I called my daughter to work out the details of our Thanksgiving weekend. She has a new baby and it appears we may not be able to head out the door at 4:00 AM Friday morning for our traditional outing. We really never buy anything except breakfast and a couple of Starbucks before 10:00 AM yet it has become a tradition for us.
Although we can’t enjoy this yearly outing, we planned a new tradition and we will have breakfast together at a normal hour and head to a large Arts and Crafts show later in the morning. When the girls are old enough to tag along with Mom and Mimi, we will rejoin the crazy crowd of shoppers at 4:00 AM again.
While on the phone I mentioned that I might try something new and different for our Thanksgiving meal. Instead of turkey I was thinking a nice juicy prime rib with different trimmings than our normal dressing, gravy, green beans, macaroni and cheese and pumpkin pie.
My daughter is super-traditional and you just don’t mess with “how things are done in our family.” She had a fit. “Mom, one change at a time. You can’t do that. You HAVE to fix the same stuff. It’s tradition.”
So instead of trying that new recipe that caught my eye in a recent magazine, I headed off to the store to pack my basket with the “same stuff” that we always have. Celery and onions – only the white ones will do --– check! Special cornmeal my mother in law MUST have for her dressing – check! Longhorn cheese (not easy to find) for mac and cheese – check! Two packages of Land of Lakes REAL butter – check! Five pounds of sweet potatoes carefully picked – all the same size – check! And then the finale – the largest Butterball turkey – not frozen – still fresh - check! And of course – the pumpkin pie ingredients and the makings for a birthday cake for Uncle Tommy who celebrates his birthday with us on Thanksgiving every year.
As I packed the refrigerator and rearranged the shelves to accommodate the big purchase, I thanked God I had the ability to celebrate traditions, purchase large amounts of food and plan a big celebration with my precious family.
My heart is filled with thanks for my new grand baby who came into this world with no problems this year and for my other two grand girls who are adorable and sweet. I am thankful for my husband of 37 years who has put up with me and my new found passion in the liberty movement. I am thankful for my children who turned out to be great American citizens and chose nearly perfect people as their life long partners. I am thankful my mother in law is still with us at the age of 87 and we are celebrating one more Thanksgiving with her and her yummy dressing. I am thankful for my friends in the tea party movement who have stood up and said – “We like America and we love our traditions. We don’t like your change.”
I am thankful that America has a chance to reframe the dialogue as we head to 2012. I am thankful God woke us up and gave millions of us a chance to right the wrongs in our culture.
There are many reasons to be thankful this Thanksgiving and I hope you will take time to consider your own personal blessings.
Take time, too, to consider the richness of all America has to offer. We are a nation of traditions and although some would like to change them, they are the fabric of our lives. We may not be a perfect nation but we are as close to it as you can get. No other nation was founded on Godly principles and formed according to scripture. Our nation has welcomed more to our shores and our traditions than any other on this planet. While not perfect…I am proud of my country and I am thankful to be an American.
God bless you as you plan your family traditions this week. Whatever they are, we hope you will be safe in your travels and will relish each moment you spend with your loved ones. Say a prayer for those who lost a loved one this year or who lost a job. Some are depressed during the holiday season and if you know anyone like that, invite them to share in your holiday so they are not alone.
And in closing, don’t forget the cranberry sauce. There’s nothing like listening to the “plop” as it exits the can! Back to the store for me – I forgot that one! Check!
Enjoy the video -- Happy Thanksgiving, my dear friends!
Beautiful. I too am encouraged by my young nieces who want to keep things "traditional". They are old enough now to contribute to holiday dinners and so they get to make the old recipes and beam with pride when the compliments flow. It is very important to them to be together on these key days and we are very grateful. They are not of the "occupier" mentality and work hard for them money so spend wisely and know they should not expect handouts. They are generous and kind and I am proud of them and thankful that they became conservatives when they looked at the deductions in their first paychecks!
Very nice
I am thankful i got to spend some time around a camp fire Saturday night with friends, and thankful for the truck-load of firewood i cut yesterday and for the venison from the deer i shot on my property yesterday. Thankful that we can still own firearms, land and thankful that a lot of us Washington outsiders get it.
We give thanks for all these things which God our Father has given us -- Freedom, liberty, Constitution, vote, and for the people who try to lead us away from socialism and the destruction of our nation By name, Mr. Speaker - Newt Gingrich, our military, Sen. Marco Rubio, Congressman Allen West, and you, Billie. It was good to see you at the Landings for Newt! Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Loved your story. First time ever I decided not to do a turkey. Instead a Prime rib with bone . Had I "but it is Thanksgiving" Still having roast beef,mashed potatoes,green beans and apple pie. The Marine was very happy about it. Thanksgiving is not about turkey,shopping or sales but about giving thanks with family and friends. I guess old "dogs" can change their tricks.Happy Thanksgiving to all, count your many blessings. It is my favorite holiday.
Thank you for such a sweet blog for Thanksgiving and the video following it. I wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for ALL you do.
I agree Thanksgiving is special. I remember when I lived in New York, Christmas eve we visited my wifes family, Christmas day, my side. But Thanksgiving both sides got together. So yes Thanksgiving is special.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. It just seems right, a holiday that encompasses God, family, America, reflection and of course thankfulness.
I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge—” 1 Corinthians 1:4-5 NIV
Billie, this was my daily Bible reading and after I read your column today, it made me think of you and all the wonderful members of the First Coast Tea Party. God bless you all and I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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