The Death of Liberty: Not on our watch!

I usually watch a “religious” show in the mornings as my way to stay away from bad news and get a little motivation in my life. Today when I flipped on the TV to have my morning joy jolt, I instead was horrified at the image I saw. The image was that of a little child in Africa dying from lack of food. She was 3 years old and weighed 15 pounds. Flies landed on her face and she did not have the energy to swish it away. A tattered blanket covered her and her mother watched as she knew death was near for her precious baby girl.

The next clip showed a young man digging small graves one after another. The ground was broken and dry and the dirt particles were many as he dug the small graves. The voice over said he was not digging graves for those who had died. He was preparing graves for those who WOULD die. It was his job and it was anticipated that people and babies would die that day. I counted at least eight small open graves behind him as they showed him digging.

I stood there watching the images on the screen and wished I could reach out right that minute and give that baby a drink of water, some bread, some fruit and a another mother’s hug. I felt so lost and unable to fix the situation of desolation and death in another country. Sure I can send $10 a month and do my part and I will…yet is that enough? Can I bring water to the desolate land? Can I bring food to all those people? Can I find a way to revitalize this country that seems hopeless? I alone am not capable of doing all that but I can do my part. Every little act and donation and every person could make a difference in saving this child. Together we are better than alone.

Can we do the same thing here in America? Can we help others who need food, water and a loving hug? Sure we can and we will. Americans are generous and loving people who give all they can to help others across the world and here at home. We do not dig graves in anticipation of a need. We lend a hand in anticipation of hope for the future. We are optimists and proud of it!

When we see the pain of hunger and malnutrition, we feel like we can fix it and we rush to help. We do not need a governmental agency to do this for us. They always lag behind the people. We the People always step up and do our part and we will continue to do that because it is the core foundation of the American spirit.

As I watched that child dying on a dry, dirt ground with a tattered blanket covering her, my mind flashed to Lady Liberty and wondered if she would end up like that.

Some will think I am heartless to compare a real person to a statue. To me Lady Liberty represents millions of people who came here to escape the dry ground that child is dying on.

The message on the Statue of Liberty is:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these — the homeless, tempest-tossed — to me;
I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door.

Lady Liberty faces outward – to the world and not towards America. We are not selfish as we have been accused. We are not inward focused. We are not tyrants. We are Liberty Leaders and we will hold the torch of Liberty for all those who are down trodden and need a helping hand.

As we shop for our Thanksgiving meal this weekend, please remember those who are without and double your purchase by buying a gift card at the store. Take it to one of the Community outreach centers and drop it off. Ask them to give it to a family who needs help. You may also ask your church or synagogue about a family in need and ask them to hand it off. Or you might consider inviting a neighbor to have dinner with you and your family. There are many needs in our community. Will you help meet one of those needs? Let’s not leave it up to the government to do the work that We the People in America are known for and do so well.

Enjoy your weekend and keep an eye on Liberty. There are many out there who want to destroy her.

P.S. – If you want to help Feed Hungry Children in America you can do so at It’s a wonderful organization and they have many needs right now.

Views: 24


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Comment by James Reed on November 22, 2010 at 12:03pm
Good post!
Comment by Kari James on November 20, 2010 at 8:44am
In the midst of so many negative things we have been seeing and reading lately, this article made me cry. I tend to get so angry and helpless feeling with all that is currently going on in our country, so this article was a breath of fresh air! We need to hold onto what this country was established on, Faith in God! We should live our lives in such a way that others can see Christ in us. Thank you for reminding me that our duty is to help others and to preserve the basic foundation of this country so that our country is able to continue helping other countries and not become in need of help ourselves!
Comment by Karen Padgett on November 19, 2010 at 5:27pm
Thank you Billie for the reminder. I often think so many of us, me included get wrapped up in our day to day activities we forget how fortunate we really are.
Comment by Cindy Jordan on November 19, 2010 at 5:22pm
Billie, you are so right. Sometimes its hard to look past our own situations. We are all so blessed. Just by being in this Country, not to mention so many other opportunities available to us. Like the Freedom of Speech, and our Faith in God. United we will stand, divided we will fall. We are all Americans, or want to be. No matter what color, age, or belief in faith. We all have blood in our veins, and love for our families in our hearts. Now is not only a time to give "Thanks" for our many blessings, but a time to give back. I challenge everyone to do something, whether it be to give money, time, blood, compassion, or simple tasks for our seniors, children, and others struggling, and in need. Even if is simply to take the time to listen to someone that is lonely or scared, or depressed. We are a compassionate Country, that is what makes us great. Unfortunately, some have mistaken us as foolish suckers that should save, and support the World. It is not about race, religion, or color. It is about character. Not what we say, but how we act. We all need to be more educated, and not just opinunated sometimes. Keep up the good work, and let's make sure D.C. remembers we are watching them. And that we are going to "HOLD THEIR FEET TO THE FIRE".
Comment by Holly Winsman on November 19, 2010 at 1:38pm
Look what the people of Kankakee are doing!!!! There is no reason why this could not be done in this area as well.
Comment by JSC on November 19, 2010 at 1:15pm
Publix sells a complete turkey or ham dinner for around $40.00. Some are available at a higher price. This is a great way to send a holiday dinner to a family in need.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on November 19, 2010 at 11:57am
Thank you so much for the reminder, Billie. I really needed that right now. No matter my situation, I am still SO BLESSED!
Comment by Holly Winsman on November 19, 2010 at 11:54am
We also must watch out for out troops since they have been abandoned by and are being treated horribly by our government. Our military will not get Thanksgiving dinner at home with family, they will be out in the open sands of Iran or Afghanistan and under gun fire. If you care to send a Thanksgiving package to our troops, this site does that - scroll down on the right hand side.
Comment by Joanna B McDermott on November 19, 2010 at 11:31am
Thank you Billie.
Comment by Kay Ragan Durden on November 19, 2010 at 11:23am
Billie, your a dear. I always thank God when I see things like you saw, that the men that started our country were God fearing men and wanted our country to stand on Truth and under God. So many countries have turned there backs on God and they have a hard time. Hopefully our country is turning back to God so we can go on. That sweet baby and all the others are with God, think on that. Now if we can just follow the path He gave us in Acts we too will be with Him one day. Love you girl!

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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