I was done. I was disgusted. I was irritable. I’d had enough.
I pushed my lap top across the table in total frustration. They had done it again. Failed us! The politicians had caved and they were trying to deflect blame by saying “The tea party wasn’t loud enough. The union guys were in the halls and their voices were louder.”
As I pushed away from my lap top, I thought “I can’t take this anymore. These guys are so weak. They are worthless. No backbone. Unprincipled.”
I headed to the refrigerator for a glass of water and as I opened the door I saw a fire glowing through the dining room window. “Just great,” I thought. This is all we need right now – a fire.
I ran outside to see what was happening and there it was. Sitting in the sky just barely above the trees was the sun. It was firing up the sky with fire colors of red and orange. He was trying to set but for some reason he was hanging around and refusing to leave, just yet.
I stood there watching the glow and I said, “Good job, God.” He was really giving us a sunset of all sunsets and He deserved a pat on the back.
As the fiery sun looked back at me, I started telling Him about the lame politicians, the liberal media, and I mentioned how hard it was getting to keep on going. He seemed to understand because His glow was strong and powerful, yet soft and warm.
I asked Him to fix everything. He could do it if He wanted to and I certainly wanted Him too. He just kept glowing and changing the clouds around him to a shade of yellow and orange.
I mentioned how hard it was to fight the left with their powerful money and strong organization and we are nothing but a small army of patriots who are tapped out of resources, money and energy. He kept glowing and seemed to be smiling at my rants.
I told Him to stop smiling – it wasn’t funny. We were tired and upset. Didn’t He understand how hard it is to read where a politician who is “on your side” votes with the other side? Or how the media portrays a corrupt man as a great guy and portrays a great guy as a weak man? Or how hard it is to trust anyone anymore?
His glow got stronger and wider and the horizon lit up across the roof tops. His message back to me was “I understand, Billie. I got some bad press too. I was a good guy and they painted me as a bad guy. And, remember I was betrayed too.”
I stopped my ranting and swallowed hard as I put my head down in shame. How could I forget all that. When I looked back up, He was still there and He was painting the clouds with even more colors. The sunset picture was more beautiful than ever.
I asked Him how he could paint sunsets when the world was so dark. He stopped His work for a minute and said, “That’s my job and it’s yours because you know me. The one who paints the day with darkness fears me and they fear you, Billie. Don’t stop painting colors into the lives of others. Don’t stop shining a light on the darkness.”
“I’ll try but I need help. I'm not you,” I said.
“Not to worry. I am with you always and will never leave you,” He replied.
I kept standing there and watched Him melt the sun to a soft glow as the sky turned to a milky grey as night began to fall.
The world seemed very quiet and the air got still. I knew He had headed off to take care of business somewhere else.
I walked back in, pulled my lap top back to its position and hit the on button. I said a quick prayer. “God, help me to keep doing this. Help me to know what to say. Guide me and all the others who are fighting against tyranny. Let those who are working so diligently in this fight feel appreciated and loved. And, God, please give us one more chance. America is special and we’re sorry we have pulled away from you. Just one more chance, please.”
As I opened my eyes, the computer screen lit up and glowed back at me. I laughed out loud. The sun may have set, but God was still there. He had just moved into my computer screen and was glowing back at me! “I’ll never leave you,” He said. I had no idea He meant He would be sitting here -in my computer -- and smiling at me as I worked on His behalf.
“Don’t you ever rest?” I asked Him.
“Nope. I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. I am here for those who are weary and need rest. I never sleep."
I smiled and told Him, “I love you, God.”
“I love you, too, Billie.”
Today is National Day of Prayer. Take time and spend it with Him. He’s willing to listen. He’s willing to hold you and He’s willing to paint a more beautiful picture into your life, if you’ll let Him.
He's also willing to give us another chance if we turn to Him.
May God bless you on this special day in America where we can still pray for our nation and for each other. My prayer today: God Save the USA
Listen to Murray's song by the same name as you begin your day. Please pray for our nation without ceasing throughout the day. As the sunsets tonight, take a moment and watch it. His paintings are awesome!
Well stated Robert!
1. I think you and I agree much more than you might think. We are one nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all. We recognize that God is in control of everything. We are not a society ruled by the clergy or any established religion. We believe in a judging, loving and forgiving God who holds every individual accountable for their own thoughts and actions.
From one man God made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. We cannot disavow that GOD alone planned the boundaries of our nation.
2. According to Thomas Jefferson we would not exist as a nation except by the grace of GOD. God has been with us from the beginning “guiding us and providing for our every need.” By GODs grace we have the free right to the unbounded exercise of reason and freedom of opinion. Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are grounds of hope for others and for us they should serve to forever refresh our recollections of these rights and an undiminished devotion to them.
By the Grace of GOD through Jesus Christ we are given the freedom of choice, the right of each man to choose and make his own life decisions. Not enslaved by the laws of man nor forced as a beast of burden to labor for an oppressive Government our eyes are opened to the rights of man to choose whom to follow. With that freedom of choice comes the responsibility of holding life in your own hand, your life and the life of our Nation.
Survival requires an education about our history and the events that shaped us as a Nation. We must know who we are. Why we are a Christian Nation. Who our enemies are and what we plan for our future. The choice is ours as a people and as a nation! If we do not have the strength to become informed and committed to the Christian principles upon which the USA is founded we will join the other once great civilizations of History who with too great a desire for pleasure, peace and other human delights turned their back on GOD.
You can be assured that God will continue to test us and forge us into the people whom He wants us to be. He will be with us as a nation to the very end, rejected and denied or until we pick up the sword and shield and thus return to the top of the hill as a bright and shining light of freedom to the peoples and nations of the world.
Jefferson's test as President resulting in victory over the Muslim, terrorist, pirates of the Barbary Coast lives on today in the Marine Hymn, with the line, "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, We fight our country's battles in the air, on land and sea."
Jefferson studied the Muslim culture and the Koran and came to the correct conclusion that the "medium of war" was the only way to put and end to the Muslim slavery and piracy problem of his day. Thomas Jefferson was a "visionary" wise enough to read and learn about the enemy from their book of jihad.
I fear that we face much more as a nation today! The enemy is among us and in many cases our own ignorance is the greatest enemy.
Our political and legal system has functioned on the foundation laid by our forefathers for many generations. They looked to the 10 Commandments of God as a blueprint for how civilized nations should act. The commandments were given by God to further his kingdom here on earth. As long as we followed his commands, we prospered and were blessed as a nation. We have now removed them from our society and shattered them at the foot of the hill; the United States is no longer the guiding light that inspires the world. As a nation we reject Him and follow human motives and do not live by faith. We are prone to evil. We deceive ourselves that we are not affected by the bad moral behavior going on around us. More and more people in the USA have no knowledge of God and think that we can do as we please. Today, we have rejected God, who made us the greatest nation in the history of the world, who set our boundaries, who delivered us from our calamities and our distresses. We are being separated from His blessings. We are asking the government to be the great provider through our king whom we have chosen.
Do you think our children will be as proud of the legacy we are leaving behind as we are of what the founding fathers created by acknowledging and following God?
Listen as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings the "Marines Hymn" accompanied by images from Iraq
Good Night all! My God Bless the United States of America!
This past November, someone wrote comments on the TU website similar to Martin’s. It may be the same person, who I believe is just looking for attention. This is what I said at the time: “This character who calls himself ‘Jesus is a cia man’ is a fraud and a blasphemer. My advice is to ignore him, because he is not interested in any form of edification!” That's too bad!
Response to Rick Story: You are generally correct in your assertions, although many are too conclusive in nature. As philosopher Nicolas Davila said, “Truths are not relative, what is relative are opinions about truth.”The ones I wanted to respond to are (1) It is a pure gift of God that we are a nation like no other before. It is not a result of our hard work. The United States of America is His workmanship, Created for good works. Which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. He alone is our peace, and (2) your comment about ‘Separation of Church and State.”
(1) God gives all men the freedom to apply the 'talents' that He has provided (remember the parable of the talents). The Founders used those talents to establish our Republic. In his 1850 essay "The Law" Frederic Bastiat provides good insight into the liberty the Founders wanted to establish, and the tyranny in government they wanted to avoid:
"God has given to men all that is necessary for them to accomplish their destinies. He has provided a social form as well as a human form. And these social organs of persons are so constituted that they will develop themselves harmoniously in the clean air of liberty. Away, then, with quacks and organizers! Away with their rings, chains, hooks, and pincers! Away with their artificial systems! Away with the whims of governmental administrators, their socialized projects, their centralization, their tariffs, their government schools, their state religions, their free credit, their bank monopolies, their regulations, their restrictions, their equalization by taxation, and their pious moralizations! And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works.
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that justifies it.
When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law."
Also, on July 28, 1787, Benjamin Franklin requested “Prayers” at the Constitutional Convention and said the following: "I've lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?"
(2) I understand what Jefferson meant when he commented on the 'separation of church and state' in his letter to the Danbury Baptist, but I am not sure that you do. Those words always get my hackles up, because they have either through ignorance or design been so often misinterpreted! Jefferson simply said that religious organizations were protected from coercion from the state (either an actual state or the federal government) under the Constitution! He never intended that religion be excluded from governmental functions, in any way, and this is reflected in history.
We also need to be prepared to fight to maintain our liberty in general and our religious liberty in particular. Samuel Adams so appropriately said: “Shame on the men who can court exemption from present trouble and expense at the price of their own posterity's liberty!
Were the talents and virtues which heaven has bestowed on men given merely to make them more obedient drudges, to be sacrificed to the follies and ambition of a few? Or, were not the noble gifts so equally dispensed with a divine purpose and law, that they should as nearly as possible be equally exerted, and the blessings of Providence be equally enjoyed by all?
The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.”
This is not meant to criticize you or anything you wrote, Rick, but just to expand on truth and advance knowledge. As my favorite 18th century Tory, Samuel Johnson, said " In order that all men may be taught to speak truth, it is necessary that all likewise should learn to hear it."
Well, Martin, why don't we just leave it at that. You might enjoy worrying less about so many things, getting outside your head for a while, and enjoy the dialogue here on this site, getting involved in the issues we're focusing on to try to save our country from tyranny and get it back to its founding principles. We've got local elections to work on now and, as soon as those are over, we'll get started on the general election in Nov., 2012. We really don't have time to contemplate our navels and try to solve the true meaning of life or religion on this website, even though many of us are religious and we have a prayer at our events. Beyond that, we go to our respective churches and practice our religion in our personal lives.
There's barely enough time to do all the critical things we need to do to take our country back, so we try to concentrate on that and changing the makeup of Congress and who is President, so that accomplishing our goals is possible.
Right now, I'd also love to see everyone learning as much as they can about the Constitution, for it is being assaulted on a daily basis by Obama and his administration. If people don't understand the Constitution, they won't know when their elected officials, the courts, the President, and government agency officials are violating it. And, if unconstitutional actions go unchallenged, and there is nothing done about violations of the Constitution, we will lose all of the freedoms that it guarantees us.
LOL! I find his comments 'interesting' What comes first government or people? Apparently you are not familiar with the Constitution. The government is SUPPOSE to be BY, OF and FOR THE PEOPLE. WE THE PEOPLE. As many have realized in the past few years our government has been hijacked. Always the people come first.
As far as disarming people, that is bs and evil is as evil does and as long as man is on earth we will have evil. Here is a video that may enlighten you Martin:
It is not for the sake of political victory that we must now come together and support our country, our soldiers and law enforcement agencies as they take the fight to the enemy; rather, it is for the sake of our very survival as One Nation Under God. The enemy has declared jihad by their actions, again and again they have shown the will to fight, against soldiers and civilians alike, as long as it takes to wear down and defeat us using their cowardly tactics. They use cowardly acts of open terrorism and subversive activities intended to take over our political and economic systems. They use our open political system to develop support for their agenda and gain positions of power. They use oil money to buy commercial assets and support terror organizations. Do we have the will to fight back or do we respond with fear and inaction?
Our nation is at risk. We are bleeding technology, both civilian and military to potential mortal enemies. Our borders are wide open, anyone is free to roam the USA and exploit all our individual freedoms seeking to do us harm. As a result our adversaries have succeeded in penetrating the very core of our nation, our media, and our governments at every level even the Congress. At the same time the American people have lost confidence in the intelligence, and the integrity of our own political and religious leaders. Leaders who profess to have "deep and personal" faith, and then go out of their way everyday to prove this faith has no place or bearing in the practical decisions they make. When that confidence is lost, regaining it is difficult. No one seems capable of taking the lead and rallying the Christian people of our nation.
Have you felt the effects of the military battles of WWIII on a personal level?
Many people in the USA see the need to extract ourselves from the world at war and surrender. Yet they have no plan of action after the point of surrender other than submitting to Islam, a religion which makes no distinction between political and religious activity. In fact the political life must be subservient to the religious life in Islam. While we seem to be sitting back waiting for something to happen, Islamic leaders have a plan to achieve a new world order the ultimate goal being a truly and fully, united Islamic world. That is the stated objective of Islam and it seems to be working well. Even in the United States of America which Islam “deemed amenable” to take over action.
Radical Islam’s plan to take advantage of weak people, and displaced immigrants and convert them into a source of Islamic power is coming true. Fear is a powerful weapon and easily employed by people who do not fear death to exploit those who do. Islamic people are also breeding themselves into power around the world and in the USA. As the Islamic people say, time is on there side. Western nations are too slow to react. Pew Polls of Muslims born and bread in the USA show a potential source of over 200,000 military recruits who would consider suicide bombing acceptable. These opinions were formed as a result of preaching in the Mosques and Islamic schools in the USA.
As citizens of the United States of America we are like a family that quarrels and fights bitterly within until such time as the enemy is at the door except in this case we have already invited them into the house. How many of the unknown visitors, illegal immigrants and foreign religious establishments are predatory? What if they are established and supported by foreign governments or radical groups? See jihad in America for details. How does such a family deal with the threat? If the visitors come with a sword in its hand, the family forgets its quarrels and fights as one against the people who want to possess its land.
The current war is much more subtle than that. In an atmosphere of political correctness and international civility, the USA at a terrible disadvantage; the war is not threatening enough to distract us from our own struggles. The war is seen as over there, and we should get ourselves out. However, when the Islamic visitors, or immigrants, come to our door they have their eyes on everything in the house, they are more like jewel thieves than vandals. There is no sword in their hand but a plan in the making. They seek to change our current society into one reflecting the nature of their homeland. Look around your local area for the signs of change.
The very strength of our system is being used against us as our individual freedoms are being used by foreigners to change the system to their liking. We are loosing our identity; we are no longer a Christian nation but a Godless secular nation. Our Christian religion takes a back seat to everything. We are now in a post-Christian, post-Western cultural crisis which threatens the very heart of our culture. With open and vulnerable borders and populations divided by language, race and religion we have become politically weak.
Freedom without an individual moral code of ethics is creating another Sodom and Gomorra where anything goes. Absolute or objective truth is denied outright. We are a country controlled by people with no moral values. The only question remaining is when we will start worshiping other gods and following their laws as the law based on the Christian Bible is dispatched in its favor. This is the world we live in. Why should you care about our ability to counter this kind of cultural onslaught?
Ask yourself as our early leaders did. Can any free democratic government be permanent, where the public worship of God, and the support of religion, constitutes no part of the policy or duty of the government? Can a free democratic society exist without teaching a religious moral or ethical basis for decision making to its hires? We have been warned many times since 1973 and yet we are not preparing for the conflict ahead. We are at war both on the open battle field and spiritually. Can we stop the fall? Can we change God’s mind? Look how far we have fallen in 44 years when the loss of 3500 men and women in open battle for 5 years to support our freedom is considered to much while in the same amount of time the sacrifice of over six million for the preservation of a convenient lifestyle is totally acceptable.
Even if you don’t agree, remember this for two reasons. First, internal fighting creates paralysis and makes America weak on the international stage. And, Second the lack of faith in God creates volatility in internal matters and will bring down the country as a house divided cannot stand.
Which is greater the spiritual war or the military war?
We have arrived at this point in history by the Grace of God. This great nation, The United States Of America was raised high above all nations as a direct answer to prayer. George Washington the first President of the United States of America, attributes the very existence of the country to the Divine intervention of Jesus Christ. Read Deuteronomy Chapter 28, it is a prayer offered many times for our country throughout history, you will see that everything prayed for has come true. Our country is a shining light attracting more legal immigrants each year than any other nation on earth.
God did not and does not provide the nation itself with direct revelations rather GOD working through the Spirit of his son, Jesus Christ provides for freedom of choice for everyone including individual leaders. The people of the nation must choose to follow Christ and elect Godly people to leadership positions. Jesus Christ fully understands that a true follower of Christ must freely make the choice to follow Him on his own accord as no external force or law will achieve victory over a man’s heart. Adam’s fall from grace proved that. As a Nation of Christian people the United States of America has been used by GOD to apply love and peace to a troubled world. However the political country itself is not the servant of GOD, GOD depends on individuals with faith and religion to obey his teaching with love and understanding as they use their worldly positions to help others and administer justice. The decisions they make should be based on understanding Gods love for his children.
God honors soldiers and officers of the military with blessings just as he did George Washington the first President of the United States of America. God ordains that the State may wield the sword to enforce justice on the earth, which expresses the wisdom of GOD. See Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-16. Therefore Christian men are allowed to fight in support of the country.
It is a pure gift of God that we are a nation like no other before. It is not a result of our hard work. The United States of America is His workmanship, Created for good works. Which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. He alone is our peace.
Understanding the separation of Church and State is essential for grasping all of the verses in the New Testament about peace and the sword and it essential for understanding the basis of the Constitution of the United States of America.
The kingdom of God wages only spiritual warfare, preaching and praying alone, it does not weld the sword. Physical military warfare is left to the political kingdom of Caesar, or today to the United States of America. The state cannot establish a national religion as the struggle for spiritual control of the mind is a painfully individual human experience. It is universal; everyone ultimately comes to put the past behind, to let go of painful familial scripts and be accountable for their own choices as death is not a lonely hunter it comes to us all thanks to Adam. Are we prepared? Where do you place your faith?
Just as Adam fell from grace so can we as a nation. As a Christian Nation the United States of America’s failure to follow God’s teachings comes with a warning in the same prayer from Deuteronomy Chapter 28. First we will ignore all of God’s commands, even taking them out of the court house, turning us into a secular humanist epicurean society. Second the alien among us will rise higher and higher. Then we will serve other gods. The Hindu prayer opening the Senate at the invitation of Democratic Senator Reid was a giant step in this direction. Have you picked a new god yet?
Today, God is testing us as a people just as George Washington lamented “since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained; and since the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered, perhaps, as deeply, as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people...”[i]
Individual freedom of choice is a gift from our creator, a birthright of all humanity. How that freedom is used is a personnel choice. If individuals do not have a moral basis upon which to make decisions, anything goes. Freedom of choice carries a great assumption of risk, as sin will not go unpunished.
Islam does not allow for individual choice. It is a political organization first and a religion second. Any attempt to leave the “religion” is punishable by death. Therefore, all Islamic organizations within the United States of America should be classified as political organizations and be subject to the same rules and regulations as other political parties. To be treated otherwise Islamic organizations must renounce political Islam and allow for individual freedom. They should also renounce Sharia law and not be supported by foreign governments or organizations. The Constitution of the United States of America based on the Ten Commandments is the law of the land. For Islamic nations to be democratic they must do the same and allow for freedom of Religion. Without freedom of religion there can be no democracy under Islam.
As a nation we need to support freedom of religion and democracy world wide. Individual freedom is a powerful thing. We also need to teach moral responsibility and English on a world wide basis.
What is your prayer for our nation today as we prepare to help win the spiritual battle and support our military? I offer the following as my prayer for today.
We acknowledge you Almighty God, asking forgiveness for our sins as a nation, we are grateful for our very existence; we humbly implore your protection and favor. "Hear, O our GOD, how we are despised! Return their reproach on their own heads and give them up for plunder in a land of captivity."
Enlighten our eyes O Lord our God lest we sleep the sleep of death! Lest our enemies say they have overcome us, lest our adversaries rejoice when we are shaken, from within.
We have trusted you as a nation O Lord our God. Many of us continue to trust you even in these days of drunken jubilation, celebrating our many freedoms and position among the nations.
Forgive us our transgressions O Lord our God, for we have sinned against you. Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor we have failed.
We acknowledge with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God upon our nation. Especially the opportunity afforded our founders to peaceably establish our form of government and those allowing and providing for our safety and happiness through the course of our accession. We sing your praises once again Lord. For God has dealt bountifully with us.
Help us O Lord our God, as a nation to arise and build and bless You again. Help us return to teaching our children the Ten Commandments and the history of our country, including the events of 9/11 so that we may no longer be a reproach to others. Help us be an example so that when people and nations despair in their trials, troubles and tribulations they will see the Grace of God shine on us, and seek to know Jesus Christ themselves.
Let us pray as George Washington did with Thanksgiving in our heart "that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have show kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best." Given, at the city of New York, the 3d day of October, A.D. 1789.
The conflagration of the ensuing conflict and eventual outcome is in the hand of Almighty GOD! Get out of the Church, get involved in the culture and say I have faith in Jesus Christ! Take action and pray. Grace will prevail!
Sorry I got so long winded, Rick Story
Martin, that is useless. The whole BC is over and should be laid to rest. Let things behind the curtain work and precede and IF indeed this is all forgery it will be vetted out by patriots. Personally i think he was born here and the problem is with his parentage and dual citizenship. IF Hillary Clinton could not find it illegal on her own, we must fight against his policies with a conservative House. And move on and take over the Senate in 2012 and the Executive branch. You are beating a dead horse.
We have an important political race going on here in Jacksonville. Unseating President Obama is over a year and a half away. Right now we need to concentrate on the local elections and get past that and remind our elected representatives in both Tallahassee that we were NOT happy with their last sessions and expect more in less spending and balancing budgets. Just my wee thoughts...
You're absolutely right, Roma. Of course, our current President is, with the United Nations, facilitating revolutions and picking winners and losers in them, and is doing so in a manner that helps the Muslim Brotherhood, who are Islamists, no matter which country they are working to de-stabilize and take over.
You're also right that "the enemy is within," and Obama is facilitating that, also, by refusing to enforce our laws and protect our borders, even to the extent of suing a state that is trying to protect its citizens from the illegal alien invasion and ordering the Border Patrol not to arrest people who enter our country illegally. He is also punishing Texas---another border state--- by refusing to declare a State of Emergency there, when Texas has been suffering wildfires over a very large portion of the state. Political payback, pure and simple.
Thanks for the link to all the socialist connections to the IVAW. It is alarming that this movement is so advanced and has been able to stay fairly well under the radar for so long. I believe it's a calculated plan that could conceivably be the vehicle for bringing violence to America's streets, just as Louis Farakkan said would be coming soon... probably to intimidate and suppress the conservative vote in 2012.
Why not post them on UTube, FaceBook, and on websites connected to Alvin Brown and any of his supporters known to have websites? Or sent tweets with a link included. If they delete them, have someone else re-post them. They're just questions, not accusations, so there could be no repercussions for posting them. Just the questions... no embellishment, no changes, no opinions, just those questions and your request that Alvin Brown answer them. If he can't or won't answer them, his silence and refusal to be held accountable, will speak volumes.
It's my understanding that, if a corporation does not file its annual report, its corporate license/registration is suspended by the FL Dept. of State. You can go on their website and search for all information on a corporation, its officers, its registering agent, its Board of Directors, and so on. There are a number of web pages containing information about each corporation.
Other than licensing/registration, the FL department that governs corporations is the FL Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs, and it is that department that investigates all complaints regarding violations by FL corporations of FL statutes(laws) governing corporations. Just off the top of my head, I believe that would be Chapter "s.607., Florida Statutes."
Here is a link to the website where you can find the FL Constitution and all FL Statutes:
Below is a small black and white version of Pablo Picasso's large mural painting. It's not as expressive as the original, which is in color. Copyright laws prevent the original color version from being copied for public use. It is basically Pablo Picasso's testimony about the Spanish Civil War against the Basque Separatists. Picasso was a Spaniard, born, raised and trained in painting by his father. Picasso was not so much anti-war as pro-Spain in that war and he detested the horrors of war itself and its effect on the Spanish people.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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