I received this 'quote' and hope everyone has a chance to read it. It says a volume in a mere sentence or two.
Perfect Quote
Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way that you can quickly understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. It was translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper Prager Zeitungon
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president."
Lizzie, I agree with the medical thing. The federal government should never have gotten into this and it isn't one of their chores. It will be used for political purposes totally.............the Obama's of this world will use it as a chip for re-election or getting votes and as he promised to steal money from one and give to another, it will work and we will all be living in hell.
As far as the hand outs are concerned, I agree totally. The government, right down to the city government here, has taken over charity and is using our tax dollars while demanding those who would do a far better job contribute to them for programs, and then, you and I pay for extra union government workers to run programs and as government is always the least efficient, the programs are poorly run and cost twice what it would cost a church, non profit or family members to handle (at least they make sure the person really needs assistance).
I find it interesting this comes from a Czech writer... wonder if they are old enough to have lived under the Communists for 40 years?
Agreed, it is the voters' responsibility, as are all the career politicians who were sent back decade after decade by stupid constituents, because they think "oh my guy isn't like the rest of the crooked ones".
My personal opinion, and some will think it cold hearted, is the government needs to get out of all healthcare in this country. People complain about government intrusion into personal lives, yet they want government to have their hands in healthcare IF it meets their needs? There is this muddy line.. no healthcare bill but darn, we gotta still provide it for some. Which is it?
It goes back to the "if you don't pay into the system, you should not be able to draw out of it" point. So before everyone starts screaming at me, I don't mean an elderly person who is 90 years old and worked for 50 years and paid into SSI / Medicare, we must grandfather them. But people have know for 40 years that SSI was going broke, didn't anyone plan ahead?
There are individuals who will never pay a dime into the system yet due to a "health issue" they go on SSI / Medicare at age 18, collect monthly payments and never work. WHY is the taxpayer responsible for this?? Years ago family members and charitable organizations took care of these individuals, but now the taxpayer has to do it, all while as a country we are broke, in debt, and 23 million people who WANT to work can't find jobs.
And if you add the billions of dollars spent in the public schools systems to "educate" some students in the "special needs" population while millions of kids can't get decent books, teachers or schools... why? So the liberals can feel good? I have a friend who has a daughter with retardation/brain injury. She was put into the public schools and given a personal aide from age 4 to age 22.. every day the taxpayer paid for an employee to sit, walk, feed, talk, etc with this girl while she was in the school. Estimated cost for this aide was over $375,000 dollars, not including 16 years of HR costs to the county, pension costs to the taxpayer, etc. etc. This young woman is delightful, but she will never work. She does not have the ability to do so, nor will she live alone, drive a car, etc. And she is but one of hundreds of similar students in this particular school system. The cost to the taxpayer is astronomical but there is NO money for new textbooks? I think the priorities are screwed up. In addition, at age 18 this young girl went on Social Security / Medicare. Her parents make over six figures each (state union employees too) and from a wealthy family, this is not a financial need. And you got it, they are Obama supporters.
Americans need to stop thinking about "What's in it for me?" because soon there will nothing for anyone, even those who have paid into "the system" for their entire adults lives. Some day your SSI check is not going to arrive in your bank account. Someday you won't be able to buy a gun. Someday soon, if we don't make this a one term president, life and our country as we know it will be gone.
But everyone is just too damn worried whether they may have to take care of themselves and pay for their own freaking health insurance... The media vilifies (sp?) the 1% who create the jobs and the business cycles which put the money in the pipeline, and as Patricia said, the average American has seen their wealth drop by 40% (or more)..
But PEople! We get sucked into ridiculous arguments about birth control (really? isn't this the 21st century?) or gay rights/marriage/ etc, class warfare, wealth envy... while the Democrats and Obama's communist adminstration is trying to destroy us, our spirit, our hope and our country. We need to STOP the class warfare and start talking about Americans, ALL Americans. We need to take care our ourselves first, then reach out to our family and neighbor to help in a real, tangible way... not expect government to do it for us... We've become lazy and selfish.
VOTERS are responsible. WE can make a difference this year. ONE person at a time..
(Lizzie is now getting down off the soapbox, thanks others for allowing her the freedom to say what has been on her mind for a long time, and will agree to disagree with others, with respect... txs)
It was the voter's fault Amanda. Have you been out walking and talking to people? If you had, you would have run into folks that believe this tyrant is doing a good job, and they are truly clueless about the things he is really doing (thanks to the liberal media and their own lack of interest in finding out what is actually going on). I am amazed when I hear how he is "the only one helping the middle class" when he has caused the net worth of every American to drop by about 40% and has created the uncertainty that has all but stopped the private sector from creating jobs, so we get this economy turned around. The minute it looks like things might get better he blasts the I am going to tax the heck of people again, and these same people do not recognize what that does to the chances of job creation. Then, there are those who have disabled family members or folks who have medical problems and they do not understand that under this health care bill, those very people will be the ones who have very limited access to the services they need to stay healthy. And they really don't want to talk to you about it when they find out you don't agree with them...............they truly believe what he says and are not watching his "real" actions.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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