Just this past weekend, I wrote about my best friend rising up out of the grave. I also spoke of people rising up in America to protect Freedom. Freedom is a gift that must be protected by all generations because there is always someone filled with evil who wants to enslave us again.
This morning as I rose up to start my day – a friend had posted this video on Facebook. It was the first posting I saw when I opened Facebook. What was it? A woman in Germany standing in the middle of Islamic terrorists telling the people of Germany to Rise Up! She is an average looking woman who loves her country and was willing to walk into the middle of evil and stare it in the face.
This is no coincidence ladies and gentlemen. The message is clear. Our WORLD is awakening to a new day and people are rising up in the midst of evil to say “Enough.”
Today’s call to action: Rise Up. Say something. Do something. Be a man or woman of courage. Give yourself and this day to the mission of Liberty. Be willing to stand and look evil in the face and say with firmness and authority "Enough!"
Rise Up -- your call to action today!
I have recommended this book in the past Mr. Cox. If you are really interested in how the Federal Reserve really works, go to Amazon.com and order a copy of "The Creature from Jekyll Island". It is the most in depth book I've ever read on the formation of the Fed and it is written in plain english so that even I can understand it.
The Fed has imposed upon us, one of the biggest "Ponzi Schemes" ever. And we continue to let them get away with it. Congressman Ron Paul has been tryin g to audit the Fed for years without success. After reading this book, you will understand why. No matter what happens in our country or abroad, always remember this.."The Fed Gets Paid".....PERIOD. And they could care less what impact they have on the public. They want their money. I hope you enjoy the read!
I'd like to add another relevant point regarding the two below comments on this topic:
During the Woodrow Wilson presidency, Democrats controlled both chambers of the U.S. Congress, House of Representatives and Senate, so it was easy to push through the beginning and shepherding through of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution to grab power from the sovereign States, put this country on the road to progressivism/socialism, and create and pass the War Powers Act. Those actions enabled Wilson to sign that passed bill into law and give himself powers to go to war without a constitutionally-mandated Declaration of War by the U.S. Congress.
I'm surprised they didn't authorize the War Powers Act though the Amendment process, to make declaring war or taking war actions a prerogative of the President rather than passing legislation and having Wilson sign it into law. Apparently they didn't want to wait that long to fork over that unconstitutional power to the President and didn't believe they could get the sovereign States to go along with it. So Wilson and his Democrat-controlled Congress purposefully subverted and violated the Constitution and the sovereignty of the States to grab that power and skew the balance of power in favor of the President/Executive Branch.
The Amendments that were approved during Woodrow Wilson's unobstructed reign also set the stage for the economic problems we have had for many years and that have now reached critical mass, beginning with the stock market crash and Great Depression, commencing in 1929.
In the media this week, I read quotes by both Obama and Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, in which each of them referred to this country as a "democracy" and/or that what this country is promoting through its war action is "democracy." This country was never intended to be a democracy and is, in fact, mandated by the U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, to be "Republican Form of Government." A democracy always evolves into Oligarchy, which is rule by the elite few, and those oligarchies inevitably fail.
In the links below, you will see the historical Democrat majorities in the U. S. Congress, both U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, during the years of Woodrow Wilson's presidency, as well as major occurrences, laws, and amendments passed from the beginning of the Wilson administration through the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Also included is the adoption of the economic philosophy of John Maynard Keynes, the U.S. abandoning of the gold standard in 1933 - following the lead of Great Britain, the prevalence of socialist-Democrat legislation and Keynesian-influenced monetary policies, and the Great Depression of 1929. This is also the time period when unionization at the federal level was enacted by three successive laws. I will add on my own that, during that same time period, Franklin D. Roosevelt was a key player in founding the United Nations, up to his death in 1931. It was President Harry Truman who signed the U.N. Charter 13 days after Roosevelt's death. The United Nations has a key objective of establishment of international unionization of the world's workforces and has made huge progress in doing so, which is documented on their website. Google it and read about it... for a jaw-dropping experience.
Great post, John. And, guess what?
Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United States, from 1913-1921.
That explains both the content and the timing of the legislation and Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, with rapid change occurring, in 1913. Wilson was the most dangerous and progressive pro-Marxism president this country ever had... and he paved the way for the now even more dangerous and progressive pro-Marxism president we have now, Barack Hussein Obama.
It's time now to do what was done to the 18th Amendment, repeal those progressive Amendments that were added to the Constitution in 1913 and add an Amendment to prohibit use of the unconstitutional War Powers Act, that clearly violates the Constitution's mandate that only the U.S. Congress can declare war, and prohibit any President from being able to usurp and destroy that vital check and balance.
The Framers, who wrote and signed the Constitution that established the union of sovereign states, took care to write it so that we would never have an imperial presidency with the balance of power weighted more heavily in the Executive Branch of government. They wrote the Constitution to assure checks and balances that would prevent an imbalance of power among the three branches of the government in the union created by the several sovereign states. At no time, and in no part of the Constitution, did the Framers cede the sovereign powers of the States to that federal union.
There is also nothing in the Constitution that allows Congress to undermine the Constitution by placing a non-elected entity such as the American Bar Association in a position of power to distort and undermine the Constitution and the ultimate authority of the U.S. Supreme Court the Constitution established---by influencing the making of court procedures and rules to get around the Constitution and its Amendments (such as the 6th Amendment right of trial by jury, if requested by a party to a lawsuit, in both civil and criminal trials)---or by influencing the evolution of new laws and state constitution amendments that further erode the Constitution and the people's constitutional rights to due process and equal protection under the law.
A place to start in getting out of this mess is a Constitutional Convention that proposes Amendments to address removing existing Amendments that undermine the Constitution and the original rights and protections it guarantees the American people. Those proposed Amendments would then have to be ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths of those states, according to the U.S. Constitution, Article V. That is a process that takes a lot of time.
Meanwhile, we need to make sure that the current Woodrow Wilson on steroids, Barack Hussein Obama is is impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives and voted removed from office by the U.S. Senate. But, since we can't rely on the wimps and cowards in Congress to do anything about this Constitution-assaulting president, we will have to make sure we impeach and remove him at the ballot box on Nov. 6, 2012.
Folks, this is an important blog post by Patty Parrett that somehow got posted under Volunteers, so I'm posting it for her here and agree with her that Florida does not need... and cannot afford... SunRail. It will be a budget drain, and as Patty points out, taxpayers will be the ones liable and have to pay if something goes wrong. I don't know about you, but I'm not in the business of subsidizing government liabilities and losses in any form and don't want the state government telling me, "hey, there's been a few accidents, injuries and a few fatalities... and oh, by the way, you taxpayers get to pay for them." Do whatever you need to do to get the message across to our Governor and state legislators that we don't want to go there.
Also, we already know that Governor Rick Scott wisely rejected federal funds for High Speed Rail. I don't know where he stands on SunRail.
Here is Patty's blog post, with links to the source material:
Call Governor Rick Scott on Thursday, May 5th from 9am-12noon. Let him know that we DO NOT SUPPORT SUN RAIL. We The Taxpayers of Florida can not afford it ( $1.2 BILLION start up cost). Also every Florida taxpayer will be liable for accidents, injuries and deaths NOT CSX.
Call and say:
“I am a Florida taxpayer and I oppose Sun Rail."
Keep the message short and sweet, and flood the governor's office. Call:
Phone: 850-488-7146
Fax: 850-487-0801
Here's a good article explaining Sun Rail and how It will affect you throughout Florida!!"
"Please pass this message on to everyone in Florida. We NEED everyone calling!!!
High Speed Rail may be gone but the fight continues with Sun Rail!!!!
Sun Rail Judgment Day
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=142525109154488Absolutely right, Roma. The progressive Democrats have made a fine science of negative labeling of all things conservative, from candidates to our basic beliefs and causes. And their allied media co-conspirators hammer those labels home, as do Democrat elected officials in Congress. They would have us believe our government is a democracy, when they know it is constitutionally required to be a constitutional republic:
U.S. Constitution, "Article IV, Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence."
My question is: Who will protect the states from a federal government that fails and refuses to enforce federal laws and prosecute criminals who violate them? For example, the Black Panthers who proveably intimidated voters at the polls in the 2008 election---and Attorney General Eric Holder, and his boss Barack Obama, refused to prosecute them for that federal crime. Also, Obama's failure and refusal to protect and secure our international borders from illegal immigration, smuggling into this country of drugs and humans from many different countries, smuggling sex slaves into this country, and infiltration of Mexican drug cartels who are now operating in most large U.S. cities.
Another example is the failure of President Barack Obama, as Chief Law Enforcer of this country, to protect Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin when his allied labor unions and his Organizing for America invaded the state capitol building, causing more than $75K in damages to the interior and refused to leave the building for many days, even acosting and verbally abusing one Republican lawmaker trying to get into the capitol building to do his job. Obama's silence was deafening with regard to that weeks-long deliberate and destructive obstruction of the lawful legislative process.
Roma, I believe this renegade President and his administration, who refuse to enforce the Constitution and laws of the United States, in violation of the President's Oath of Office and the oaths of the sworn Cabinet Members and Agency heads who were approved by the U.S. Senate, are complicit in endangering the lives, rights, freedoms, finances, and government law enforcement protections they are required to provide for all citizens of the United States.
Under this regime, there has been a proliferation of deliberate actions to usurp the powers of the Legislative and Judicial branches to the end of destroying the constitutionally required balance of powers among the three branches of government.
It is my opinion that the above is intentional, unlawful, and unconstitutional. It is tantamount to planned and executed treason, high crimes and misdemeanors, and deliberate actions to destroy the free market system and the U.S. economy. And, it is my great concern that the U.S. Congress is failing to address the usurpation of power and the unlawful and unconstitutional actions of this Administration and its legislating from the Executive Branch, through: the rule-making process; executive orders; fiat; intentional ignoring and violating of parts of the U.S. Law Code they choose not to follow; intentional ignoring and violating the mandates of the U.S. Constituton; intentional ignoring and violating states' sovereignty, to the extent of suing states that try to enforce their own laws and federal laws that are not being enforced to protect their own state citizens; and refusal to maintain and enforce international border integrity and remove illegal alien border and immigration law-breakers from among our population. If a Republican administration were doing these things Obama and his administration are doing, they would immediately receive the Richard M. Nixon treatment and Impeachment proceedings would already be in progress in the U.S. House of Representatives.
My question is: Why are our elected Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives not taking the actions afforded to them by the Constitution to stop the flagrant violations by this administration and remove President Barack Hussein Obama from office? The several soverein states are having to take actions to do for themselves what Congress is failing to do for them.
We need to carefully examine the constitutionality of the voting record of every candidate who is standing for re-election in the general election of 2012, as well as the constitutional basis for each piece of legislation to be passed. We need to do the same for local candidates standing for re-election and local legislation to be passed, as well. If we don't stand up for our Constitution and laws, both federal and state, then WHO WILL?? And, how long will we continue to have them to stand up for??
If the Patriot Act can be used in such a gestapo-like action against a private citizen, in violation of constitutional protections guaranteed to all American citizens under the First and Second Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, just what is it they cannot do to Tea Party patriots everywhere in this country?
This man's constitutional rights were also violated under his Fourth Amendment right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures, his Fifth Amendment right to due process of law, His Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial and other vital protections of that Amendment, the Ninth Amendment, and the Fourteenth Amendment's due process and equal protection clauses. The right to a trial by jury is guaranteed, not only by the U.S. Constitution, it is also guaranteed by state constitutions and statutes in every state in the Union.
"Amendment IV: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not ve violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and ther persons or things to be searched."
What happened to this man was both an unlawful search and seizure and an unlawful pseudo court action that apparently also forced him to give testimony, with total disregard for his right to not be made to testify against himself. I'd like to know what written Order, if any, was handed down by this kangaroo court.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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