California is known for their large fires that destroy forests and homes at least once a year during “Fire Season”. I question why the heck people would live in California. Every year it seems to be the same story yet people still build and develop in areas that are prone to fires. Californians are “different” in many ways and I wondered at times if the smoke had damaged their thought processes over the years. They vote on strange bills; pass laws that hurt the majority of their citizens; scream about saving the bait fish while farmers can’t grow food; let the environmentalists run their towns into the ground; and demean capitalism when Hollywood elites are some of the richest in our society! Yep, that ash has done some real damage to their decision-making.
North Florida has been experiencing smoke-filled skies from fires recently and we are getting a taste of what it feels like to live in California. It has caused a lot of breathing problems and other illnesses. The ash building up on cars and homes is creating a mess that is difficult to clean up. (Just try sweeping pieces of ash and see what happens!)
The ash must be affecting our Lame Duck City Council and Mayor. It appears they are attempting to rush through some bills here at the last hour of this administration. Many in the tea party have become Watchmen on the Wall and alerted us to some things you NEED to know about.
Watchman to Crescimbeni
It has been brought to our attention that there are several questionable bills in City Council that are being un-vetted and fast tracked by the Mayor and City Council.
These bills are dealing with money being given by the JEDC to Everbank for a move to downtown and for a parking garage that Everbank will benefit from.
Also there is a move to purchase land for the bus terminal, that has not fully been looked into. There has been NO approval for a Regional Transportation Center project to buy any land for JTA so that they do not have to pay for it. This bill should be withdrawn.
Also there is a $500,000.00 three old dispute between the Jaguars and the City of Jacksonville on who is responsible for paying. It seems that this could be easily resolved by having city attorneys look at the contract between the COJ and the Jaguars.
The city of Jacksonville has given enough to Everbank and the Jaguars. We gave up $4,000,000.00 to sweeten the deal for naming rights to Everbank.
In a time where every penny should be carefully spent and watched, Mayor Peyton and this city Council is doing a absolutely lousy job and the people of Jacksonville are NOT going stand for anymore wasteful spending or backroom deals. Proper criteria is not being met. We have read a report last year or in 2009 that Everbank was sitting on over $560,000,000.00 million dollars. Our tax dollars should not go towards their move or a parking garage period. The city without consent from the tax payers has already given them over $4,000,000.00 million dollars that could of gone towards our broken school system or infrastructure.
We will be sending a copy to the State of Florida and will be keeping a close eye on all bills coming up before the Council that are passed and signed by the Mayor.
Everbank is a business and should be paying their own way, period. We have also noticed that several international companies are involved also, El-Ad and Parador Partners, LLC. Why is this being hidden?
There appears to be a lot of money flying between the Weavers, Jaguars, Everbank, Mayor Peyton, etc., at the cost to Jacksonville Taxpayers who deserve better, it is our money.
These bills are not going through the proper channels or being allowed public participation. We want you to go through the correct procedures and stop the illegal fast tracking because June 30th is the end of your/or others term.
This is proof that a strong, independent ETHIC Committee needs to be put into place for the people of Jacksonville to make sure money is not wasted or misdirected and that our elected representatives remain true to their oath office and remain honorable stewards to the peoples' seats in Jacksonville, Florida.
Crescimbeni to Watchman:
Thank you for your email. Your list is generally correct, and all the legislation you
listed is on the fast track by the mayor to be voted on at our next City Council meeting.
However, please be advised that you will need to add two more to the list. There were two pension bills added to the addendum to the addendum to the agenda of last night's meeting (2011-399 and 2011-400). I believe both are now available for review online on the City Councils web page. Their introduction (first reading) was very last minute. In fact, I have learned that the Office of General Counsel presented them to the Legislative Services Division after the start of last night's City Council meeting.
As a result, the addendum to the addendum to the agenda (listing the same) was typed up in a different format than usual, because OGC had to prepare it (a function normally handled by Legislative Services - but they were all staffing the ongoing City Council meeting and couldn't do it).
It is my understanding that the mayor wants these bills taken up as an emergency next week in City Council committee meetings, and then he wants a final vote by the full City Council at our next City Council meeting on June 28. Imagine that? Two bills with a potential $700 million impact on the city, and the mayor wants an emergency vote. I don’t think such a hasty approach is a prudent one and I’m not going to put the taxpayers at risk by rushing legislation through just because the mayor wants to get it done before he leaves office on June 30.
That the mayor is pushing to have nearly a dozen pieces of complicated legislation introduced in the waning days of his term, approved by the City Council before his term ends June 30. What can citizens do to stop it? Speak out via emails to Council
members and by attending and speaking at City Council and Committee meetings.
We are unsure what is going on but it doesn’t appear to be transparent and where there is smoke there is fire! We appreciate our watchmen and we really appreciate Councilman Crescimbeni’s candor.
We also want to alert you to a hastily called Emergency meeting that will be held this coming Tuesday, June 21 at 1:00 in City Council Chambers. This emergency meeting will take up the issue of the Pensions. The fires are being set all over and we need you and other watchmen to do your part. A simple email, a phone call or appearance at these meetings is all you need to do to activate your citizenship!
Contact your City Council Member (and the others too if you have the time). Contact information can be found here: Email/Phone City Council Members List
Ask these questions when you contact them:
Again, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Don’t let the ashes get you down!
Roberto read you following sentence after your question, you answered it.
Well stated as usual Billie.
I attended the city council meeting last Tuesday for the first time as a newbie. Don't read this if you think you'll get any more info about the proceedings. My comments are just observations of a guy thats never been to a city council meeting.
I had seen meetings on TV before, but by actually being there, I was able to see these politicians up close. At times I thought I might have made a wrong turn on one of the downtown streets I am not familiar with, (who goes downtown unless it"s necessary) and erroneously ended up at a large comedy or drama club with good security.
Confusion was rampant at times, as they tried to vote on the amendment to the amendment to the change proposed by ............... what bill was that? What are we voting on? .......... Excuse me Mr. President, you said I could speak but you must have forgot (twice) .......What are we voting on? Ah... lets refer this back to committee..... I didn't know we were gonna vote on this tonight....
Any more outbursts and I will clear the room, etc., etc. Oh, THAT was a good one.
To say the least, I was not impressed with the proceedings but I was with the extra large comfy chairs, computer screens, private side exit doors, and the elevated platforms for the council. It seemed as though the Kings court was now in session and the little people may speak down below when given permission. These council folks had a lot of stamina, and obvious some had done their homework, and were respectful to one another with their words, but their expressions of disgust and impatience at times could only be appreciated if one were actually in attendance. You can't get this from TV, and, as they say, "you can't make this up"
Mr. Jack Webb seemed more like an auctioneer rather than a city council president, and tried to move the agenda along but made it abundantly and thuggishly clear he was in charge and would take no prisoners.
Citizens were given the opportunity to speak for three minutes about whatever bill was being considered and were treated with respect, but I got the impression after observing the council that most had already made up their minds, and some of the speakers (especially the ones that spoke more than twice and seemed to be regulars) were an aggravation or a joke to some on the council.
On the bills.....
I don't understand how a 700 MILLION pension bill for consideration that night could be placed on an "emergency" status by a lame duck mayor. An emergency? What the heck? Payback?
I also don't understand how a large well funded bank like Everbank gets to have you and I pay for their move downtown, which will NEVER be a viable location in a free market unless 10,000 residents actually live there, without subsidies, and it makes ECONOMIC sense. Payback?
I don't understand why I have to pay for a basic parking lot improvement to a large insurance company on the South side. Payback?
Well, I an just one of the little people, and things are made confusing so we can remain mushrooms, what the hell do I know.
Perhaps, If I got to sit in one of those extra big, comfy impressive chairs, sitting high above the peasants I'd be a lot smarter....................
I'll be back.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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