Rick Scott tied to AIF (Associated Industries of Florida) UN LOBBYING GROUP!!!!!!!




Also, Tom Feeney is AIF's CEO who just happens to be Senator Charley Dean's ex Chief of Staff.  Hmmmmm


Now, who is running the state?  There are 100 more lobbying groups in Tally!!!!!!!  Time to open your eyes.


I think Rick Scott spent 75 MILLION dollars of his own money to become Governor? 

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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 17, 2012 at 10:14am

Do not lose hope Holly. There are 7 cities here in Florida where informed citizens are now turning the tide on these fools who think they are authorized to sign the equivalent to a treaty with a foreign entity (violation of the constitution). Those 7 cities are withdrawing from Iclei, and if the citizens so decide, they can force these cities to pay reparations for the damage done to them and their businesses. They have run roughshoded over the people for long enough and in many places, people are no longer taking it.

Comment by Holly Winsman on April 17, 2012 at 9:20am

The lobbying money i.e. is the United Nations, i.e. IMF.  ALL politicians need to be shown the way out.  They no longer know how to represent the people and therefore should never be allowed in a position of power.  We have very little power left, our Bill of Rights are almost gone and now the power of the Sheriffs are being taken away, they have or had more power than the Vice President of the US.  CT sheriffs are done and can no longer arrest anyone, now it's going on in DE and only one is standing up, two are standing down.  Our government knows the power of the sheriff and this is why it is happening.  We are losing on every level, go to Google and type in your city then "city hall." I pulled up St. Augustine because of the "1st Amendment area" signs and they are all Agenda 21, pulled up Ocala and they are all Agenda 21, pulled up Orlando and it's all Agenda 21.  3/3 and if I pull more, I can guarantee it will be Agenda 21. Time to form a posse, find out what our legal rights are to disban and remove the money, if the money goes so do the people involved. We would need about 30 people to be involved to get the ball rolling.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 17, 2012 at 7:19am

Roma, it seems like no matter what we talk about it gets dragged back to the federal reserve.  This is about what is going on in our state and organizations that are tied to the UN.  I have just posted the article on HB 7117 and believe something happened between the time Plakon spoke to the fellow at Heartland and when he initiated the bill along with Representative Mayfield.  I also think we need to let all of these jokers know we are not happy..............just because they passed it doesn't mean we can't let them know they are toast.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 17, 2012 at 6:04am

Amanda, so many cities in the state of Florida belong to Eclei, it is shameful and each one of them is violating the constitution by imposing Iclei (or UN rules) on the people in their communities. I am not saying I don't think clean air and water are important, but it should come from the community and not from an international organization that does not have our best interests at heart. The outfit that Gov Scott is on the board for AIF is part of this mess and should not be an advisor to our Governor. The enviro whacks in our state should not be imposing their over the top ideology on the rest of us and are not a majority in our state. Right now, 7 cities in Florida are getting out of Iclei after the public became educated and went ballistic when they found out what was going on. The UN has it tentacles into our country everywhere and needs to be stopped yet, the group we vetted and believed when they said they were conservatives and told us their stand on issues has just passed the worst bill ever that basically imposes on our state the same over the top stuff the EPA (who by the way also belongs to Iclei) has used to drive 140 coal mines out of business and stopped drilling for oil and natural gas. It proposes giving away money to pull greenies into our state to produce alternate energy when they best way for that to be done is to allow them to enter the free market and compete (or you get what you have...........too little at too high a cost). It is difficult to imagine what the people who voted for HB 7117 were even thinking given the opposition to this bill.

Comment by amanda choate on April 16, 2012 at 9:07pm
That is what I am talking about. The tea party got these folks elected but they vote big money. That stuff is what gets the motor running. We should stop supporting these pols. But who in the Republican party is going make it happen.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 16, 2012 at 8:54pm

Wow, Amanda, you have certainly outdone yourself on length if nothing else.  I have never seen such a totally long post by you and have followed you on here for a while.  You go girl!  I envy you to be able to think none of this stuff is real...........I wish I still believed that, but I have seen enough to know it is real, and we need to wake up to it.  I will post something tomorrow about this bill Gov Scott just let go into effect...........playing both sides against the middle I would guess as he can say he didn't sign up.  Adam Putnam had best not be looking for my vote or chatting himself up as he did during his last campaign.  This is going to make our utility bills go up yet again, and I wonder what made these folks go for this, but I guess they stand to make some money or someone they know does or maybe even someone who supported their campaign, but there is nothing in the bill but grief for the Florida taxpayers and residents (and one is not necessarily the same).  Sorry I didn't respond to everything, but it may take a second reading to digest it all :)............just came in to shut down and head for bed for the night, so will give it a go in the AM.  Good night!

Comment by amanda choate on April 16, 2012 at 7:24pm

Wow, where to begin...

Peggy, first of all congratulations and good luck. I would have made those sentiments earlier had I known, but I will get to that later. But a plant. If I am a plant I am the worst plant known to mankind. Plants, go along, get along, repeat the mantra. Does that sound like me? Maybe you envision me as more an agitator? If that is true, sorry about that, but I believe that if you look at my most my posts they are TRULY conservative. You know like Goldwater conservatives, maybe. But when I call into question, oh I don't know, crazy batguano stuff like, Illuminati, Agenda 21, gold standard, secret groups that secretly rule the world, Bilderbergers, Triumvirate Council and of course the Jesuits, then I am held in contempt.

Really, this is the where the Tea Party is headed?? There are no real pressing issues that we can get after, this is it. O well.

Roma and Tom,  I really love you guys, I wish you were my neighbors. But all of this frightening stuff is bull. I have never awoken a day in my life afraid of what that day may bring, and there have been dark days. But it was just life. Certainly monied interests have their own agenda, and it holds peril, but the means to control their power lays at the ballot box. And we, ordinary people must vote OUR economic interests, not theirs. They already pay a smaller portion of their income than we do. Large corporations spend millions to not pay taxes at all. Companies like GE, Exxon, Boeing, Mobil, Wells Fargo, Fox, Goldmann Sachs, the list goes on. These are the dangerous ones, they force other to bear their burden. And as a result we pay more. Focus on everyday ordinary stuff, stuff that can be changed without a complete do-over, that is our best hope.

Patricia, I know you put  alot of effort into this site, and you don't have to apologize for your effort, ever. But we can and must disagree, if we just repeat what the talking heads say, then we become subjugated by popular opinion. I do not listen to talk radio or much televison, relying upon other news sources. So when I hear stuff that is wrong and I know it is wrong,or even if I just think it is wrong, then usually I will bring it up. But I must say this: Billie, our dear leader, never bothered to inform, publically, that she was stepping down as Director of FCTP. Do we not deserve to know? At Thanksgiving and Christmas she offered blessings without a hint. She asked for donations at New Years, again without a hint.

During the Republican primary Billie passed herself off as the head of FCTP,

Another phone call came this morning from a well-respected leader of the Tea Party Movement. He said I would be one of the tea party leaders every candidate would be watching for the next 48 hours. They are all waiting for your endorsement. “This is your time,” he said.

Billie Tucker

So spare me, please, your disdain for my having felt as though we were not fully informed. Earlier in that same blog Billie says this:

A political consultant recently said, “If you want to be a player and you want a seat at the table, you need to get on board with the establishment’s game and choice. Otherwise you will be sitting outside with your nose pressed against the window looking in and wishing you could be inside. If you don’t play nice with them, they will destroy you.”

I was stunned by the statement but not surprised.

Here was my answer – What’s new. We the People have been sitting outside for nearly 100 years. We have no desire to sit at the table – we have the desire to take the table from those who think it belongs to them! It’s our civic duty to do so according to the Declaration of Independence.

Well, obviously I am not a part of the Tea Party establishment, certainly not around here, but there had enough I had read that I thought this was about empowering people, not changing the people in power. If this is just a response to one aprty winning both branches back in 2008, then we are just a functionary of Republicans. We need to start supporting legislation that makes all this experiment work for us all, not just a select few. And I love all the Americans with whon I disagree just as much as the ones I agree with all the time, there is just one in that group, me. I do not see them as less a person, or patriot, or less American. Their experience is their experience and that is what true freedom is all about. Freedom to speak, freedom to join, freedom to protest, freedom to worship. I think the Tea Party could triple in size overnight if it focused on bringing on those with whom they think they disagree.

Holly, as far as I can tell you are just a gadfly. You are not from here, certainly no reason not to join with other like minded individuals, but you belong to every teap aprty group  in the state. So what is your deal? Your LinkedIn site says that you are a political consultant, by profession. So who do you work for then? Are you affilaited with a party or a specific group? Who pays you? Peggy here is your plant. The Jesuits????  That is so hateful and vile that it is beneath contempt.  Go to one of the hundred other tea party groups you are a member of ans spread that goo over them. My great uncle was a Jesuit. His total focus was education, he believed that our minds were the great gift from God, reason, reason set us apart. That in logic and math and science and literature we could find the face of God in our fellow men. That we could use this greatest gift, our minds, to lift up our fellow man, that was our calling as it was his.So you can spout your hateful rhetoric, citing you don't know for sure, bull. That is evidence of a weak mind, not conservative at all, just weak, feeble and angry. Believe me I disagree with the church on most issues, but not the dedication of the men and women of the cloth.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 16, 2012 at 3:30pm

What about the sunshine laws?  How does it matter which we are covered by.  And the only exemptions to the sunshine laws are (otherwise you have a right to ask for and receive everything you ask you): 

The 1976 Government in the Sunshine Act amendments

In 1976, as part of the Government in the Sunshine Act, Exemption 3 of the FOIA was amended so that several exemptions were specified:

  1. Information relating to national defense,
  2. Related solely to internal personnel rules and practices,
  3. Related to accusing a person of a crime,
  4. Related to information where disclosure would constitute a breach of privacy,
  5. Related to investigatory records where the information would harm the proceedings,
  6. Related to information which would lead to financial speculation or endanger the stability of any financial institution, and
  7. Related to the agency's participation in legal proceedings.
Comment by Holly Winsman on April 16, 2012 at 3:26pm

Let's stir the pot a little. Does everyone know what a Jesuit is?  If not, they are part of the Catholic religion, born into the 1500's, Hitler loved them and more than likely were nazi's in the beginning.  My other explained to me that they are the "strong arm of the Catholic Church." After reading what they have done, they seem more like a cult of the Catholic religion.  The Jesuits of Catholicism have had a "Black Pope" since it's inception, this does not mean skin color, it means black as in dark in spirit. I really believe that the Black Pope has controlled or controls much of the world including the United States.  This would makes sense because if the Jesuits pissed off Obama then that would explain Obama forcing abortion and birth control in Catholic deities.  Just my guess. If the Jesuits are all around the globe, then what impact do they have in your local Catholic church?  Here is a video that touches on the Jesuits and note that the Illuminati and the Pope are one. I am not Catholic so my understanding of what hold the Catholic religion or the Pope will probably never be fully understood, however, it has been long known that they have the money and the money controls the world.


Comment by Holly Winsman on April 16, 2012 at 12:10pm

Patricia, the interesting thing is, most of this information is out there, you just have to have 300 hours to put 2+2 together and the patience of a saint to click on every single hyperlink you find.  There is always some pertinent information with every link I open.

We have one MAJOR problem in Florida.  Our legislatures got a bill signed to be EXEMPT from FOIA, which of course pisses me off to no end. It's for legislatures and their aides.  Now, is this a crock of crap or what?  There is a law where you can circumvent around it but you have to know the law, how to use it, when to use it, etc.  I am not that savvy as a legalese, so figuring that one out would take some legal minded friends!!!!!!! Sneaky aren't they!!!!!!! LOL

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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