Some people are getting up and heading to work.  Others are lying in bed and wishing they could.  Those heading to work are wondering how long before they are lying in bed and wishing they had a job.


Unemployment numbers are up and our foolish President believes raising taxes “on the rich” and continued out of control spending by himself and his cronies is the answer to getting those lying in bed back to work.   He is wrong.  He is ill-advised.  He is unwise.  And…he is leading us down a dangerous path and the American people are tired of following him.  That’s a path he can now go alone.


I probably sound a little on the bitter side this morning and I apologize for that.  Because we are the leaders of our local tea party group, we hear a lot of personal stories about this economy.  You see, we are on the front lines of this economy and many of our friends are taking the hits for the poor decisions being made in DC.  Daily another one bites the dust either through losing their job, closing their business, running out of savings to keep them afloat, or undergoing marital discourse because of the stress. 


The economy has created war and we are the troops.  Our “generals” in DC are sitting in their offices with their minds oblivious to the hurting soldiers.  They are not giving us the cover we need to protect ourselves.  The cover is simple: 

  • Stop spending
  • Shut down departments we don’t need (EPA, Department of Education to name a few)
  • Stop the strangulation caused by regulation
  • Leave the marketplace free from government intervention so we can thrive again and create jobs!
  • Stop passing Executive orders that take away our ability to feed ourselves or take our land from us
  • Stop passing treaties that put us in harm’s way
  • Stop giving guns to our enemies so they can shoot our citizens. 

I could go on and on with a list that would scare the “you-know-what” out of you but that list is enough for Monday morning.


This isn’t just a crazy tea party leader writing like this.  Take a look at today’s Wall Street Journal here:  Wall Street Journal


Or this one from Friday’s Morning Bell Report from Heritage:  Economy in Panic


The situation is dire and the troops are weary.  They are weary in Iraq, Afghanistan and America and the time for leadership is now.


The leaders in DC are far and few between but our very own Florida Senator Marco Rubio got it right this past week when he told Obama we need New Taxpayers, not new taxes


Over the weekend, John Boehner didn’t cave to Obama over the tax increase for the “wealthy” either.  Obama demonizes all aspects of our society and taking on the “rich” who employ people and create jobs is not going to hack it with the GOP (we hope).  In today’s Washington Examiner, Boehner promises No Caving


It’s one thing to play around with our economy and put us in financial distress.  It’s another thing to hand guns to our enemies resulting in American citizens killed with them.  Check this out at:  Fast and Furious Gun Runner Issue


So what can you do to help your friends at the frontlines?  You can call Congress and tell them this:

  1.  Thank you for Saying No to Raising the Debt Ceiling or Raising our Taxes:


  1.  Thank you for investigating the Fast & Furious Issue.  Please stay the course and take down all who had anything to do with this – including the Justice Department!

While you are making your calls or emails, consider asking this question too:  “What will it take for us to hear the word “impeach?”  Ask them to let you know because the troops on the frontline can’t understand how we can let our President overstep his boundaries and destroy our country right before our eyes. 


Monday mornings are always tough but future Monday mornings will not be bright unless we take action for our fellowmen on the frontlines.  If you know someone who is hurting from this economic disaster, consider putting a $20 bill in an envelope and mail it to them today.  Don’t let them know you sent it because it makes it more fun that way.  (If you don't have anyone who you can send the $20 bill to - let us know and we'll give you a couple.)  You’ll make their day and give them hope for a brighter tomorrow.


God bless you my friends out there in America.  We’ve got your back and we'll do all we can to give you cover!


Views: 23


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Comment by amanda choate on July 13, 2011 at 5:26pm
McConnell and Boehner have to realize, we need to cut social security and medicare. I am sorry but if it is breaking this country then it is time to put it aside. A company that makes billions of dollars needs to pay at least some tax. They should pay at least as high a rate as I do for making the tens of thousands that I bring home. It just seems fair. It seems fair that they pay their share of the bills so that my kids don't have to pay for them. Or all the others who take their government check and don't want to give anything back.
Comment by Ted Johnson on July 13, 2011 at 5:18pm
Steven D. Upshaw - I did misunderstand your reply, and I apologize. Please forgive me. I do agree with everything you said for I too want a peaceful political solution to this country's problems. I only dream every night the same pleasure of having a detachment of U.S. Marines march up the White House steps and arrest the anticapitalist, socialist puppet for George Soros. But, when talking does no good, like the founding fathers found out after two decades with the King of England, that's when it's time to take action. You and I may not be on this earth if and when that happens, but I hope and pray some patriots are left to at least try to regain our country. And, if it comes while we are still here. Well, I'd be proud to stand next to you at that time. I salute you sir, and God bless you and the United States of America. America First!
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on July 13, 2011 at 7:06am
Ted, I think you may have misunderstood my post my friend. Like you I also served this country in our armed forces in combat in two conflicts. So you see I have answered the call to duty like almost every male member of my family dating back to the civil war. I honestly think that the man occupying the white house is a usurper and the impeachment process would only give legitimacy to him holding the office. It would give me great pleasure to see a detachment of marines remove him from office in disgrace and by doing so nullify everything he has put a pen to. To answer your question about picking up a weapon and deffending the rights of our people." Yes" I have and will again if that call should come but only after all other means have been exhausted. War is an ugly word and has ugly effects and I for one do not wish that to happen on our native soil. Until that time I am willing to stand down and let people like Billy and some of the others on this site keep me informed of what is happening in our government and educate me on the best ways to take back our country through political means. I find know offence in your post other than you may have questioned my courage, in which I can assure you has been tested. Thank you for your service to our county sir both in military and in law inforcement. God bless you and God bless America.
Comment by Ted Johnson on July 12, 2011 at 9:43pm

Amanda Choate - I'm with you, but I couldn't believe my eyes when I read what McConnell said. In fact I had to read and reread because I just couldn't believe my eyes and brain. I only pray he was just joking, but then again I don't think we can take that chance. He's one more that has been there way to long and must go. That statement is just another RINO saying. oh let's just let this wonderful leader do what he wants this time. I'm sure he'll do the right thing - for the country.  Yea, right, then we can all sit around the campfire and sing....... Oh for heaven sakes will someone please wake me from this nightmare.

Comment by Ted Johnson on July 12, 2011 at 9:27pm
To Steven D. Upshaw - Well sonnyboy, you better start picking up a gun then, just like our Founding Fathers did. And this post is for patriots to voice just what they are thinking and feeling. If my thoughts and feelings hurt and upset you then I would suggest you either grow a pair, or turn the other cheek. I'm all for peaceful methods, but, when idiots in this country have turned into grazing cows with only enough brain power to think of how they can get more from uncle Remus and the taxpayer. And when all these politicians, Dems and Repubs, are interested only in helping these cows and not this country. Well, that gets my dander up. When the Supreme Court would rather sit on their hands then take up a case of eligibilty of an diot socialist to hold the office of President of the United States. Well, that just pissed me right off. I retired from the military with 22yrs. defending the Constitution and retired from Florida law enforcement enforcing our laws. Yes, I'm a hard core Constitutional Conservative and I own and know how to operate firearms. And, I'm damn ready to go to war again to take this country back to "the conclusion our founders came to in 1776". God has blessed this country, but I'll be there to keep it that way........will you?
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on July 12, 2011 at 8:23pm
To Bob and Ted, I use great restraint in my post on this site. I do not feel it is a site ment for me to post a rant. I feel that this site is for patriotic Americans who are seeking peaceful political salutions to the path that our government has embarked on and to seek ways to return this nation to what the founding fathers invisioned. I have great respect for everyone that calls themselves a TEA PARTY patriot. Personally I am more a man of the sword rather than the pen. That being said I am willing to wait until the people of this country reach the conclusion our founders came to in 1776. God Bless America
Comment by amanda choate on July 12, 2011 at 6:11pm
I am surpised by how little is being said here about the debt ceiling negotiations. And now Senator McConnell is talking about doing nothing just giving Obama a checkbook, because he can't work with him. That is third grade sissy boy talk. Get in there and get it done. If it means cutting and gutting do it. Everybody gets a haircut. No one is excused, get it done and get it done right and get it done right now.
Comment by Ted Johnson on July 12, 2011 at 5:23pm

Just what is there to question, or ponder? Obumer and everyone else has admited his father was not a citizen of the U.S. His father was born and raised in Kenya, which at the time was owned, controlled, or whatever, was a part of the United Kingdom. Anyway you look at it his father was NOT an American citizen. Or, even a naturalized citizen. I don't give a hoot where his usurper son was born. He is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the U.S. as the Consitution requires. As stated in the contemporary encyclopedia "The Law of Nations"
(1758) by Emerich de Vattel. (As a legal source "Law of Nations" is
mentioned in Article I, Section 8, #10 of the Constitution...) Both parents must be the citizens, and the birth must take place in the concerned country, assuming that the
citizenship inherited by this child is never changed ever after. 
Now, will somebody please escort this usurper out of the White House, put him and his wife in a prison jumpsuit and lock their butts up and throw away the key. I do hope I have made this as easy and as clear as possible for all to understand.

Comment by Bob Honiker on July 11, 2011 at 1:07pm
Steven you should question his eligibility, there are too many unanswered questions. The "gunwalker" debacle may catch up with him, there isn't much doubt he had a hand in it, but proof may be thorougly covered up.
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on July 11, 2011 at 12:47pm

As I do question Obamas eligibilty I know that it would be impossible to remove him from office through that means but the fact that he has made every effort to side step our constitution and abuse the use of executive order, not enforce the laws of our land and to implement programs and commities that are detrimental to our nation is inexcusable and the impeacment of him and his coconspirators should be the first order of business on the citizens list. It is as though and organized crime boss has managed to infiltrate the highest office of our land and is using the power of that office to commit crimes to impower his organization. This locuct must be eradicated before it devours the fruits of our nation. This nation was built on the principles of God and the labor of free people. Many of our people have died to maintian those freedoms and our electorate need to understand that there are many patriotic Americans in this country that are willing to make that sacrifice to save our own nation from them as well as a foreign entities. 

God bless America                     

National Debt Clock


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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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