In the wake of the historic 2010 midterm elections, the discussion about balancing our uncontrolled federal budget has begun… which means things are about to get ugly.
Every dollar of federal spending has a constituency that will furiously resist attempts to take it away. The statist strategy is to mix all the taxes necessary to support this spending into a thin paste, and spread it across a taxpaying minority that can be outvoted when it gets cranky.
Nobody gets an itemized bill for their share of ridiculous crap like voice mail for the homeless in Ohio, or a $24 million birthday party for the National Park Service. The recipients of this pork will fight like wolverines to keep it, and call you greedy and selfish for objecting to the fractions of a penny they siphon from your paycheck... until one day those penny fractions add up to a $3.5 trillion budget with a $13 trillion national debt, in the shadow of $100 trillion in unfunded Social Security and Medicare liabilities that could come crashing down within the next few years.
Incredibly, liberals still blame this situation on your callous refusal to surrender more of your paycheck, coupled with your refusal to surrender to Islamic terrorism. Socialist Bernie Sanders of Vermont sniffed that the deficit commission’s proposal is “extremely disappointing, and something that should be vigorously opposed by the American people. The huge increase in the national debt in recent years was caused by two unpaid wars, tax breaks for the wealthy, a Medicare prescription drug bill written by the pharmaceutical industry, and the Wall Street bailout."
To its credit, the deficit commission does gingerly touch the third rail of American politics by discussing Social Security reforms, including an increase in the retirement age… but such reforms are merely an admission that the government system is unsustainable. We can only solve the problem through privatization, and no Democrat wants to talk about that, or allow anyone else to talk about it. The commission speaks of raising the retirement age to 69 by 2075. Newsflash: Social Security, in its present form, will not be around in 2075. What use have Americans for a government program that eats a huge chunk of their paychecks throughout their long working lives, only to begin paying a pittance during their last seven or eight years?
The commission also recommends a federal pay freeze for three years, beginning in 2011, which will be mildly annoying to all the six-figure employees President Obama added to the federal payroll. When conservatives speak of cutting government spending, we’re not talking about stalling the rate of increase for a couple of years.
Americans for Tax Reform, which means surgery without anesthesia when it talks of cutting government spending, found billions in new taxes riddling the deficit commission’s proposal… $961 billion over ten years, to be exact. The government’s share of the Gross Domestic Product would increase from 18 to 21 percent. Tax deductions for mortgage interest, charitable donations, and employer-provided health insurance would disappear. This is one of those diets where you eat a lot of fried potatoes and Twinkies, and end up gaining a hundred pounds.
The deficit reduction debate will be painful. It’s good to see it get under way. We’re running out of time.
I Guess We Need to Spell it out For Them
The GOP is not getting the mandate of the Midterm elections. We have a $13 Trillion debt and they want to roll back spending to 2008 levels? We must go much further than that.
* No More Increases to the Debt Ceiling
* Cut, Defund or Eliminate Departments, programs, spending to meet the shortfall created by not increasing the Debt Ceiling
* Prevent Obama from back-dooring Congress via his Czars imposing DEPARTMENTAL REGULATIONS that Congress and Citizens oppose by Defunding those Departments
* Eliminate Departments of Education and EPA (Obama will bypass the dead Cap and Trade Bill through Regulations by EPA and other Departments that mimic Cap and Trade
* Stop funding ALL 529 and 501c organizations immediately
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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