Politico: Blunt amendment defeated in Senate (it was tabled 51-48)

We just got word to take action this morning, and before anyone had a chance to even call their senators, they voted to table the amendment to reinstate religious rights under the first amendment.  This is, by no means, over as it will be before the supreme court.  We had better hope and pray we get rid of Obama, because if he gets re-elected, we may not have the supreme court to depend on to right things again.  This is not, and never was, about women's health issues; it was and always was about breaking the constitution and specifically the first amendment...................I am sure you will not be surprised that Senator Bill Nelson voted against this first amendment protecting bill and with his party instead of for the people of Florida.


The Senate defeated Sen. Roy Blunt’s amendment to allow employers to refuse to cover health services Thursday, dealing Republicans a high-profile setback in the fight over the Obama administration’s contraception coverage mandate.

Sen. Olympia Snowe, the Maine Republican who this week said she would not run for reelection, joined nearly all Democrats in a 51-48 vote to dispense of the amendment, which would have allowed employers to decline to cover certain health benefits that conflict with their religious beliefs.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted for the proposed amendment to the Senate transportation bill, saying the Obama administration did not respond to her concerns about whether self-insured health plans of faith-based organizations would be exempt from the contraception coverage mandate. So did Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who this week questioned why Republicans were voting on the proposal now.

Democratic Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania joined Republicans in support of the amendment.

Democrats said the amendment was too broad and would have been an attack on women’s health. But Blunt (R-Mo.) vowed that the vote won’t be the end of the debate over the contraception coverage rule — and predicted that the Supreme Court might have the final say by striking it down.

“This issue will not go away unless the administration takes it away by giving people of faith those First Amendment protections” to refuse to cover services if they have moral or religious objections, Blunt said during the floor debate.

Republican supporters said Blunt’s amendment was an attempt to ensure religious-affiliated employers wouldn’t have to cover contraceptives or other products that conflict with their religious beliefs.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73497.html#ixzz1nt4MIkT1

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73497.html#ixzz1nt3fYvfs

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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 4, 2012 at 6:18am

No, what I am saying is that I certainly wouldn't go into congress and announce all these folks are having recreational sex with various people, and then, in the same breath say I expected the Catholic church (who has certainly had the same belief system from far before this country was founded) to commit a mortal sin and provide or pay for the birth control pills I needed to make sure my loose and amoral behavior didn't result in a unwanted pregnancy and if it did to have them provide something to eliminate the unwanted pregnancy.  I understand that amoral and depraved behavior is being touted as the norm right now, but I don't need to know what goes on in anyone's bedroom and trying to tell me all about it thinking it will sway me to give up our first amendment right to freedom of religion or change my mind about the first amendment, isn't going to work.   Birth control is readily available in SO many places, I would be ashamed to air my dirty laundry in public to try to get it provided by someone who does not believe as they do (and since most large catholic organizations self insure, they would personally be forced to do it unlike what the wack job at HHS and the whiz kid in the white house say).  I won't be swayed, nor did I make a generalization when I used the word whore (this young lady went before congress and announced they were all having recreational sex and I would guess the only element missing is charging for it).  The other thing we are doing is doing exactly what Obama wants, we are making this a subject of conversation when there are many things that are far more important going on.  The administration is trying to take the light off them for far worse things like what they are doing to our business environment in this country and our energy situation.  We are not going to agree about this I guarantee you, because the first amendment issue isn't going to go away and one issue is so ludicris as to not be significant in relation to the real issue here.  I won't let it be about him trying to get a few votes from the ladies who engage in "recreational sex" so he can finish destroying our country.  Free birth control is available to most, as has been pointed out, a box of 30 condoms is $15.00 and if they split the cost with a partner that works out to be .25 each time they have sex (and I can't even believe we are having this conversation).  Everyone in college or most everyone struggles financially, but then, the end result is generally worth the struggle.  Providing another entitlement of free birth control for all is nuts and that is exactly what it is .............. an entitlement at a time when we are borrowing $0.40 on every dollar.


And yes, John, I agree with you.  The president has zero business telling any company or person what they must buy or what they must provide to others.  The man's own tax return indicates he is a cheap human being who gives nothing to no one...........no even the 10% to charity, so he is a fine one to be telling anyone what they should do about charity or giving since he does not engage in any giving himself.  What he engages in is living high off the hog on the taxpayers money. 

Comment by amanda choate on March 3, 2012 at 9:53pm
Patricia, are you suggesting that married adults who participate in recreational sex are whores? Or even single women? And their employers have the right to determine their family planning practices. Wow! Now their is the freedom we all dream of, as we lay awake unfulfilled and angry. No one directly or by proxy determines my moral turpitude. I enjoy sex, it is wonderful. But I don't want to have a baby every time, that is something else entirely, also wonderful and lovely.
What you suggest is the most egregious thing I can imagine. Yuck.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 3, 2012 at 12:21pm

PS.........I am out of here for the rest of the day cause it is car show Saturday.  Have a good week end!


Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 3, 2012 at 12:19pm

I also am sick at heart about all the new folks being turned, but that was the plan and Boehner and the old timers worked on them hard.  It was their plan and they made what was wrong sound right, and they got away with it, because some of these folks did not have the resolve of people like Rand Paul, Ron Paul, and a few others in the house and Rubio (who also voted on a couple of things) and some of the other really conservative folks in the senate.  We will need to get more folks in their and sooner or later there will be enough, so this can't happen, but what a flaming disaster!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 3, 2012 at 11:47am

They have over reached and over reached until I don't see anyway, it could be undone easily or quickly..............it could take years and you would have to have folks with a lot of back bone.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 3, 2012 at 11:23am

You are right Roma.  I understand what the government wants to do (take over every aspect of our lives and micro manage them according to their belief systems), but we did just fine before all of the mess up in DC and in fact, it is part of the problem, not part of the solution!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 3, 2012 at 11:02am

You are right Roma.  I just posted another article which has the video of this young lady who spoke from Glen Beck's web site.  The other thing that somewhat confuses me here is didn't the annointed one allow that young people up to 26 or 27 stay on the  parent's health insurance policies?  Wouldn't some of these folks be in that group and if so, why are they going after catholic organizations to pay for their birth control when they should be talking to their parents about the coverage they have?

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 3, 2012 at 9:57am

Yes, Tamara, the taxpayer will be paying for her birth control; you don't think the insurance companies can run their businesses as a loss and continue to be in business do you?  Roma pays for it and all the other small businesses that were thrown under the bus along with all those folks who have seen insurance premiums go through the roof (and they are all taxpayers).  The taxpayer is going to pick up the tab for most of what is in this new health care bill if the supreme court doesn't knock it down for the numerous consitutional violations and the fact it is extremely discriminatory plus the fact HHS is making law which violates the separation of powers act from where I am sitting (only congress can write law).  I know this also is a stone in your craw, but people have paid for years and years and had it forceably taken out of their paychecks for social security and medicare.........no one asked the government to do this, they once again decided to ram something down our throats and now, they can't manage it and don't have the money, because they spent it on something else.  Don't let this  shock you, but they have already spent the money collected against the new health care bill (if you care) which means it is going to be even worse than most people think, because all those collected funds were supposed to make the bill possible for at least a short while once it kicked in, but there won't be any money, because they are spending it as fast as it comes in on other garbage.

Comment by tamara stephenson on March 3, 2012 at 9:28am

No, the taxpayer does not pay for her birth control.  This bill is about employers deciding what they will and will not allow their insurance to cover.  Seriously, people.  What a slippery slope.  All of you on the medicare dole don't really care b/c your prescriptions are covered, and by the way, I, the taxpayer, do pay for that.  For those of us in an employer based insurance model are stuck with what the employer picks. I'm just curious....would all of those old white men be pissed off if their employer said all old white guys should just deal with the fact that they can't get aroused anymore and no more payment for Viagra?  I'm pretty sure the oldsters would be rioting in the streets on their "hoverounds" and scooters.  ridiculous that this is an issue in 2012.  i am disgusted.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 2, 2012 at 5:55pm

You guys have lost anything that passes for common sense. Did you listen to the young lady from the school where overall she will pay over 6,000 in tuition and another 13,000 plus for room and board plus another bunch of money for books, food, etc, and she expects US the taxpayer to pay for her birth control pills so she can do recreational sex. Please dear Lord in Heaven TELL ME YOU ARE KIDDING? if YOU AREN'T KIDDING, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG PLACE TOTALLY OR MAYBE YOU ARE HERE ON PURPOSE BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU CAN SWAY PEOPLE........................IT CERTAINLY IS NOT GOING TO BE ME. I keep looking at what you saying and wondering what the heck is wrong with you that you think we should force someone to violate their religious beliefs to pay for someone whore's birth control pills. Did you not hear they were having "recreational" sex (only a whore has recreational sex)

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You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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