Last night we attended the graduation of a bright and special young lady. She was the Salutatorian and there are many reasons to be proud of her.
Her father is from Mexico and came to America over 25 years ago. His father had passed away and his mother and 9 sisters looked to him for their futures. He knew his best chance to help his family was to come to America, the land of opportunity. He did so and he did it legally.
He is an American citizen and a small business owner. He has walked each of his sisters down the aisle and he still takes care of his mother. He loves America and is proud of what he has accomplished here. He works every day – except Sunday – which is held for his family and his time with God. Hard work drives him and he does not put up with laziness in those who work for him. He is everything we hope for in all immigrants who come to America.
He sent his children to private Catholic school. It was an extra expense and he had to work longer hours to pay tuition. It was worth he would tell us. His family deserved the best education possible and he wanted to make sure they got it. He didn’t rely on any government handouts to pay for anything and he was more than happy to sacrifice for his loved ones.
Last night he was beaming with pride. The American dream showed up in his family. His daughter was honored as one of the best in academics and will be heading to a prestigious college of two names in August. Her parents will continue to work hard to pay for her expenses which were reduced significantly by a large academic scholarship.
As we sat in the auditorium listening to the speeches, my eyes kept searching the faces of the graduates. They sat on stage in rows looking outward to their family members. They fidgeted and whispered to their friends but most of them just sat there and smiled – big smiles. They would catch a phrase or two of the speaker but you could see they were just inching to get that diploma and jump into the world.
The speaker was a former student from a mere five years ago. She still looked very young and could have easily been sitting in the rows with the graduates. She was a good choice for the evening because she is still fresh and new to “the world.” She mentioned remaining true to who you are and not forgetting where you came from. But the one thing that stuck out in my mind was when she told them they would be ridiculed for their Catholic faith. In her four years at one liberal college, she heard nasty remarks about her faith and was also ridiculed because she was from the south! She is now in medical school and still hears these remarks even though she is in the top of her class. The world has become cruel to those who love God.
As she spoke of this ridicule, I looked again to the faces of the graduates. Some were listening but again, they were smiling. They heard but did they listen? They will remember her words when it happens to them. Until then, life is ripe for the picking and all is good.
As the graduation ceremony ended and their tassels were turned to the other side they could not contain themselves. The caps flew in the air and the graduates were jumping among themselves with giddiness.
I stood there watching them and clapped for their success. The crowd moved outside to take the family pictures of the smiling graduates with their moms and dads, grandparents and little brothers and sisters. Hugs between graduates were all around me. Flowers for the girls were in many hands. Signs from guy friends to other guy friends stated “Man, you did it! We can’t believe it!”
The world is theirs. It will be up to each individual to make a life for themselves. They can choose hard work. They can choose to stand up for their ridiculed beliefs. They can choose to be proud of their southern heritage. They can choose to run for office. They can choose to stay home and raise a family. They can choose to work on a mission field. They can choose to continue their education. They can choose to go to work. They can choose to practice law, become a doctor, or work in an office. They can choose to run through obstacles in their way. They can choose to be successful in the worst economy of our time. They can choose to stand up for God.
Whatever they choose to do – it’s their choice. Their parents gave them the foundation to take the world on and we wish them the best. We know it will not be easy and the world they are jumping into is in a mess. But their smiling faces of hope gives us hope too.
Whatever happens – it will be up to each of them personally to make the life they want.
We hope THEIR future is bright because OUR future lies in their hands.
They don’t realize that yet – so don’t tell them. We want them to smile as long as they can.
Congratulations Class of 2011. The world’s waiting – jump in! Take it on and remember where you came from!
Each year our Rotary Club has the privilege to present awards, in the form of a trophy, to the top students "graduating" from the eighth grade in several public and private schools here in Jacksonville.
Two of us Rotarians were presenters this week at San Jose Catholic. What a great group of young people! They are enthusiastic, seemed eager, and looked happy.
We must continue to fight for their future! Right now, they deserve no less!
to the class of 2011:
Congrats!! Good luck paying off this generations bills.
"Congratulations" to this young lady graduate, "Salutatorian" is a huge, huge accomplishment being a Daughter of immigrant. She is a good example to every Americans to emulate. Work hard to succeed. My Grand Daughter graduated Salutatorian in Sandalwood High School in 2010. Her parents are both RNs. Immigrated from the Philippines in 1988. Her Dream is to become a Doctor. She was awarded a full Scholarship in UF. Thank you America. You have given us the opportunity to reach those DREAMS, and the FREEDOM we enjoy. Adios.
Thank you,
TEA party member/Conservative
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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