Please be careful what we post. I want to be better than the other groups not like them miss quoting things is wrong!!!

This is on the website. 

Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! (User Submitted)

Posted Sept. 25, 2011, 3:46 p.m. EST (1 month ago) by anonymous

Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and This content was not published by the collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands.


Views: 102


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Comment by JL Gawlik on October 27, 2011 at 1:27pm

Amanda, i would not trust Baucus as far as i could throw that man, he is very disingenuous. He has gone on record stating the the Obamacare is NOT about Health Care but it is about redistributing the wealth, the man must of had too, many dinner cocktails.

Apparently wealthy people have made great investments, so what? That is good for our country. 

The problem is NOT the wealthy people. It is spending of the Federal Government, Crony Capitalism and dishonest, dishonorable Congressional members who once they are voted into office, they completely ignore their constituents at home. Baucus is one of those dishonorable, dishonest Senators.

Personally i am NOT impressed with the CBO reports, they only spit out what they are given, just as they gave the Health Care bill a positive scoring with figures given by then speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who both LIED and gave false figures via the HALF TRILLION dollars they stole out of Medicare to jumpstart the Obamacare, they used that FIGURE as a credit TWICE (instead of $500,000,000,000.00 billion dollars it added up to $1,000,000,000,000.00 trillion dollars) making the Health care bill look positive. Thanks to Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan, they questioned the positive score, looked over the figures given by Pelosi and Reid and found the discrepancy. Then early this year $1,464,000,000.00 plus BILLION dollars was discovered by Bachmann that NO ONE in Congress knew was in the bill that was illegally APPROPRIATED by Pelosi, that did not go throw proper procedures in the HOUSE. This is unconscionable what Congress has done. It is dishonest, dishonorable and these dangerous people need to be held accountable for their despicable actions to the American people.

The CBO can only spit out what it is given, nothing more, nothing less. I trust CATO Institute, and the Heritage Foundation for their findings a lot more. Even the CBO stated than can NOT make predictions of policies that have never been implemented, so that makes many of their scores and findings null period.

Then you have to research what really is the so-called 99%, who made that up?

Comment by Tracy 18 hours ago
JL the 1% and the 99% line is total garbage.They are more like the .0099%.That whole idea seems to have come about a few years ago by a rich white kid Jamie Johnson who was one of the heirs who inherited the johnson and johnson fortune.He put together a documentary in 2006 called The One Percent.He inherited Daddys fortune and obviously felt guilty over it.Not guilty enough to give away his fortune of course(typical) but guilty enough to tell other people to give away thiers(or just have the government take it) Go here to read more..
Go figure...
Comment by amanda choate on October 27, 2011 at 11:26am

CBO report initiated by Grassley and Baucus:

Comment by JL Gawlik on October 27, 2011 at 9:49am

I LVE this! A person who actually lived under Socialism/Communism talks to 'useful idiots' on OWSNYC:

Communism Survivor Meets Occupy Wall Street:

Socialism loses another skirmish with reality.

by  John Hayward


A former Soviet citizen decided to ask some Occupy Wall Street characters holding “FIGHT FOR SOCIALISM” signs what they think socialism is.  Hilarity ensues, as we learn socialism means “we wouldn’t have people unemployed,” and the difference between North and South Korea is that “workers in North Korea get paid.”

 For some reason i can not embed the video go to:

One of the defining characteristics of the OWS crowd, and one of the (non-violent) things that sets them so far apart from the Tea Party, is that OWS people generally have no idea what they’re talking about – a point made even more powerfully, and almost as humorously, by OWS’ encounter with Peter Schiff.  They’re not just “wrong,” they’re delusional. 

This is partially a result of sustained exposure to our public education system and media, but also a natural result of single-minded focus on a perceived problem without making any real effort to understand it, or think seriously about the “solutions” and their ramifications.  That’s one reason the OWS crowd is so completely uninterested in exploring Big Government’s role in all the stuff they’re upset about.  Children expect parents to attend their needs when they cry. 

A more thoughtful exploration of Occupy Wall Street’s complaints would reveal that the “parents” are a major part of the problem.  That notion terrifies children, so they do not grapple with it.  Unruly protests by small groups don’t “persuade” many individual citizens – certainly not on the scale necessary to implement collectivism “voluntarily.” That’s impossible anyway, because collectivism always requires massive amounts of coercive force.  Unruly protests by small groups do have a chance of attracting the attention of those who can deploy massive amounts of coercive force.

Problem = too many poor people and too many rich people.  Solution = take from rich, give to poor.  They don’t waste much time contemplating the mechanism necessary to implement that solution.  The “Occupiers” dream of a world in which their notion of morality will be imposed.  They trust their brilliant demigod leaders to handle all the messy details.

“Abolishing capitalism” means abolishing liberty.  These people are okay with that. They’ll soon recover from losing another skirmish with reality.

Note to Amanda, the problem is CRONY CAPITALISM when Federal Government gets involved with picking WINNERS & LOOSERS, period.

Comment by amanda choate on October 27, 2011 at 9:32am

No one was misquoted, but only one news source reported on it, Fox.

Everyone has attempted to link the Occupiers, unions, communists, Muslim Brotherhood, jihadis, Obama, Democratic party, ACORN, George Soros, etc,etc,etc.

But does anyone honestly believe that Wall Street has good corporate citizens over the last several years? Goldmine-Shacks, Bank of America, WaMu, Enron, Worldcomm, Lehman,AIG, T Rowe Price.

Does anyone NOT believe that Wall Street's influence in governmental policy negatively affects the economy as a whole?

Does anyone here NOT believe that derivative traders, whose trade in exotic CDS, were a large factor in the economic turmoil that began in 2007?

Is there anyone here who doesn't think that Wall Street is an insiders game?

These seem like responsible questions?


Comment by JL Gawlik on October 27, 2011 at 8:37am
Go read Saul Alinsky's RULES FOR RADICALS:

In 1971, Saul Alinsky wrote an entertaining classic on grassroots organizing titled Rules for Radicals. Those who prefer cooperative tactics describe the book as out-of-date. Nevertheless, it provides some of the best advice on confrontational tactics. Alinsky begins this way:

What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.

His “rules” derive from many successful campaigns where he helped poor people fighting power and privilege.

For Alinsky, organizing is the process of highlighting what is wrong and convincing people they can actually do something about it. The two are linked. If people feel they don’t have the power to change a bad situation, they stop thinking about it.

According to Alinsky, the organizer — especially a paid organizer from outside — must first overcome suspicion and establish credibility. Next the organizer must begin the task of agitating: rubbing resentments, fanning hostilities, and searching out controversy. This is necessary to get people to participate. An organizer has to attack apathy and disturb the prevailing patterns of complacent community life where people have simply come to accept a bad situation. Alinsky would say, “The first step in community organization is community disorganization.”

Through a process combining hope and resentment, the organizer tries to create a “mass army” that brings in as many recruits as possible from local organizations, churches, services groups, labor unions, corner gangs, and individuals. 

Alinsky provides a collection of rules to guide the process. But he emphasizes these rules must be translated into real-life tactics that are fluid and responsive to the situation at hand.

Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.

Rule 2: Never go outside the experience of your people. 
The result is confusion, fear, and retreat. 

Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat. 

Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. “If your people aren’t having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.”

(continued below)
Comment by JL Gawlik on October 27, 2011 at 8:36am
(continued from above)

Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues.

Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage.”

Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself. When Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O’Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city’s reputation.

Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, “Okay, what would you do?”

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”
Comment by JL Gawlik on October 27, 2011 at 8:34am
(i am posting my post in two posts, apparently it was too long for one.)

What amazes me is what is actually going on, there is a move to discredit the messenger of truth and facts period. The lies that are being told, even by our President and he gets more divisional every day. I do not think this was an accident. I think it done to confuse people who are searching for the truth and the facts period.

To make a statement like you did blaming News sources for the lack of authentication is erroneous as well. They were just reporting their findings, just as Billie stated that she gave out all the information where you as a individual could check out yourself.

Personally i have seen many demands from the OWS group and they are all over the place because it is not one group but many groups, there is not one clear message, period. I have to agree with Billie, on posts being posted on their site. That is their responsibility to monitor what goes up.

Perhaps this is what they want to happen more confusing information, people more divisional, arguing over what is and what is not.


I think their message is pretty clear from where i see it.
Comment by FCTP on October 27, 2011 at 4:27am
When the blog was posted about their demands, we stated at the top of it where it came from and linked to the Occupy page.  The question of the day is this:  If this is not a list of their demands, why do they let people post this stuff with headlines like?  This is a prime example of why this group needs to become more focused.  Letting anyone and everyone post o their site is dangerous to their "movement."  We posted what was up there as well as the link so others could check it out for themselves.  There was nothing misquoted here.

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You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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