People's World: Labor to mobilize 400,000 volunteers for 2012 elections

Just in case you thought everything was ok, and you could sit this one out................400,000 union members will be out there!


August 3 2012

WASHINGTON  - The AFL-CIO's executive council on Thursday gave final approval to a  plan to deploy at least 400,000 union members to work on the re-election  of President Obama, keeping the Senate out of the hands of the GOP and  taking the House back from Republican control.
The plan was announced here by Jeff Hausner, who emphasized he was speaking with the full authority of the labor federation.

If  unions succeed in deploying that number of volunteers, it will be what  one labor leader described as the "biggest army of ground troops we have  ever put out for an election." In 2008, when President Obama was  elected, unions turned out 250,000 volunteers nationwide.

In  addition to deploying more volunteer troops than last time, the  political plan approved by the executive council involves an organized  effort to reach more non-union members than ever before.

In  the key battleground states, Hauser said, the expectation is that the  number of non-unionists will exceed the number of people in unions who  are reached by the union election volunteers. Efforts to reach non-union  members will be carried out under the auspices of Workers' Voice, labor's new SuperPAC.
Worker's Voice is the labor movement's alternative to the multi-billion-dollar SuperPACs set up by big businesses and billionaires after the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision allowing unlimited  corporate spending on elections. Workers Voice will allow unions to  campaign among non-union members "but not with the millions of dollars  that the corporations have," Hauser said. "What we will have is the  ground troops, the boots on the ground."

People  in the AFL-CIO's political department hope that labor's edge in the  "ground game" will enable labor to defeat the big-spending business and  trade associations which have traditionally outspent unions by margins  of 10 to 1 during election campaigns.

In  another move, aimed specifically at denying Republicans a chance at  control of the Senate, the AFL-CIO executive council also voted Thursday  to add Massachusetts to its list of battleground states. The decision  was made because of the closeness of the race between Democratic nominee  Elizabeth Warren and incumbent GOP Sen. Scott Brown.

The  Brown-Warren race, a labor leader from Massachussetts said, "really  should not be this close, but it is. Brown makes himself look like he is  really an independent when we know that this is not true. He rides  around in a pickup truck making himself look like a friend of workers  while trying to portray Warren as an out-of- touch Harvard professor.  The opposite is true and we are going to make sure voters realize that." 
The other six batttleground states are Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Participants  in the executive council meeting made it clear that the labor movement  will not limit election activity to these seven states.

The  federation, its Working America affiliate and its SuperPAC, Workers  Voice, will be involved in 20 other states according to Hauser, who  noted that Working America, the federation's non-union affiliate, has  just added North Carolina and Minnesota to its list.

The  political plan approved Thursday also maps activity for union  volunteers in closely contested Senate races, including labor support  for endangered Democrats like Sherrod Brown, in Ohio, Claire McCaskill  in Missouri and Ben Nelson in Florida. In Nevada the unions will  mobilize for Democrat Shelley Berkley. They will push in Virginia for  Tim Kaine and in Wisconsin for Tammy Baldwin.

Also  part of the plan is an operation aimed at taking back from Republicans  more than the 27 seats need to wrest control of the House from the tea  party extremists. Unions will mobilize to protect endangered pro-worker  incumbents in some cases, Hauser said, and in other cases they will back  pro-worker individuals contesting for open seats.

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Comment by Jerry Tisdell on September 5, 2012 at 3:44pm

Yes Helen, after 44 years and still counting I do speak from experience. But then don't we all. Like the gambler we know when to hold them and we know when to fold them. The truth for husbands is that sometimes it is best to speak a more convenient time.

Comment by Helen on August 16, 2012 at 9:28pm

Jerry, well said, and I agree with your point they are agitators.  I think there are agitators on both sides, but we don't always see it when it comes from our own.  Those are the times we need to be careful.   Your analogy of the "Grizzly Bear" is great.. should we assume you speak from experience on that one?

Comment by Jerry Tisdell on August 15, 2012 at 2:53pm

Goons or Provocative types are simply agitators who depend on peoples fears. That is until that fear turns on them. Normal everyday Americans go about their lives daily duties and tasks with out fear. The last thing they want is confrontation. Almost everyone of us will avoid any situation that presents a chance of becoming confrontational. Goons and agitators depend on voters to cower in fear. Their presence is an unusual site to people who lead a normal lives. Obama and his union buddies depend on our supposed fear, for us to do nothing. Class War Fare is their need for normal Americans to turn on one another, devide and conquer, guided and policed by Goons, Thugs and Bullies. What they do not understand themselves,  is when the fear they depended on turns into anger toward them that they did not expect. I think that any husband out there who has done something to turn his petite,  usually dossel wife into a raging Grizzly Bear will understand my point.  Obama, the Goons and Thugs will come to know it also.  For myself I am not a pugilist or a tough guy and yes I will avoid confrontation.  HOWEVER, if I am provoked or intimidated when I go to cast my vote, or if anyone else is. I will guarantee that the individual provoker will be quoting from the final spoken word of Goliath as he stood before David.......Oh Shit! 

Comment by Helen on August 14, 2012 at 10:23am

Lyn and Lizzie, so true.  There will be Obama goons, NBPP goons, union goons (private and public), and even some goons from the groups on the right.  It is important to identify the 'goon' to the correct group.  Each group has their activists.  

Comment by Lyn Sha on August 13, 2012 at 10:47pm

The more desperate Obama is, the more he will send out his goons.

Comment by Lizzie on August 8, 2012 at 8:48am

.. and that is just 400,000 AFLCIO... add to that number all the public sector unions which don't fall under "labor"..  Federal, state, county and local union members - (teachers, police, etc.etc)... will all be there in hopes to protect their taxpayer funded pensions...

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You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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