I haven’t written for more than a week now and I wondered why I was not moved to do so. Could it be that the season is taking my attention? Or maybe it’s because I’ve been working on a BIG new opportunity for the conservative movement. Normally I will not write until I feel something tugging at me that I must get out and put to paper.
After a good night’s sleep, I woke this morning and I realized why I had not wanted to write. The news has been so awful and I didn’t want to bring bad news to a season of joy.
It seems selfish to ruin other people’s holidays with an ongoing discussion of corruption, elitism and a Godly nation on the edge of extermination -- because we have turned out back on God. But this morning, I feel encouraged to write.
Many of you will be singing Christmas songs in church today. You’ll head to the mall and hear the Christmas songs playing on your car radio and from the stores in the mall. Christmas specials will be showing on tv tonight and the message of Christmas will be all around us. Mixed in-between all this joy will be the real truth and it isn’t pretty.
It really isn’t any different than it was more than 2,000 years ago when Baby Jesus was born in a manger. Kings killed baby boys out of jealousy and fear. Poverty was everywhere and slavery was rampant. People feared their leaders and wanted to be free.
Baby Jesus did not come into a world of peace – He came to bring peace. He didn’t come into a world of joy – He came to bring us joy. A star lit up the sky announcing the birth of our savior and those who believed found him lying in a manger.
Two thousand years later, Kings still hate the baby Jesus and will do all they can to eliminate his message of joy and peace from our lives. Evil men will try to keep Christ out of Christmas and the message of joy away from our children. Holiday trees will replace Christmas trees. Happy Holiday messages will replace Merry Christmas messages. Nativities will be banned and singing Christmas carols in schools will be too. The silly little men who sit on school boards, city councils and in the White House will try to legislate Christ out of Christmas as they do every year.
I smile at the thought of these little men going up against God. They may find themselves sitting with a pen in hand striking Christmas from the city walls but like Pharoah found out, you’ll never win against God’s ultimate plan to bring hope and joy to all those who love Him.
I didn’t want to be a downer during this Christmas season and as I wrote this message, a dear friend posted this scripture – “As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
Although we have heard bad news and we are disappointed in Congress for passing rules of dire significance on our personal lives and candidates we supported are no longer there to give us hope – we must keep going and remain positive because God is still in control.
He’s the coolest thing ever and He’s smarter than the little men who pass laws against the people. Things never change. Men who want to be God -- never win. Men who try to control the people -- never win. Men who decree rules against us -- never win. Men who believe they are better than God’s chosen – never win.
The ending of the story is always the same. God wins – Evil loses.
The one thing you should ask yourself is this – “Do I believe in the One this season is all about? Do I believe He is still relevant and will take us through these difficult and dark days ahead?” If you do, then do all you can to bring His message of hope to others who need it. Help others in need. Give of your time, your talents and your finances to people and organizations that are spreading His message. Remind those in power that He is the one who reigns and not them because they have no power over you! Be a messenger for Him this season.
No matter the news – Christmas will come again and the message of hope will be given to all men who believe in that little baby born in a manger.
I didn’t want to ruin your Christmas with bad news but God told me this – Christ still reigns and God is still in charge. Be not afraid – He will take care of you. His promises are still the same, forever and ever and ever. He loves you. He always has and always will. No matter what you are going through right now, He is the answer and He will take care of you. I promise.
Merry Christmas friends -- There is still good news to share!
Jesus said "Be not afraid, for I am with you". He's got my back.
Remember: Pray Until Something Happens
Thank you and bless you Billy from your allies in faraway Suwannee County!
Just the right words to read right now. Thanks, Billie. We're all living in trepidation about the direction our country is heading -- further away from our Constitution, weakening of our military, a congress that has mostly lost it way, on and on. Truth will guide us -- as you so clearly point to -- our God is a just God and as Roma and Tom said it is through our hands God can accomplish his great works. We must stand up and repel all attacks against Him and our exceptional country.
spelling billie sorry bout that
thank you billiet that was beautiful,i needed that with what i'm going thru. thank for your love for us the tea party and your love for GOD,CONTRY. ay GOD continue to bless you and your and your family.
I love that you took the time to post this. It so beautiful and I was lucky to have tissues next to me. God Bless everyone, God Bless YOU Billie. Thank You. We always need a reminder that God does love us and wants us to be happy.
One of the best 10 minutes I've ever spent. Thank you and a Merry Christ-filled Christmas.
Jesus is THE way, THE life, and THE truth. No one goes to the Father except through Him. Simple as that.
Beautiful Billie - Thank you
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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