TSA and the loss of freedom in the USA

So the government wants to herd us through the scanners like sheep. It's safe they say,its discreet,and its much preferable to our over the top unwarranted custody search that will be done to coerce you to choose the right option the next time you fly. But how much do we know about these machines? There seems to be a lot of issues with them as far as I can tell. Not only the radiation they emit, the privacy concerns,the moral issues they raise (if they scan children under 18 could that be considered child pornography?) but what actually do they accomplish besides taking photos of American citizens naked? The porn scans don't see what's inside bodies they only show what's directly underneath clothing. I would love for the TSA to please tell me how these scanners will catch a terrorist who inserts something somewhere unmentionable? Should we then allow the government to do body cavity checks on all passengers as a preboarding precaution? And we were told that the images could not be saved or transmitted but we have seen this to be blatantly false.
These scans that are aimed at the public also don't catch things like cargo bombs. So should we stop flying cargo on planes as well? The machines also do not detect powders. So what exactly do the scanners do besides enriching politicians and people like George Soros with stakes in the scanner companies?


It seems to me that the machines and the pat downs are more for security show than any thing real. And possibly for a more sinister purpose...That of training Americans to accept this kind of blatant disregard for our god given rights without questioning if there is the authority to do so.
But of course we keep hearing the argument that this is in response to the underwear bomber. Its only because the government cares for us so much that they are willing to treat us like criminals to ensure our safety. It reminds me of the movie I-Robot where the robot brain that has become self aware has the twisted logic that the best way to protect humans from harm is to completely control every aspect of human existence. Sounds a lot like the attitude of our current administration does it not? Although they could hardly claim such a high purpose,their main interest is in power,total and complete.

But back to the underwear bomber,its time to get a little perspective here. First thing,he boarded in ANOTHER country,so I don't see how American citizens being subjected to this treatment would have stopped him, we cannot possibly hope to control the security at airports that are in all foreign countries. Second those in charge had PREVIOUS knowledge that this guy was a terrorist and YET they still managed to turn what could have been a solid win into a failure by letting him board even after his own father pointed him out to them. Third he bought his international ticket in cash and checked no luggage. The fact that he had no luggage seems really odd to me but apparently not to anybody else. So now because THEY failed we have to pay for it? And let's be real here if Homeland Security were so concerned with terrorists they would secure our borders ASAP. I just heard a news story this morning about how terrorists are streaming through the open borders but yet Janet Incompetano is more worried about shaking down our own citizens than actually doing anything about that situation.And le'ts not forget that this woman is the one who said that terrorism should be called a "man made disaster" Back then she certainly didn't want to offend anyone by calling them terrorists.Well, except for the fact that she did say that the Tea parties were growing domestic terror.And she certainly has found a new zeal for terrorism considering her new policies are aimed at Americans who she figures deserves them.

I don't know about the rest of my fellow citizens out there but I don't feel safer that the government can just randomly select and search any American citizen with no probable cause while conveniently pretending that we are all just as likely to be a terrorist as the next guy. If people allow this kind of intrusion at the airport where will it end? They are already talking about installing these at bus stations and train stations. Is your personal vehicle going to be next, or your home? Maybe next they will ban all things that could be used to carry out a terror attack,knives, tools,guns,lighters,matches,cars, trucks,baseball bats,the list could go on and on and include everything you use or are around in your daily life. Just exactly how much intrusion are you ready to live with before you say enough is enough? Total safety is an illusion, and we have the government selling this illusion to us at the price of our liberty and our dignity as human beings. Will Americans give away their most precious resource to believe in the illusion?

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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 26, 2010 at 5:40am
And folks just went right through like sheep over the Thanksgiving holiday and the media gobbled it up by saying people realized it was to keep us safe. Nothing they are doing will stop the next jihadist radical from blowing up a plane. They won't use a method they have already used and that is what the government is now checking and they moved backwards rather than looking at what might be next. They are now doing things again they had finally stopped doing. It is all a very sick joke at the expense, as you said, of our freedom and rights against unreasonable search and seizure.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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