Quantitative Easing is more like Quantitative Appeasing

This is just one of the posts from "LibertyLinked".  Everyone needs to get signed up on the "Liberty Linked" site!  We all need to be their to gather for the upcoming elections so we can get a plan in place and start working it for the elections!   It isn't hard to sign up.  Please give it a try, and if you have problem, friend me and ask.  If I can help, I will!


The information provided in this article is noteworthy and we need to be aware of the impact that will come, in some form, at the end of the month. On June 30, the Federal Reserve will stop the printing of US dollars, justified under Quantitative Easing, that’s been running for the last 9 months for the sole purpose of purchasing U.S Debt. Prior to this, there was a previous QE that ran from March 2009 to March 2010. So, during the last 2 years our economy has only been on its own for 6 months from April 2010 through September 2010. At the end of June 2011 the economy will go back to running without the “help” of the Federal Reserve and it will be of great interest to see what transpires. As we know, every time we start the printing presses it’s once again devaluing our currency. Every time we bail ourselves out we allow another level of financial un-accountability which only prolongs and increases a fall in some form. This article promotes a certain amount of fear, which if we take action and not panic by contacting our representatives and let them know we need to pass the balanced budget for starters and reduce spending, that fear would become a powerful tool.


The Beginning of the Panic

By Porter Stansberry
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In the next few weeks, our country will enter a period without precedence in our experience.


On June 30, the Federal Reserve has pledged to cease buying U.S. Treasury bonds. This is the second time since the financial crisis it has intervened in the Treasury market in a major way. The program of buying new Treasury issues has been dubbed "quantitative easing II" (QE2).


We'd wager not one in 1,000 Americans has any idea (or at least any real understanding) of what has been going on in the market for U.S. Treasury bonds since the financial crisis. For the last nine months, the Fed has been printing up new dollars and buying huge amounts of newly issued debt from the U.S. Treasury – $600 billion of bonds. And these purchases followed a $1.75 trillion program of quantitative easing that ran from March 2009 to March 2010.


It is no exaggeration to say that a printing press has kept our economy going for the last two years. But what will happen when the printing stops?


While we honestly don't know, we're going to speculate that, in the short term, the U.S. dollar will rally and commodities will suffer a serious correction. We will see a dramatic slowdown in the rate of monetary inflation. People will think prices will stop going up. Economic activity will begin to decline. Fear will lead a lot of investors to "go to cash." That means buying short-term U.S. Treasury bonds because they're the most liquid, most frequently traded form of cash.


As this process unfolds, we expect to see another global panic. Especially if Bernanke's decision to stop the presses coincides with a Republican political gambit – refusing to raise the debt ceiling, which could cause a default on U.S. Treasury bonds.


Whether the debt ceiling is raised or not, it's only a matter of time before the Fed will have to turn on the presses again. And when "QE3" begins, it will send our creditors an unmistakable message: You will never be repaid in anything other than massively devalued paper.


That will be a horrible day for the value of our currency. It may even mean the end of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.


But rather than face these unpleasant facts and consider where they are leading us, most people continue to think, "It can't happen here. This is America."


Meanwhile, our country has been depending on a printing press to make our economic system work. When is the last time that happened in America? The Civil War.


How many other things most people didn't think would ever happen in America have happened recently? What about the collapse of our investment banks, the bankruptcy of General Motors, the liquidation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the failure of AIG, hundreds of banks being seized, millions of homes in foreclosure, or real unemployment rates close to 20%? We could go on...


As we frequently point out to our critics, the question isn't when this crisis will begin – it started in 2008. The question is, when will it end... and how bad will it get before it does?


We believe every American ought to be ashamed, outraged, and furious that the most powerful political union in history proceeded down the path of these bankrupting policies. But most of all, you ought to be afraid of where these policies have led us.


Don't forget: At the end of this month, the Federal Reserve will stop buying Treasury bonds.


That's the first time since March 2009 our economy will stand on its own two feet. And we expect that just like a child riding a bike without training wheels for the first time... it will crash.


We are not alone.


Bill Gross, manager of the world's largest bond fund, has put 4% of his fund short U.S. government bonds. Just consider that for a minute: The most powerful fixed-income manager in the world (not just in America) is selling the U.S. Treasury short.


The University of Texas endowment fund recently took physical delivery of $1 billion gold bars. That's an enormous bet from some of the wealthiest and best-informed investors in the world that the U.S. monetary system falls apart.


Finally, in what we believe is the ultimate death knell for the U.S. dollar, our trading partners are moving out of the dollar and into gold. Mexico, for example, one of our most important trading partners, just purchased almost 100 tons of gold.


All around the world, more and more central banks are selling dollars and buying gold. They're doing so because they can plainly see America's credit has become unreliable and the value of the dollar is likely to decline.


If you think you might be trading in something other than U.S. dollars in the future, you might not want to be holding U.S. dollars. You might want to be holding that currency.


And if you can't hold that currency, consider holding gold.


Good investing,



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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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