As I’ve mentioned before most of us in the Tea Party Movement woke up from a sleepy dream to a real nightmare. The dream was the American dream that we were chasing. We were oblivious to the behind-the-scenes games being played with our lives by the political machines in DC and all over the world.
We were led to believe if you worked hard, paid your taxes and kept your nose clean, the American dream could be yours. Everyone had a chance and all you had to do was go for it. Now we know the American Dream has been challenged by the “dreams of another man’s father” and change is fast and furiously devouring it.
His dreams do not match the majority of us in America. He may pretend that they do by stirring up trouble and making up lies but reality is reality…the American dream is and has always been a special gift for all the world.
There is a showdown in Washington about the American dream. President Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling, raise taxes and continue spending as if all is well with the American soul. If we allow him to do this, the American dream will die. Period. The GOP is fighting him on this and they should and they must.
Here’s why. Over the weekend, we found some disturbing spending that if cut would keep us from raising the debt ceiling AND put us back on course to a healthy America again. Here are just a few and there are thousands upon thousands more that we will share with you later:
Last week President Obama said, “I cannot guarantee that those checks (social security and military pay) go out on August 3rd if we haven’t resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.”
Those words sealed our fate. We can either sit here in the dark and hope the good Master will not do as he threatens OR we can stand up, raise our hands to his belt and stop him NOW.
To do your part, contact your Representatives and tell them you have seen the videos and the research; you know where our money is going; you are fed up with the threats from the White House; and you want them to continue to stand firm against his bullying tactics.
Tell them: We want you to cut spending Now, cap the debt ceiling Now and balance the budget Now. It makes sense and it will save the American dream.
You can reach your representative at: (contact John Boehner too)
You can reach your Senator at:
Forget about calling the White House – they could care less what you think.
As you make your calls, you might want to play this in the background. Elvis was a great American who lived the American dream, worked hard, paid his taxes, and kept his nose clean (well most of the time). Elvis was known as the King of Rock and Roll and he deserved that title. Obama wants to be our King too but no way Jose will that ever happen! ‘Cause out there in the dark, there’s a beckoning candle and while I can think, while I can walk, while I can stand, while I can talk, while I can dream…
No one will take that dream from me.
How about your dream?
Nobody could sing it like "The King"
I was a huge fan, his music is a constant influence in may lives, if only the world had not been deprived of is tremendous talent.
You don't hear his kind of music anymore.
What with "ganster Rap" and all.
Then again, the world is different now than it was then, life was so much simpler.
Will the inside the beltway people ever understand how their deceisions influence our lives on an everyday basis. I wonder?
God Blees all of our FCTP family.
Tom Wright
The GPO is where you can go to find the Federal budget as well as other federeal publications. Actually if you have some time it is interesting.
Billie is it not incredible the fire that churns and burns from within when you are reading then typing about such chaos?
Seems fingers wont move as fast as you need them to when typing
Great! the Bible encourages us to dream and to have visions to be closer to God (One Nation under God).
‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28)This constitutes high crimes and treason! Together with other unconstitutional acts and the rape of the U.S. Treasury for the benefit of illegal aliens and the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of countries in the Middle East and northern Africa, the American people have far more than the required grounds to impeach this illegal president.
Obama's personally released birth certificate has been proven to be a forgery. He is a usurper of the presidency and legislative powers of the U.S. Congress, as he legislates from the Oval Office and through the regulatory process. He has failed and refused to follow or enforce the U.S. Constitution and U.S. laws. Demands for impeachment, removal from office, and trial for high crimes and treason should be loudly emanating from loyal, patriotic Americans all over this country. Enough..., no more of this criminal imposter squatting in the people's White House and using the U.S. Treasury as his and the Muslim world's personal piggy bank.
Speak up and be loudly heard, Tea Party Patriots!
All three videos were excellent. We have to wake up America. We will do our part to attempt to make these videos go viral...
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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