I read an article this morning about a 9/11 widow of the Pentagon attacks. As I read it, I wondered how we could have changed so much.
In the days and months following the terrorist attack on America and the murder of 3,000 of its innocent citizens – we all came together in patriotism and love for our fellow man. Flags flew on every mailbox in neighborhoods across the country. Cars proudly displayed car flags and motorcycles held large flags blowing in the wind as they cruised down the interstate.
I remember the feeling of respect that came for each other. Instead of honking and blowing horns when someone hesitated at a red light, we politely waited for the driver to move. We would let cars into traffic or insist someone with a few groceries in their cart go ahead of us. We were peaceful, calm and caring about our fellow man. We showed neighborly love.
What happened?
I ask this question in all sincerity. Where did that feeling go? How could we have moved so far to the other side of hate and disrespect for each other?
The media has removed showing any of the videos of that day. Their reasoning is that we must move on and forget that terrible day in America. Why?
The schools do not talk about it and history itself is null and void in our system school. Why?
Political figures sent our children to fight wars because of this 9/11 tragedy and 10 years later we are still there. Why?
Respect and honor is given to those whose relatives flew planes into our American sites and killed our family members. Disrespect is given to those whose family members died. Why?
Flying a flag is now against city ordinances and wearing a t-shirt with a flag on it is frowned upon in schools. Why?
Saying the Pledge of Allegiance is ignored and in some schools the Pledge to the World is now being recited. Why?
Memorials to the victims of 9/11 have taken too long to build and ten years later some still need money to fund these important memorials. Why?
We might get the answers to “Why?” in our lifetime and some of us may not know until we walk through the pearly gates of heaven. But one thing is certain, we will get the answer. When we do, do not be surprised with the answer. I am confident we will find those who hate “Love and Honor” will be the masterminds behind the tearing down of our American values.
When love for our fellow man showed up the day after 9/11 – those who hate love went on a temper tantrum and set the wheels in motion to destroy us deeper. They took down buildings on 9/11 and on 9/12 they began their attack to take down America from within.
The good news is this. This country was founded on Godly principles taken straight from the Holy Bible by our founding fathers. The Constitution was breathed into life from scripture verses used by these great men to set in place a country where freedom-loving people could live. Our foundation is strong and evil men and women can strategize, organize and mesmerize against our value system all they want. In the end, we win.
Hopefully in a Sunday School class not far from here, a young child will hear the story of David and Goliath. He will realize he can be David too and with simple prayers and a bag rocks, he can be a warrior for America when it’s his time to serve.
Speaking of David – we have our very own David Beamer who lives in North Florida. He is the father of Todd Beamer, who said the words, “Let’s roll” on that fateful day ten years ago. Todd and the passengers of Flight 93 died as they attempted to fight evil in the cockpit of that airplane.
Unfortunately ten years later, the memorial to these passengers has not been fully funded. As money is sent across the seas to our enemies, our very own heroes are ignored. Why?
The First Coast Tea Party asks for donations to keep our doors open and you readily give when the call is sent out. We thank you for your gifts and this month we are asking a favor. Please do not send your donations to us and instead send them to Honor Flight 93 Organization. Your small “rock” will help build the memorial and will one day be a place where a young David will reflect on the love he has for his country.
Please make your donations at: http://www.honorflight93.org/
A special memorial: Join us on Saturday, September 10th as the Tea Party Express bus rolls into town. We will have a rally with speakers, music and other festivities and we will end the night lighting candles in memory of those who were murdered on 9/11. Please join us for this special night. For more information and to RSVP, go to: http://www.fctpcommunity.org/events/tea-party-express-bus-arrives
And because it is Sunday- how about a Rocking Song to get your day started in the right direction?
Actual Mike Simmons, if pot/weed/marijuana were legalized and taxed as booze and cigarettes are, we would generate enough income to retire the debt in five years. The math has been done on this. From a business stand point we have a negative balance because of the war on drugs that spends=wastes billions every year. I knew a Simmons in Shelton High School, he was a sports jock, could you be him. If I was farming my name in California with a growers license I'd make half a mil the first year, all legal.
Obviously I haven't been smoking my last name because I have a lot more knowledge on the issues than you. Take that energy you are wasting on comedy and use it to educate yourself on the true issues of the day. It will come in very handy in the next six months cause it isn't lookin good.
Michael--Sounds like you are attempting to marginalize David's comments.
It would be best to focus comments / discussions on the real issues and
policies presented that are affecting our country and the upcoming election.
To better understand the history with the situation we are facing today in
America, you may want to review the documentary-- Endgame. You can
use the link below to see the full video:
I think you will find it a real eye opener on how our politicians and government
are being manipulated.
I am very familiar with Rick Perry, since I only recently moved to Florida from Texas
and still have many family members living there. You Right-on about Perry’s activities.
WE all should not be fooled buy his good ole boy Texas accent and nice hair. Rick
Perry is Not the great leading conservative that the bought and paid for mainline media
portrays him to be. He is the chosen one by the Banking Cartel Leadership—The
Bilderberg Group. They are the ones ultimately at the top of the pyramid that helped
put in Obama and Bush before him in office. Perry will also pose as our savior, but
would continue the Tax and Spent and keep the inflation & wars going. Then he will
allow The Banking Cartel and the Globalist corporations buy out our bankrupt country
for pennies on the dollar. Attached are some really good documented reasons we
should all Not want Rick Perry as President:
Our Best Hope for President is one that always does what he says and will truly
reduce this over-reaching Government to its Constitutional Limits. That is Ron Paul
of course. He is the only one that can get us out of all these deadly, unnecessary &
illegal Globalist’s Wars that we can’t afford and get us out of the diabolical Federal
Reserve Inflationary Theft System. Ron Paul is a True Patriot and a Leader that can
pull our Nation together on the Issues that really matter for a Return to Freedom and
Congradulations Ed, finally someone who knows the truth. And I see you have discovered Alex Jones and Info Wars. I good place to gather information. I see you have also discovered Architects and Engineers for Truth. The ads will soon be on the air waves. Also see what Alex Jones has to say about Rick Perry. He suddenly becomes a Ron Paul imitator. Check Perry's background very carefully. He has supported the North American Trade Union super highway in Texas and thus the Amero currency. Ron Paul was only a little more than 200 votes behind Michelle Bachman and yet he has the major media running so scared that they ignored his status. As for the FED, a private corporation created on Jekyl Island in 1913 by the wealthy bankers [ Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Rothchilds etc}, use fractional reserve debt based banking. The money is electronically created and has no backing and no value. It is the biggest Ponzi scheme in the world. For it to work properly, the banks, now Wall Street thanks to killing Glass-Steagal, must take the profit or reserves and re-invest in the community as loans. Instead they have the money parked in Treasuries earning 4 to 8 percent interest using money they got from the FED at ZERO interest. Until the FED raises the interest up from zero this will continue. Without loans the economy grinds to a stand still as it has and this is all intentional. The Globalists that run the FED want a one world government and they have suceeded in building the foundation right before our own eyes. The IMF is the world bank, Nato is the world army, and the UN is the world government. The WTO is a form of world court. Compared to a 1950's dollar, a dollar today is worth $.05, that's right a nickel in purchasing power. Has your pay gone up to compensate you for inflation? I think not. Today I saw Food Lion milk for over $4 for a gallon and gas is $3.46 a gallon of which $.74 is tax in the state of Florida. The share holders of the FED and members of CFR will settle for nothing less than the destruction of the US as we now know it. It is treason because of that and shame on us if we let it happen.
On a brighter note, check out Angel Food Ministries to save on your food bill. Enough food for 2 people for a month at $21, $31, and $41 depending on the amount of food. The bread is free and donated from Publix SuperMarkets. There is no limit to how much you can buy nor any income limits. Think of it as a faith based food buying club. Their food is excellent. They also have steaks, holiday packages, and a fruit and vegetable box for $25. You can not beat the price for the food you get. The local churches and VFW's donate time and facilities to distribute the food. I urge everyone here to check it out.
There are so many truths said here it makes proud to be a member of the Tea Party.
Rick Perry said if the fed prints more money now it would be treasonist. People don't seem to realize that since 2008 our money supply has went from over 800 billion to now we have over 2 trillion in our money supply as our fed printed the money. This means for all of us that your money is now worth less than half what it was 3 years ago.
To steal our savings and future any further knowingly should be treason.
We will continue to see food and energy increase as our economy catches up to what thefed has done.
I agree with all David's comments below. The event of 911 was a most horrible devastating event for our country. Since then we have been drawn into Wars that have killed nearly 1,000,000 people--most of whom were also innocent. We lost another 5,000 of our own Great American Soldiers during those 10 years--devastating even more families. Another 35,000 soldiers are still living with major injuries. We must all be awakened to question and find the truth behind 911. The best way to stop these type events from ever happening again is to reopen a real investigation to find the money and planning behind them. Who benefited from these Trillion Dollar Wars? Too many unanswered questions and a previous inadequate clandestine investigation. See below is an article and a Video from Architects and Engineers for Truth about just one aspect of 911 that must be challenged:
Sandy, I highly agree with your statement, the sleeping giant has awoken and I am seeing and hearing more and more evidence of it daily also. The TRUTH always wins.
The American people are fed up with all the lies. Personally I think the whole world is.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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