Sustainable Defense Task Force

11 out of 14 advisors are from groups which are funded by George Soros.

  • Carl Conetta, Project on Defense Alternatives
  • Benjamin H Friedman, Cato Institute
  • William D Hartung, New America Foundation
  • Christopher Hellman, National Priorities Project
  • Heather Hurlburt, National Security Network
  • Charles Knight, Project on Defense Alternatives
  • Lawrence J Korb, Center for American Progress
  • Paul Kawika Martin, Peace Action
  • Laicie Olson, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
  • Prasannan Parthasarathi, Boston College
  • Miriam Pemberton, Institute for Policy Studies
  • Laura Peterson, Taxpayers for Common Sense
  • Christopher Preble, Cato Institute
  • Winslow Wheeler, Center for Defense Information

Task Force members serve as individuals. Affiliations are listed for identification purposes and do not imply organizational endorsement of the Task Force findings.

The Sustainable Defense Task Force was formed in response to a request from Representative Barney Frank (D-MA), working in cooperation with Representative Walter B. Jones (R-NC), Representative Ron Paul (R-TX), and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), to explore possible defense budget contributions to deficit reduction efforts that would not compromise the essential security of the United States. The Project on Defense Alternatives coordinated the work of the Task Force. Carl Conetta drafted the main body of the Task Force report in ongoing consultation with Task Force members who developed or digested proposals from the diverse sources cited in the report. A sub-committee of the Task Force reviewed the final draft before publication. It should not be assumed that all Task Force members endorse all items and sections of the report.

Debt, Deficits, & Defense: A Way Forward, the report of the Sustainable Defense Task Force, 11 June 2010.    Full Text  |  Executive Summary  |  C-SPAN video of the report release briefing hosted by Rep. Barney Frank, U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, 11 June 2010.

For more information write: pda(at)

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Comment by Peggy Hall on January 8, 2012 at 8:39pm

Guilt by association?  You just said it.  Paul is associated with it.  "The Sustainable Defense Task Force was formed in response to a request from Representative Barney Frank (D-MA), working in cooperation with Representative Walter B. Jones (R-NC), Representative Ron Paul (R-TX), and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), to explore possible defense budget contributions to deficit reduction efforts that would not compromise the essential security of the United States."  You know Paul is Mr. Isolationist.  Some of our founders were as well.  It is a totally different world now. 

Comment by Peggy Hall on January 6, 2012 at 3:04pm

Roma, I have no idea what you are referring to.  What I posted came from the govt website.  Please refer to posting again saying it was formed by Frank, Jones, Wyden and RON PAUL.  I can only go by what the govt says about their own task forces.


Comment by Peggy Hall on January 5, 2012 at 5:47pm

You bet.  But, it is Glenn who informs us.  Without him, I don't know what we would do.  The lame stream media is worthless, at best.  Palin and Hannity help.  And Rush is darn good too. 

It too have heard and seen good and bad from CATO.  Guess it's as you say, its all about the money and power. 

How sad for our beautiful Republic that the evils that are happening have not been checked by those who swore an oath to protect it. 

Have a great evening.




Comment by Peggy Hall on January 5, 2012 at 3:57pm

Roma, I did not say Heritage is a Soros foundation.  It is anything but.  I trust Heritage.  They have made some mistakes in the past, but, that is based on info current at that time.  I do not know all that much about CATO.  I do know Glenn did not accuse them of Soros ties. I have been to multiple TP meetings, and have not had the chance to check on CATO.  And please note, Heritage is not in the list of the 14 that were posted.  It was 11 of those 14 that Glenn exposed.


Comment by Peggy Hall on January 5, 2012 at 1:36pm

I have read The Road to Serfdom abridged.  Yes, I know EXACTLY who Soros is and what he stands for.  Also, I am aware of what his father stood for.   Did I say Cato was funded by Soros?  I believe I said 11 of the 14.  I think most of us have figured out how the progressives and socialists rebrand things to make them sound American or in our "best interests".  Such as the Institute for Policy Studies.  Who would not want the policies of many administrations studied, and corrected in many cases?  That is not the purpose of that institution.  We all know Center for American Progress is a Soros funded organization, also connected to the Clintons.  A couple of the folks listed above are communists, either closet or registered.  Korb being one of them. 

If you have GBTV, Glenn exposes all of this and all of the connections to Ron Paul and Barney Frank.  It was the Tuesday night show in the archives.   

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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