The Atheist Conservative: Obama begins to set children against their parents, totalitarian style

This is unreal, and once you read it, you will be shocked.  I certainly am. 


In Communist China, children were urged to work on their parents and grandparents to make them conform to Mao’s will in the The Cultural Revolution. Likewise children in Russia and its satellites during the Soviet nightmare were directed to instruct their elders, and to betray them if they did not conform. The same was done to turn children into instruments of the state and against their families in Nazi Germany. Now it begins in the United States of America!  This from Little Green Footballs:

The Obama campaign’s attempted use of children to influence their parents is absolutely open and blatant. Why doesn’t this outrage people? This is political cynicism of an amazing degree.

Barack Obama | Change We Need | The Talk.

Do’s & Don’ts

Do share your personal reasons for voting for Barack Obama;

Do have confidence — your opinion matters to people who care about you;

Do read up on Barack’s positions on the issues you know matter to them;

Do find a good time when both you and they will be open to a conversation;

Do talk to them in person if you live nearby, or on the phone if you don’t;

Do ask your friends to talk to their parents and grandparents as well;

Don’t worry about knowing everything about policy positions before you have this conversation;

Don’t feel defensive. Stay calm, cool and collected;

Don’t wait until the last minute — it might take a few conversations for you to convince them, so start as early as possible;

Don’t catch them at a bad time — make sure you have their attention and enough time to have a conversation.

Unbelievable. And it gets worse.

Ideas to Get the Conversation Started

read more here:

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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 10, 2012 at 6:51am

And don't forget to mention the supreme court allowing them to use various phrases in our constitution in a manner they were never intended to be used as.  If this had never been allowed, the government would have been stopped as it should have been.  If they had stopped every over reaching piece of legislation in it's tracks because it was not listed as a duty of the federal government, we would not have all the systems these fools have put in place that the country can't afford to pay for because our representatives have either spent the money on other give away programs.  The founders wrote the constitution very clearly to stop and limit the size and scope of the federal government and to leave many of the programs the federal government has erroneously usurpted from the states, community or local rule, and by the people.  Even now, if they would go back and negate some of those findings and kick the federal government out of things where they do not belong to start with, we would not be in the financial mess we are in.

Comment by amanda choate on April 9, 2012 at 10:08pm
Che' led revolutions in Chile, Congo and famously. Cuba, but never Chile. His revolutions succeeded. But not because of violence, but because he was going up against dictators, colonizers and despots. People will, when given the prospect of freedom go with whomever is playing the tune. They do not count nuanced political philosophy among their interests. They go with their guts. It fails when freedom is not delivered. When freedom is unevenly distributed, governments fail.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 7, 2012 at 7:46pm

Thanks Roma.  I still recommend you real the letter as it is a corker!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 7, 2012 at 7:38pm

Roma, I might suggest you look at one of my posts from today which is a letter outlining why belonging to any of these UN affiliated organizations that make you sign something that makes your allegiance to them instead of your city and the state and the federal government an act of treason............Another one mentions personal property rights being taken away in the UN program to take away our rights and pretty much everything else we hold near and dear.  Me wonders if all these property rights stealing laws being passed at all levels aren't actually more to do with Agenda 21 and these folks adherring to some weird UN stuff.  I know it's a lot as there are 4 Agenda 21 blogs but each has info that is unique to the blog.  By the way, Happy Easter Roma.  I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful day!  Pat

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 6, 2012 at 8:48pm

Sorry Roma,  I was confused by you comments.  My fault.  Not yours :).

I liked John's picture, and he has come up with some great ones the last few days.............wonder where he is getting them!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 6, 2012 at 3:23pm

Whatever................Happy Easter Roma, and I will try not to think about what you just said :).  John's picture is great.  It clearly denotes the choice women must make, but do understand, Obama doesn't care, and keeping him may mean you don't get either since he hasn't exactly kept many of his promises, but he's dying to get re-elected so he can finish our country off.  I don't think, Roma, any of the republicans running can be anywhere near as bad as the current guy is.............what's next he promises to give you health care if you vote for him and not give it to folks who don't vote for him?  That's coming if Obamacare isn't tossed, and Obama is capable of doing it I believe.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 6, 2012 at 3:04pm
by Marcia Wood
To those women the 20% who’ve flip flopped again and jumping on Obama’s bandwagon – it’s time to have a heart to heart talk. I’m a proud mother of four adult children and a grandmother of seven awesome angels and two great grandchildren. Why are you bartering with the “Devil?”

How in the world do you kiss your children at night, tuck them in bed when you are selling your soul to the devil? That’s a pretty graphic statement, but there isn’t any other common sense way of exposing your actions. By supporting and condoning Obama’s traitorous actions, you’re acting as an accomplice to the many crimes committed by this person, you call Obama.

Those women supporting Obama are living by what I call the “Flavor of the day,” and selfishly choose their favorite flavor (Obama policy) to meet their immediate needs. Let’s discuss Planned Parenthood and contraception – you are hot to trot on these two subjects because it is your get out of jail free card that allows you to have one night stands or condones shacking up with the opposite sex removing all personal responsibility from your actions and reactions.

It’s not your children, grandchildren or future generations that concern you – it’s all about you, you, you, and you and to “hell with your children or Country’s future.” In 2008 many of you fell for this smooth talking snake oil salesmen who promised you “hope and change” camouflaged in a fancy package wrapped with a pretty bow and full of political propaganda.

You sold us out in 2008 and are primed to do it again in 2012 – where is your love of your Country, your Patriotism? Why have you lost a willingness to sacrifice to promote good in our Country? Why have you trashed our Constitution and declared war on our Nation?

What did you really get the past three years – unsecured borders, an illegal healthcare bill, 787 billion dollars of your money stolen, high unemployment, excessive foreclosures, high gas prices and inflation. Not one of Obama’s promises fulfilled! Our Nation is being devoured by his radical policies and you’re gleefully joining him and helping him destroy our America.

The rest of the article is here:

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 6, 2012 at 3:04pm

Why thank you Amanda.  You have now stated more clearly than ever before that the election will be based on what you can get out of the system.  Is that correct?  That staying free doesn't matter and that you and all the groups you mentioned are in it for the free stuff and what you can get out of the government?  That means in a very short while we will be where Greece is and be bankrupt.  Again, is that correct or do you wish to change something?  So, you want everything on your list, and all the others want all the free stuff or government subsidized stuff on their lists, so we should plan on continuing to borrow a trillion plus dollars a year until we get where Greece is and then, you can and the rest of the free loaders can all jump up and down like spoiled children who expect to be catered to even if there is no money to do every thing you want?  Above please find a post another lady wrote which says it all way better than I could dream of saying it.

Comment by amanda choate on April 6, 2012 at 2:45pm

John, I am leaving hte country for the weekend with my family. Have a great time, though I won't be here to play with you, so I guess you will have to play with yourself. St. Croix by private plane, sweet!

Comment by amanda choate on April 6, 2012 at 11:14am

Those who advocate anger and fear to organize do more harm than good, because anger is illogical, and makes us easier to manipulate..  Gandhi and Martin Luther King advocated love they neighbor to organize the masses.  History shows  the latter more effective. -Tom and Roma

Very true.

This election may very well come down to this; Who has MY best interests at heart?

If you are a woman, how do you answer this question? Based upon recent bills and legislation that total over 1100 all that seek to limit women's access to a legal abortion and healthcare, that reduce their protections for spousal abuse, that dimunate their place in the workforce, who are they voting for in November?

How about young people? Republicans have voted to strip funding for Pell grants, raised their tuitions, threaten to end their ability to stay on their parents insurance, cut funding  for universities around the country, opposed efforts to make student loans more affordable, wish to inject troopers in hotspots around the globe, pushed trillions in debt onto their backs for the next thirty years, made it harder for them to vote, and pushed a socially regressive agenda. I don't see them flocking to the polls to support Republicans.

How about if I am Hispanic? Do I even need to go here. Rick Perry was booed for supporting the Dream Act. An act that provides a path to citizenship to those who are in this country through no fault of their own, but have thrived anyway.This pathway to citizenship includes service in the military, sorry not enough. Being Hispanic in Alabama or Arizona or various other states basically gives the cops rights to harrass you unimpeded.

How about workers? Do you think that workers who have watched Republicans attack teachers and their unions as thugs and anti-American communists are not going to perceive that they may be next in line for lesser protections from Republicans. They have already suggested the NLRB be dismantled.

How about 35-52 year old citizens? They will be asked to finance Medicare during their peak earning years while being promised that there is no way we can afford to insure their health needs  upon their retirement. Thanks Representative Ryan, that sounds great to me.

Blacks and the poor, please, if they do not understand that the Republicans would not only ignore their  constituency, but would do everything vilify and blame them for our nations woes.

Is there any conservationists left in the Republican party?  The Sierra Club used to filled with Republicans, today its is as barren  of them as can be. Stewardship as a model has been replaced with drill, baby, drill. Cap and trade in 2008 forwarded by Republicans as a free market approach to carbon reduction is now viewed as some crazy tree hugger response that is out of touch with the rational world. I do not see them as swinging their votes to Republicans anytime soon.

Muslims, a small but growing group, especially in the swing states, is constantly attacked by virtually all Republicans looking to make hay by promoting fear and hate. Wouldn't even allow one Muslim man to join a Republican group in Palm Beach county.

Republicans control the majority of state houses and governorships around the country. In thatrole they have focused their energies on tearing down, not building up. Were Democrats not such a disorganized lot there would be a drubbing come the fall? I am casting about for a third party. It won't be libertarian, but it would be close. I just want some to vote for someone that doesn't hate the oppostion and believes that we  can get and must work to solve our problems, long term and short term. It isn't Republican and it isn't Democrats, but Democrats will win elections if Republicans don't get their act together.

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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