Next weekend will be the weekend before Thanksgiving (can you believe it?) and many of us are planning our family gatherings. Some will be here in town and others will pack up their car and head over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house. Many will also pack their bags and fly to family reunions or winter getaways. This is a busy time of year at the airports and TV crews show up to see if the lines are long or if the weather has caused setbacks. It is a very exciting time and the thrill of getting away with family and friends is now being “manhandled” by the Federal government.

Our mission in the tea party is: Support the principles of our founding fathers which are limited government, personal responsibility and accountability and moral leadership. We believe TSA has gone over and above their call of duty and big government instead of limited government is reigning in America -- especially at the airports.

There are so many stories about TSA’s manhandling that I’m not sure how to even describe them all. Here are a few links for you to check out. Beware…some of them are X-rated and young children should not be nearby when you read them. You might just have a few cuss words that you can’t help but say!

· Here’s the first encounter by a mother traveling alone with an infant. This is X-rated and happened in the last few days. http://www.ourlittlechatterboxes.com/2010/11/tsa-sexual-assault.html

· The second encounter is with a man who is going pheasant hunting and does a little homework before he leaves for the airport. http://johnnyedge.blogspot.com/2010/11/these-events-took-place-roughly-between.html

· The third encounter is with a 3 year old being checked by TSA agents as her mother tries to calm her and her father takes the video. See video below.

To say that this is okay and we need to do it for everyone’s personal safety is nothing less than a joke or a lie. I am reminded of Ben Franklin who once said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

We are patting down 3 year olds, breast feeding mothers, 80 year olds in wheel chairs and we allow those wearing burqas to pass through without a pat down or a body scan. Loose fitting clothing with plastic explosives attached inside could easily slip by and end up on a plane.

Our world has gone mad and now Mothers are mad too! How dare TSA touch a woman in the manner they did! How dare TSA grope a 3 year old child! How dare TSA threaten a man with a civil suit if he doesn’t allow the pat down!

The next time you fly – be prepared to either be groped or your nude pictures could end up on the internet. Also be prepared to stand up for your rights. It's called Civil Disobedience and yes, these are the times that challenge our souls.

We are taking suggestions on how best to deal with this so here are a couple to start with and we would love to hear from you:

1. Call your airline carrier and ask them what they plan to do about this situation. Will they fully refund your money if you refuse to be radiated or groped?

2. Contact TSA and ask them what background checks they perform on their “handlers.” How do they know the people they are hiring do not have deviant attitudes about sexual encounters? Are they mentally and emotionally prepared to grope you and do they do it with sensitivity and respect? What is the process by which they were trained to grope you?

3. Purchase a burqa and wear it when you travel. You can slide right through without a problem. Consider setting up a kiosk at the airport “Rent-a-Burqua” and then turn it in when you land. (Might as well be a Capitalist and make some dollars off this insanity!)

4. Remember the movie “When Harry Met Sally” – the scene in the restaurant? You can refuse to be body scanned but ask for the groping. When they grope you, you can be “Sally” and you can embarrass the one who is groping you OR you can simply scream Rape as we taught our children to do if someone touched them in their private parts. It would be great if you can have a friend video it so you can post it on Youtube and make a lot of money as it goes viral! (Again, thinking of that Capitalism thing!)

5. Refuse to fly. Drive or take the train. It certainly is not as quick a trip but you will see the beauty of America and can chat with your family in the car, listen to your favorite music and play Car Bingo with your kids. Let the windows down and enjoy the breeze.

I’m sorry this posting was not motivational today. This is a serious situation and you should be warned and prepared as you fly to Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving. In closing, here are the new lyrics to this great old song we sang back when days were easier and life in America was not so scary.

Have a great week and make those calls. We need to do something about this and if not us – then who?

Over the river and thru the wood,
To grandmother's house we go;
TSA knows the way
To make you pay,
As an American boarding a plane, oh!
Over the river and thru the wood,
Oh, how the glove does flow!
It touches the toes,
And other oh no’s,
As over the body they go.

Over the river and thru the wood,
To grandmother's house we go;
3 year olds groped by TSA
As Terrorists hide bombs in robes
As they touch our toes,
And other oh no’s,
As over the body they go.

Views: 27


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Comment by Ernest Lephart on November 29, 2010 at 9:06am
My protest with TSA:
Thank you for contacting Orbitz.

Customer 11/27/2010 05:32 PM
I have canceled my email notice because I am not going to fly as long as the government is treating everyone like a criminal. I have been unhappy with the unlawful search resulting from having to leave my suite case unlocked. I refuse to be scanned by machines that show my necked body to anyone or be grouped by questionably trained TSA agents.

NOT going to fly because of TSA

Discussion Thread
Response (Email Customer Service) 11/27/2010 06:13 PM
Dear Orbitz Customer,

Thank you for contacting Orbitz.

I understand you are unhappy with the TSA policy.

I apologize for the inconvenience you have encountered.

We appreciate your concerns about privacy. Since the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) is responsible for passenger screening, please consider sharing your comments directly with them or your elected government representative.



Alvin Foster
Orbitz Email Service Team

When you Orbitz, you know!

My letters to the address given by Orbitz:
I am not going to fly as long as the government is treating everyone like a criminal. I have been unhappy with the unlawful search resulting from having to leave my suite case unlocked. I refuse to be scanned by machines that show my necked body to anyone or be grouped by questionably trained TSA agents. Just because you have hired these TSA agents and put them through some training. Does that mean that they are any different than any other person when they see a necked form are they someone who is immune to the sexual response. How do we know they are not pedophiles that have not been caught yet? I have heard reports of pictures being collected and passed around. How can you guarantee this in not happening?
• I do not care what is going on by forcing us to leave or suite cases open you are violating our Fourth Amendment – Protection from unreasonable search and seizure.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
You are treating us all as guilty with an reasonable cause and I will not participate in it. By subjecting us to these searches at the airports you are violating the same rights in a most foul way.

If it is your goal to make air travel more unpalatable you have done it. If you wise to harass the American people to get them used to being compliant I don’t think that is going to work either. I believe these methods are going to backfire. You have been tried at the poling place once just recently and lost. Keep up these police state tactics and well see which way the next election goes. Don't be surprised if you wind up in court. How many terrorist have you caught sense implementing these procedures. How much are they costing the tax payers and adding to the price of an airline ticket?
Comment by Bob Honiker on November 17, 2010 at 2:17pm
David the Constitution MUST prevail. We are losing it, one tiny piece at a time. Do you really believe that governments ever willingly give up power once they have it?
Slopes really are slippery and we are sliding right this minute, and faster every minute.
Comment by David on November 17, 2010 at 1:09pm
We need to demand that the government scan ALL cargo that is put onto passenger planes...this is our weakness and where we are the most vulnerable. The government needs to do all that they can to keep us from being blown up in flight!! I don't like the invasion of my privacy, but if they want to pat me down and scan me....just make it apply to everyone....Burka garbed women included and ALL cargo! Bottom line is I don't want to be on a plane where cargo or someone has a bomb!!! Let's demand a secure border also, talk about danger to us all, it's insane!!!!
Comment by Tracy on November 17, 2010 at 9:24am
Here is another article confirming what I already thought about these grope downs...
That they are an intentional retaliation for refusing to submit to naked scans,that are meant to first coerce cooperation and if no cooperation is forthcoming they are meant to harass and intimidate and embarass.
Comment by Tracy on November 17, 2010 at 7:43am
Even without the 4th amendment,privacy ,and ethical issues that have already been presented in this thread in great detail ,there is still the health issue over the x-ray's.
""No exposure to X-ray is considered beneficial. We know X-rays are hazardous "
Thats a quote from this article http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/11/body-scanners-dangerous-scientists/
People are already bombarded with these rays on a daily basis when flying in the upper atmosphere and also to some extent here on the ground.What will be the consequence of EXTRA exposure on the human body? Frequent flyers will get dose after dose of radiation as will the flight crew.And of course we have an article that says they want to deploy these scanners elsewhere on the ground too.And not only do they want to deploy scanners in buildings but they now having roaming x ray vans that you won't even know about http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20101025/11370211578/x-ray-scanner...
Comment by Bob Honiker on November 17, 2010 at 3:49am
TED LEE , which part of inalienable rights don't you understand?
Comment by Lynne Roberts on November 16, 2010 at 7:42pm
Excerpts from a Canadian Free Press article: (OSI Systems makes the invasive scanners used at airports)
A look at OSI Systems, Inc., including its Rapiscan subsidiary identifies Deepak Chopra as the president and CEO. Chopra, individually and through his PAC, has been identified as a significant donor to the Democratic party, including contributions to the campaigns of Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton. He accompanied President Obama and his royal entourage by invitation on his recent trip to India to promote further trade between the two countries.
Investigation into the financials of Rapiscan and its parent company becomes even more interesting when it is learned that George Soros also holds a financial stock interest in the company. As of last June, Soros held about 12,000 shares of OSI stock.

First, there has been heightened awareness of the possible radiological dangers posed to the TSA agents operating the scanners as well as to the passengers being screened. Although there have been numerous official assurances to the public that the scanners pose no health risks, several scientists and radiologists have concluded otherwise.
Comment by Ernest Lephart on November 16, 2010 at 7:37pm
I decided not to fly again about 2 years ago. between the loss of freedom, being treated like cattle by the airlines and having to leave you bags unlocked. I agree that we could learn from Israel if security were what the government was really trying to accomplish. I have a feeling that the government is really trying to condition us into submitting as the article that Billie directed us to by the Canadian Free press. Roma,Tray, Billie and the rest of you are confirming my feelings as well.
Comment by Tracy on November 16, 2010 at 5:17pm
"bad guys dont care about our constitution their goal is kill American's.Once we realize this and help our leaders by providing constructive solutions."

I'm pretty sure we all know this already.We're just unwilling to allow the government in its pursuit of terrorism to become a terror itself.

It seems obvious to me they don't want other solutions or they would have implemented them already.Someone here mentioned Israels methods already.
IMO,This is not about security if Miss Janet is willing to excuse an entire group of people.This is about something more sinister,which is the giving up of our right to be free of unwarranted searches and the ability to question the authority to do so.
Comment by TED LEE on November 16, 2010 at 4:35pm
This is the real world , like I said the bad guys dont care about our constitution their goal is kill American's. Once we realize this and help our leaders by providing constructive solutions. I would like to believe that 90 plus percent support TSA efforts, if not God or who ever you or whatever you believe in under our freedom as Americans, PLEASE help us, find the best way to go about security. I agree with you , NO ONE !! should be allowed to avoid the security checks, now that's a constructive solution.

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The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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