From: House Majority Office
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 1:33 PM
Subject: ***For Immediate Release***Leader Lopez-Cantera Calls on Bill Nelson to Apologize for Politicizing Capture of OBL
Importance: High


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                     

May 2, 2011 


CONTACT: Rebekah Hammond     

(850) 488-1993                                                                                                                   



House Majority Leader Lopez-Cantera Calls on Bill Nelson to Apologize for Politicizing Capture of Osama Bin Laden


Tallahassee, Fla. - Florida House Majority Leader Carlos Lopez-Cantera (R-Miami) issued the following statement regarding a press conference held today by U.S. Senator Bill Nelson, hosted by Members of the House Democrat Caucus. During the press conference, Senator Nelson accused the Florida Legislature of trying to deny the right to vote to those soldiers who aided in the capture and killing of terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden.


"Senator Nelson's tactics amount to nothing more than an outrageous political stunt, motivated solely by his re-election campaign at the expense of our Armed Forces. His disgraceful suggestion that the Florida Legislature would attempt to diminish the voting rights of American heroes is offensive and untruthful, and I demand that Senator Nelson immediately apologize for politicizing what should be a moment of unity for our nation.


"As Americans, we should be celebrating the capture of Osama Bin Laden as a step forward in the war on terror, remembering the thousands of American citizens he killed and those who have lost their lives in the global war on terror. Instead, Senator Nelson is using this American victory as a campaign stunt, and that is deplorable.


"As a U.S. Senator, he should be focused on tackling our failed federal immigration policy, preserving the space coast economy, and pushing back against an administration that is threatening to raise taxes on job creators when Florida is experiencing record high unemployment."


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(202) 224-5274

Views: 77


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Comment by JL Gawlik on May 4, 2011 at 5:18pm

Thank you Steve for the insight, we know these people are just doing their jobs, they practice and plan and work very hard to execute it perfectly so there is no unnecessary lost of life and thankfully they are well trained for it. Very honorable men and women.  I hope and pray there are more groups like that in our government, goodness knows we need them and more people like the fictional Jack Ryan guarding our country and our Liberties and Freedoms, we need them to do it from within our country also.


Steve said: Much like what Republicans will do to them when they refuse them the right to vote.


Steve WHY are you here? What's the point? It really sounds like you would be much happier at a progressive liberal site where you can have a dialog with like minded comrades. Are you anti- conservative or anti-constitution? You still do not see the voting fraud that has been rampant across our country perpetrated by progressives because they can not win votes on substance, and you refuse to believe that A.C.O.R.N. (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, much like the OFA, Organizing For America/Obama For America, that was created by President Obama.), is a threat to our Liberties and Freedoms. 

Comment by J.R. on May 4, 2011 at 5:17pm

Ryan, I think our time right now can be better spent getting out the vote for Mike Hogan, Dick Kravitz, Matt Schellenberg, Robin Lumb (At Large), and other run-off candidates endorsed by FCTP, whose names you can get to from Research tab on the main FCTP webpage. Or contact Debbie Gonzalez, who heads the research group or Jenna Mock in the FCTP office. We need to make a huge effort to get out the vote. The other side has out-of-state unions and Organizing for America members helping them get out the vote. We can't afford to lose the Mayor's race or City Council races to the Obama-machine-supported candidates. We don't need them in control of our county government.  That's job number one right now.  Plus, we need to get out the right message.  We know we can do that. But changing the message and the minds of rabid liberals online is, in my opinion, an exercise in futility.  Plus they can delete your comments.  Of course, it doesn't hurt to go there to do opposition research, find out what they're saying or up to so we will know how to counter it in any other forum. 

Comment by Bob Honiker on May 4, 2011 at 5:06pm

Jim they will ban you and delete your posts in a heartbeat, there are no liberal forums which allow open debate. 

 I have friends who troll Democrat Underground just for kicks, dropping little "bombs" here and there to get the useful idiots fired up.  I've done some of that myself. The instant anyone suspects you aren't a bona fide leftist the moderators pounce.

I can't take more than a light dose of them before my gag reflex kicks in.

Comment by Jim Ryan on May 4, 2011 at 4:22pm

Why don't we get the email addresses to liberal and Democratic blog groups and start responding

in kind to their web sites.  Then we can document whether they allow the truth and the other side of the story to be told.  If the responses were in such magnitude they would probably shut them down.  Either way they would have to confront the issues.  Our site does make us a well informed group with respect to the facts.  But our audience has not used that knowledge to confront the other side effectively.  Maybe we need to consider a strategy of deploying this knowledge and spreading the word into their homeland.  

Comment by JL Gawlik on May 4, 2011 at 12:21pm

U.S. military Deaths have greatly increased in Afghanistan since 2009, up over 65%. Even the incompetency in our government has greatly increased. VP Joe Biden leaked that was the Seals who stormed the compound in Pakistan, and tell me WHY in the ---- would they make it public that they confiscated all of those computers, hard drives, mother lode of information to the public? 

Story on Biden:


Story on the dishonest Pelosi:


Comment by J.R. on May 4, 2011 at 10:32am

Well, we have no one to blame but Obama and his administration for the much increased deaths of our military troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, due to Obama's new rules of engagement that tie our service members' hands behind their backs and make them sitting targets.  It is also Obama and his administration who are promoting open homosexuality among all U.S. military troops, no doubt to drive conservatives out of the military and give Obama a polarized military he could, conceivably use against our own people.  Just look at the photographs that showed the troops love and respect for George W. Bush, then look at the reception they give Obama.  It's the difference between night and day.

When I donated to the Salvation Army at Christmastime, at one of their stations outside Publix, the young man in military uniform working there as a volunteer told me just how dangerous those Obama rules of engagement are and I totally agreed with him. We talked a good while, and when I thanked him for his service and was leaving, he handed me a small American flag and said, "God Bless you m'am."  I cried all the way home, knowing what serious danger our so-called Commander in Chief had placed our brave military men and women in... and that many more would die because of it.  Recently published statistics have proven that to be true.

Comment by tamara stephenson on May 4, 2011 at 10:05am
I think the shafting of the military has been handled quite nicely on both sides of the aisle.  Under Republican leadership, our troops went to Afghanistan without proper body armor or vehicle/air armor.  Those soldiers bought the armor themselves or their families bought it for them.  My brother was one of those who purchased his own.  Let's not forget Rumsfeld completely selling out the soldiers at Abu Ghraib by calling them a few bad apples when the evidence was that it was a systemic problem.  Let's not forget the appalling/lacking GI bill before it was amended to give our soldiers a real chance at an education (Democrats changed that law); let's not forget the atrocious conditions at our VA hospitals for those veterans who came back wounded both physically and mentally and no one seemed to care (Republicans and Democrats). The blame can be passed around when it comes to the shoddy treatment our military has received.
Comment by Richard V O'Brien on May 4, 2011 at 9:23am
Until recently, the Democrats accused our military of terrorism (Sen. John Kerry), rape (Rep. John Murtha), and being murderers of innocent civilians (Barack Obama). I don't remember Sen Bill Nelson disagreeing with those remarks. Our men and woman in the military see through these people and they know who stand with them.   
Comment by John Harvel on May 4, 2011 at 3:56am
Hey JL have you seen this one?
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 3, 2011 at 9:55pm
...and the TRUTH has NO AGENDa... *G*

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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