An effective way to use the "3 minute speaking rule" is to have several members read just "bullet points". Each member, for 3 minutes/point. Another atrocious bill is 2011-384, directly related to 2011-383, the progenetor bill. Allegedly, this is the city giving tax money to Kaman Corporate group for liberal interpretation of J.E.D.C. handouts. While everyone is celebrating our lucky days for the return of the NFL (after city council gave Weaver our share of the 8 million EverBank naming monies), we need to worry about our first games being blacked out. I wish I could watch the Las Vegas Jaguars on TV! Or the Hartford, Conneticut Jaguars.
Thanks CJ. Again, you would be the expert on this, and I really appreciate you taking the time to make a full explanation of this. I know you have been asked several times when I was present for copies of the information you were presenting!
The best way to get something entered into the record is.. deliver by hand to legislative services on the 4th floor of City Hall or by hand when addressing City Council. This would be the same thing that you would be reading to them.
According to Council Rules the 3 minute time one is allotted to address a Bill is to share information Council may not be aware of but you are now bring to their attention. If you veer off task sometimes you will be redirected but I have been know to veer off task, maybe do a little reaming, then back on task and let them know it comes together at the end of the address. Sometimes what I hand in for the record is what I read sometimes it is a little cleaner than what I have read. :)
Tim, you are on the mark. Now if only we can get some people to call and send Emails or even write letters. Understand, any Email you sent becomes part of the public record and all (the public and anyone else who cares to read the Emails these folks get) have access to them. That is huge, because it gives those who are concerned and wondering, footing so to speak in this argument or any other! They mayor also has access to the Emails. If you call, there is not record of the call. If you send a letter, which by the way will more likely be read than an Email, I don't know what happens to them..........but I would think the freedom of information and/or sunshine law would allow you to request copies if you knew the letters existed (but I don't know too much about that). You can go to or this link:
The problem right now is the system is not working due to either updating the system or ??? and it has been this way for a while now.............strange huh? People have asked when it will be back up, and no one seems to know.............strange huh?
This is thievery as usual. The ones behind these kinds of actions should be on the recall block. On second thought, probably the whole commission because they let it happen.
Im sorry not Bill 401 its 405 this years budget as well as pension contributions
Type of Action: Adoption of FY2011-12 city budget; approval of independent authority budgets; provision for capital projects; 5-year revenue and expenditure projections; setting pension contributions; Ordinance Code waivers; Ordinance Code amendment Bill Summary: The bill adopts the 2011-12 budgets for the City and its independent agencies and authorities. The proposed General Fund departmental expenditure budget is $849,326,595, with a total City departmental expenditure budget (General, Special Revenue, Capital Projects, Enterprise, Internal Service, and Trust and Agency Funds) of $1,621,657,171. Non-departmental expenditures, inter-fund transfers and reserves are budgeted at $372,135,566, for total appropriations, reserves and cash carryover of $1,003,792,737. The bill sets an employee cap of 7,734 positions and redlines 5 positions to be eliminated when they become vacant (Welding Shop Supervisor, Fleet Superintendent, Deputy Director of Central Operations, Deputy Director of Planning and Development, Deputy Director of Public Works). The 5-year financial projection estimates the City’s General Fund revenues to grow from $962,548,308 million (proposed) in FY11-12 to $963,385,612 next year, and then gradually increase to $1,026,083,203 by FY15-16 for a total increase of 6.6% over the five year period, with property taxes, JEA contribution and sales taxes providing the bulk of the growth. It establishes a Public Service Grant program allocating $6,281,524. The bill sets the employer’s contributions (percentage of covered payroll) to the various pension plans at 13.5% for the General Employees Pension Fund, 49.6% for the Police and Fire Pension Fund, and 31.78% for the Corrections Officer’s Pension Fund. The bill waives provisions of Ordinance Code that require the City to increase funding for the Jacksonville Children’s Commission each year by an amount equal to the average percentage increase in all City operating department budgets, up to the value of ½ mill and waives the Ordinance Code requirement that the Mayor annually calculate and report unit cost measures and service quality measures for City government operations. Additionally the bill waives certain provisions of the Procurement Code for the purpose of allowing SMG to utilize its own competitive procurement process rather than the City’s process for the purpose of capital expenditures of $100,000 or less and for non-capital extraordinary repair and maintenance projects of $500,000 or less.
Background Information:Policy Impact Area: Annual budget adoption
Fiscal Impact: The proposed General Fund departmental expenditure budget is $849,326,595, with a total City departmental expenditure budget (General, Special Revenue, Capital Projects, Enterprise, Internal Service, and Trust and Agency Funds) of $1,621,657,171. Non-departmental expenditures, inter-fund transfers and reserves are budgeted at $372,135,566, for total appropriations, reserves and cash carryover of $1,993,792,737. The total budgetary approval, operations and capital, for the City and he independent authorities, is approximately $4.69 billion, excluding the Duval County Public Schools, the budget for which is not approved by City Council.
LOL yes!
Now lets get him on honed in on Bill 400
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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