This is a blog from Tea Party Nation with a request to share the information, so I am. Just in case you didn't think in this country your government could murder you by disallowing medical care, it has already arrived. Of course, the man in the oval office will lie right up until after the election................everything these days has to wait until after the election to give this monster the advantage he thinks he deserves, and it wouldn't do to have people know the murdering has already begun. The trick with the first guy is that he threatened to go to the newspaper and start screaming from the roof tops, and we all know the Obama administration won't care after the election, but they sure don't want it now.
This from a friend, a true story that is being kept under wraps until after the election.
Every senior needs to be made aware of this before the election.
"Seniors" Forget about getting to age 75, this exact thing happened to me this morning at Danbury Hospital here in Ct. I was scheduled for a cardio-lite stress test. This is a tread mill stress test where during the process they inject nuclear dye into your blood stream and then put you in a CAT scan or something similar and take a picture of your heart. If all is good the heart shows up red, if there are blocked arteries anywhere that portion of the heart shows up pink I have had three of these tests in the past twelve years due to blocked arteries discovered in 2000. They use the test to determine if I need a roto router or a bypass operation. So I arrive at the hospital at 8 am this morning and I am in the process of checking in at Cardiology and the lady says that my appointment has been canceled. She makes a call and speaks with someone and hands me the phone. It is a nurse in cardiology who says that my medical coverage denied the procedure. I said it was routine, part of my heart maintenance process and ordered by my PCP and with approval from my Cardiologist who is the head of Danbury Cardiology which is right where I was standing. She said, "Yes, but we were denied our request". So I said, "I have Medicare so what is my backup insurance doing denying anything?" Then the bombshell, she says it was the Medicare board that denied the procedure. At that point, I turn to everyone behind me, and it was a long line, and I say to them "Well, you won't have to wait too long today because my stress test procedure was just canceled by the Medicare Death Panel. I am only 67 so can you imagine what is going to happen when we really get old". The entire waiting room and everyone there from patients to staff just went dead silent. So I turn to the front desk and tell them, " I guess I will have to write a letter to the editor of the Danbury News Times and call my Senators and Congressman and let them know the "Death Panels" have already convened". Then I walked out. By the time I got home the message machine was blinking. My PCP had already called and so did the hospital and guess what, Medicare decided to approve my stress test procedure and if I could get back down to the hospital they would fit me in right now for this 3 hour procedure. I told them I couldn't make it, that I was going fishing because I didn't know how many more fishing trips I could get in before I went into cardiac arrest, but not to worry about me costing the government any money because I am a 30% disabled Army veteran, due to Agent Orange poisoning which is what caused this heart problem to begin with, and I qualify to be buried for free in a plain pine wrapper in the cheap graves section at any National Cemetery. I certainly don't want to cost our government any money so maybe we just won't do this procedure anymore and we can use the money to redistribute it to all of the illegal's to keep them alive so they can mow the lawns at the National Cemeteries.
So this Death Panel crap has started. If we don't vote this guy and his criminal cronies out of office this November then we will all die younger than we should as broke paupers as the country goes bankrupt. Everyday we hear horror stories that some of the aspects are all ready or will be taking place soon, and not waiting until 2014. Feel free to distribute my note to anyone and make it a mission to not only make your vote count but on behalf of all of us please make an effort to change the thinking of anyone remotely willingly to get intellectually engaged in this critical time in our country's history. <><> - SENIORS - <><> WELL ISN'T THIS SOME SPECIAL NEWS FOR GRANDMA AND PAPA!!! I had one of the most troubling, most disturbing conversations ever with Dr. Suzanne Allen, head of emergency services at the Johnson City Medical Center in Tennessee. We were discussing the "future" and I asked her had she seen any effects of ObamaCare in her work? "Oh, yes. We are seeing cutbacks throughout the services we provide. For example, we are now having to deal with patients who would normally receive dialysis can no longer be accepted. In the past, there was always automatic approval under Medicare for anyone who needed dialysis -- not anymore." So, what will be their outcome? "They will die soon without dialysis," she stated. What about other services? She indicated that according to ObamaCare - as of 2013 (after the election), no one over 75 will be given major medical procedures unless approved by locally administered Ethics Panels. These Panels will determine whether a patient receives medical treatment or not. While details on specific operating procedures and schedules, Dr. Allen points out that most life-threatening emergencies do not occur during normal hospital business hours, and if there are emergencies that depend to be resolve within minutes or just few hours, the likely hood of getting these Panels approval in time to save a life are going to be very challenging and difficult, if not impossible, she said. This applies to major operations such as receiving stents, bypass surgery, kidney operations, or treating for an aneurysm that would be normally covered under Medicare today. In other words, if you needed a life-saving operation, Medicare will not automatically provide coverage anymore after 2013 if you are 75 or over. When in 2013? "We haven't been given a specific date -- could be in January or July....but it's after the November election." This is shocking to any of us who are or will be 75 this year. Her advice -- get healthy and stay healthy. We do not know the specifics of the actual implementation of the full ObamaCare policies and procedures -- "they haven't filtered down to the local level yet. But we are already seeing severe cuts in what we provide to the elderly -- We refused dialysis to an individual who was 78 just the other day .... We refused to give stents to a gentleman who was in his late 80s." Every day, she said, we are seeing these cutbacks aimed at reducing care across the board for anyone who is over 75. We can only hope that ObamaCare will be overturned by the Supreme Court -- otherwise, this is a death sentence to those who are over 75....perhaps you should pass this on to your friends who are thinking of voting for Obama this year. Ask yourself - "Do you want the Government to tell you whether you will live or die"?
Regardless if you have private health care coverage now (I have Aetna Medicare Part B) -- it will no longer apply after 2013 if the Ethics Panels disapprove of a procedure that may save your life. Scary, scary, scary. Think about this? You? Your parents? Your loved ones? Didn't know about it? Of course, not. As Nancy Pelosi said ... "Well, if you want to know what's in the bill, you'll have to read it ...." After it was passed. This is a graphic reminder of the need to stay healthy. Get your plot now at Forest Lawn ..... while they last. Is this a death sentence to those of us who will reach 75?.....Yes!
Post is here:
as long as providers are paid based upon the procedure, docs are going to order every procedure in the book. the article above suggests that the cardiac stress test was denied because of obamacare. sorry -- don't see the link at all. however, it's up to the physician to advocate for his/her patient regarding tests that he/she deems medically necessary. does this person really expect us to believe that someone phoned the "medicare board" and within 30 minutes, they changed their mind to cover the procedure? if government is as inept as we think, there is no way that guy got a reversal of a decision in 30 minutes or less. isn't it possible that someone at the doc's office screwed up? i'm sure that voucher system or "premium support" will cover all the healthcare you need.
So Amanda, you're implying every prescription and medical procedure done in the USA is valid and needed? Government should not be in the insurance business. Government should not be in the medical decision business. Too many Americans think doctors are "god".. and are too stupid to question the BS that some doctors say & do...
Every medical decision that is predetermined using best practices, cost containment, outcome determination, cost benefit analysis can be reckoned by someone with a political ax to grind as death panels. Cpmapring them to Hitler is even crazier. I don't think Hitler said to the Jews, Gypsies, Turks and others, "We are going to use a medical board in an effort to determine a best practices approach that is outcome determined in an effort to contain costs." No, he used them as slave labor and then when they were of no use he slaughtered them.
Hyperbole, no matter how satisfying, does not enrich the argument. You posted that we needed to keep a "check" on things. Slippery slope to death panels.
So what are you saying, you want death panels or not?
Amanda, I think procedures that are needed to save someone's life should be done (preferable to telling someone they are too old to spend that money on and given pain pills to destroy their quality of life), but I think you have to have a check on things. Many people go to the doctors when they really don't need to and don't question anything at all, so they end up having procedures that are not necessary. We also have elderly folks who overdo the doctor thing. I fight tooth and nail to be left alone, and I try very hard to make sure nothing is being done that is REALLY needed. I don't stay at the hospital if at all possible; I always try to have outpatient surgeries or procedures, don't fill prescriptions I know I won't use etc. On the other hand, I know people who go just the other way, and I know folks who thought when they reached 60, they should fall apart and take so little care, it happens or they end up invalids almost as a self fulfilling prophecy ......... they are almost their own worst enemy! What do we do to change that cause it must be changed. Just because they are on medicare doesn't mean they shouldn't care how much things cost etc. We need to turn the heads of those who think wasteful as well I would think.
There should NO limits on what medical procedures are provided by medicare. NONE. Our seniors deserve this coverage and we will find a way to pay for it later. If it bankrupts this country to pay for seniors health and that means the rest of us get nothing but the bill, so be it.
When we first were fighting obamacare, TEA published pages citing were the panels, embedded taxes, forced unionization, etc, were located. i can't find mime, but we need to get the exact page to Romney so he can quote it.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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