traditional mandate of legal advocacy appears to have occurred sometime in February 2017, with the announcement of People Power, a campaign consisting of what they described as “Resistance Training” to “take the fight against Donald Trump’s policies not just into the courts, but into the streets.” The training sessions are to be broadcast nationally via livestream. The shift appears to have been announced on February 24, 2017 in an article authored by the ACLU’s National Political Director, Faiz Shakir. Shakir apparently also runs the ACLU’s Reddit account, using it for an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Reddit to announce the rollout of People Power. In the session, Mr. Shakir explained that the campaign would consist of more than 1,500 events, to organize a “volunteer army to fight back” in what he described as “the fight of our lives.” Announcements of the campaign are also being astroturfed to multiple left leaning subreddits in an attempt to garner support.

II. Faiz Shakir Is A Former Employee Of Soros-Controlled Organizations, People Power Was Launched After Major Funding From George Soros

Preliminary investigation has uncovered facts which call into question the incentives behind the ACLU’s decision to become involved with political protest. Faiz Shakir, the author of the ACLU’s announcement of People Power, spent seven years working at the Center for American Progress and was a founding member and editor-in-chief of The Center for American Progress (CAP) was a project spearheaded by John Podesta with heavy funding from George Soros. ThinkProgress was founded by the CAP to serve as its blog and news outlet, alongside David Brock’s propaganda outlet Media Matters. Brock has recently come under fire amid revelations that his new organization, Shareblue, has improper ties to the Chinese government, organizations in the City of London, Mexico, Israel and multiple Middle Eastern states. Shakir also served as a senior advisor to Senator Harry Reid and as a senior adviser and director of digital media for Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. His past associations with Soros-funded groups and prominent Democrat political figures raise questions about his apparent role spearheading the ACLU’s drive to become involved in training and equipping protestors.

Mr. Shakir speaking at Capitol Hill

The ACLU itself has received massive amounts of funding from George Soros. A February 6th, 2017 article from Zerohedge cited research from LifeZette and the Capital Research Center indicating that Soros’s Open Society Institute has sunk over $35 million into the ACLU alone and millions more to other liberal organizations directly involved in filing lawsuits against various policies of Donald Trump all around the country. The massive donation drive is part of Soros’ overall effort to “reshape the American justice system” by buying district attorneys in races across the country.

III. The ACLU’s Sudden Drive To Assist With Protest Organization Appears To Be Part Of A Wider Attempt By George Soros To Implement Regime Change In The United States

The presence of Soros and Democrat-aligned individuals who are closely involved with the ACLU’s sudden drive to assist with protest efforts and the major funding Soros has given to the ACLU seriously calls into question the ACLU’s People Power movement. Given Soros’ major support for other protest movements across the U.S. in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s defeat of his supported candidate Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election, the funds sunk into the ACLU appear to be part of a wider effort to effect regime change in the United States. Soros and his affiliated organizations have already faced backlash over the past year in multiple Eastern European countries amid accusations that he was meddling in their political processes and improperly seeking to influence public opinion. The People Power movement, in light of the involvement of Mr. Shakir and the major funding given to the ACLU by Soros serves in effect to further his overall goals of political control in the United States, irregardless of the purported good intentions behind it.

The following are quotes from the book, "Trumps War - The Battle For America'

"This is the man who gave $33 Million to Black Lives Matter and who funds and the rest of his so called Open Society Foundations."

" George Soros is the Napoleon of American socialism. The sheer number of subversive organizations that have received funding from this man is staggering."

Breitbart Article on Another huge anti-Trump organization and event.

Hundreds of thousands of service workers are planning an anti-Trump labor strike for May 1, BuzzFeed reported Saturday.

Nearly 350,000 workers plan to strike President Trump’s agenda on International Workers’ Day on May 1.

More than 300,000 food chain workers and 40,000 unionized service workers will walk off the job that day, according to a coalition of groups leading the strike.

Multiple thousands of employees from the Service Employees International Union and United Service Workers West, led by David Huerta, will strike.

“We understand that there’s risk involved in that,” Huerta told BuzzFeed News, “but we’re willing to take that risk in order to be able to move forward in this moment, while the most marginalized are in the crosshairs of this administration.”

A statement announcing the strike says that participants will be rejecting Trump’s policies on immigration and what they say is his “agenda of hate and greed.”

“We need to show this Administration, Congress and large corporate interests that our human and economic worth is more powerful than their agenda of hate and greed,” the statement reads. “Opposing Trump is not enough. We must stop him.”

The last time there was a major strike of this magnitude was when the first Day Without Immigrants took place in 2006

"As Trump said himself during his speech, "This is your day..This is your celebration. And this, the United States of American, is your country." That means this is our fight and requires our leadership as much as his. Blind worship will not help him or us."  Michael Savage

"Remember, it was God's will that this underdog, Donald Trump, defeated the vast armies of the New World Order. We must pray for him and for our nation while standing strong again the global forces of collectivism"   Michael Savage


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Comment by Babs Jordan on March 21, 2017 at 1:07pm

Great posting!  This has been going on far too long!  Clearly, where would they be without him and his money?

Comment by LeAnne J. King on March 20, 2017 at 9:25pm

We must continue to be aware and vigilant against the forces against this very country.  Our job is definitely not done.  Thanks for keeping us informed.

Comment by FCTP on March 20, 2017 at 4:56pm

According to the Progressive playbook, chaos is a desirable objective to vigorously pursue. In their pursuit of chaos, the Progressives are masters at turning the world upside down.

Ironically, “chaos” is the preferred nickname of Secretary of Defense James Mattis. who is well known for turning our enemies’ world upside down. He mirrors the tactics adopted by left-wing extremists.

This cabal have many tools available to attack the Trump administration. Embedded within the bureaucracy are moles who impede policy and selectively leak information. This negative information is handed over to the left-wing mainstream media where, rather than check the accuracy of the information, they disseminate fake news stories and generate hit pieces attacking the administration. The media, in turn, is joined by Progressive political mouthpieces, like Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, and Elijah Cummings on one side of the political aisle and Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Justin Amash on the Republican side. They gin things up by calling for Trump appointees to step down.

Organizing for Action, led by former President Obama, organizes, trains and supports 3,000 left-wing radicals who lead protests against President Trump all across the country from their 250 offices. Some of these protests turn violent displaying anarchy on the streets. This past weekend, leftist attacked middle-class citizens gathered for supporting President Trump. At a Berkeley demonstration, a week earlier, directed against against Milo Yiannopoulos, these left-wing demonstrators caused $100,000 in damage on the campus.

The shock troops, which were financed by billionaire George Soros, dressed in black with their faces covered, and spread their dystopian behavior on our streets. They intimidate and attack people and police, smash windows, and set fires to top off their Progressive chaos.

How long will the common man put up with this assault on our country? It won’t stop until good people step up and demand a return to civility in our politics – and insist on honesty from politicians and the media – and respect each other. Until we as a people, who again support these Judeo/Christian values, the chaos of the left-wing Progressive radicals will continue to divide us. And we must remember a house divided cannot stand. Pray for personal discernment!

Comment by Carole McManus on March 20, 2017 at 11:46am

Bravo on a most informative Monday Tea!  So revealing!  The ACLU is working against the U.S.  And so much more.  Thank you.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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