A member of the Arlington Group sent me this commentary as she had mentioned how good the "PonteVedraMan's" commentary was. He apparently also submits to the Times Union, but I do not recall seeing anything there; however, my friend said he gets published quite often.
Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
First I want to begin with the most ignorant and very hypocritical statement Barack Hussein Obama made during his State of Delusion Speech. He made a very crass statement that "we were not going back to falsifying financial transactions", implying that the Bush Administration was doing these things.
NEVER MIND that he was an advisor for ACORN, which was and is (under another name) legendary for falsifying sub-prime mortgage applications, and fraudulent voter registrations. NEVER MIND, that on his staff, as one of his personal advisors is one of the best at falsifying financial statements; that being Franklin Raines, who faked the financials at Fannie Mae, getting paid $90 million in bonuses for his work, and receiving no punishment when forced to resign. He sits at Obama's right hand as his housing advisor TODAY.
NEVER MIND that the sub-prime mortgage mess, that almost took down the entire world’s financial system, was totally owned by the Democrats, who insisted on socially engineering home ownership in the United States. NEVER MIND that Democrats were the ones that insisted on Fannie and Freddy investing 55% of all their asset in mortgages in disadvantages areas, to people that could never repay the mortgages.
Really, if there were improprieties involved in the financial meltdown, it was Obama himself and the Democrats. George Bush attempted to investigate Fannie and Freddie at the beginning of his first term. He was roundly shouted down by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Democratic Party. The criticism of him was to the point of calling him a racist for questioning Franklin Raines, who was at the time basically just a crook, stealing from the taxpayers.
Now for Obama's State of Delusion Address:
What did we expect?
His father wanted all rich people taxed at 100%; the reasoning being that they stole all their money from the poor. His mother and is maternal grandparents were avowed Communist. Obama has never had a real job, but has always lived as a ward of the taxpayers. No one really knows where he came from. There are no records of his schooling, and I have read several times, that strangely he has a Connecticut Social Security Number, though never having lived there.
Although Obama was supposedly a lawyer and head of the Harvard Law Review, he never published anything in that position, which is more than a little unusual. Both he and Michelle, have mysteriously resigned from the Bar, which is also very unusual. Resigning from the Bar seldom if ever happens unless one is under investigation and just wants the cause of the investigation to go away! His racist, un-American and Marxist philosophy was clearly exhibited in the two books he supposedly wrote. I read them, and if he really wrote them, and believes what is in them, it is astounding that he was elected president of a free democratic country anywhere on earth, much less the United States of America.
· Never having ever built anything, worked at a real job, managed anything or truly earned money to survive, he has no problem thinking of the taxpayer's money as his own
· Just as his parents and grandparents, he sees the world as a war between the haves and the have-nots, the rich and the poor; a battle between the classes
· The national debt of which he has doubled in only three years means nothing to him as it is not his money, and given his way, he would just tax all Americans who work and produce to make up the difference regardless of what it did to the economy
· Although he talks about cutting the deficit, he has no intentions of doing so. He knows that he can just talk about it until the demographics of the United States tilts completely to the nanny/welfare state; most people will then just be voting for a living instead of working and producing
· He just requested another $1.2 trillion increase in the debt limit, yet his State of Delusion Speech was filled with more and more spending proposals
· He has ballooned welfare in three years, pandered to the victimization-grievance-entitlement crowd, and expects those who work and produce, the successful managers of their own lives, to pay for those that do not
· He talks constantly about job creation, but his government does just the opposite in policy, simply destroying jobs each and every day. Natural resources can't be used, energy facilities can't be built, and those in existence are being regulated out of business
· Although for the last thirty years Americans have rejected unionization, he has decided that we must unionize, which is the exact opposite of what Americans want, and a definite job killer and sending jobs overseas
· He shoved a disastrous healthcare bill down the throats of 85% of Americans that didn't want it with underhanded, dark of the night, payoffs and deals. The results: Slowly destroying the best healthcare in the world, sending physicians into premature retirements, leading to severe rationing of healthcare for the future as well as leading to millions of premature deaths based on the difference between our current mortality rates and those of Canada and Europe
· He is corrupt; Taxpayer loans for campaign contributors, rejecting a pipeline because Warren Buffet owns a railroad the pipeline will compete against, loaning money to a foreign country to drill for oil benefiting a company his biggest supporter George Soros is heavily invested in, giving a contract to a Brazilian Company Embraer, that is heavily invested in again by his largest campaign supporter George Soros though a company in China, hiding a $105 billion slush fund inside the healthcare bill bordering on racketeering, double counting $500 billion in the healthcare bill after stealing it from Medicare, also bordering on racketeering
· He doesn’t consider any law of the United States that he disagrees with as worthy of enforcement and thus he orders the Justice Department (a total oxymoron under him) to just ignore them. The scary thing about this is that the Justice Department is also in charge of making sure our elections are fair and free of fraud. That is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.
· And worse of all he lies! Just as Muslims are allowed to lie to further the aims of Islam (Taqiyya), he will say anything to get his way. He knows full well that the majority of Americans are not very well read and will believe anything. Obfuscation is one of his best tools, telling a lie without it being apparent, and requiring a great deal of investigation and fact-finding to get the truth. By the time the lie is apparent, it is too late to do anything about it and it has been repeated so many times that it in fact becomes truth.
o My Administration will be the most transparent in history (whoops)
o If you want to keep your healthcare as is, you can! (whoops)
o There are 2,000,000 jobs in America that are unfilled because of lack of training (whoops)
o This stimulus bill will provide two million shovel ready jobs (whoops)
o ObamaCare will lower your healthcare premiums and overall costs (whoops)
o There is no death panel or rationing board (whoops)
o Asking for a debt limit increase is gross mismanagement and un-patriotic (whoops)
o The surge in Iraq won’t work (whoops)
o The success of the surge In Iraq is one of the successes of my administration (whoops)
o I will close Guantanamo immediately upon my inauguration (whoops)
o Implying that Warren Buffett’s secretary pays more in taxes than he does (obfuscation)
o The START Treaty with Russia does not weaken our defenses (ridiculous statement)
o I won’t give away our defenses secrets to the Russians (since said he had the right)
o Rich people (those making over $200,000) don’t pay their fair share while those that pay nothing do (ridiculous)
o The price of gasoline is as a result of the Bush Administration and a Bush-Oil Company conspiracy (2008- Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Waters, Rangel, Jesse Jackson) (whoops)
o The $500 thousand campaign contribution and the several audiences in the White House had nothing to do with the $500 plus Billion loan to Solyndra as well as the other “green” companies with similar contributions and the receipt of Taxpayer loans. They were all just a coincidence (yeh, right!)
o Constantly implying that capital gains tax is the same as ordinary income tax to obfuscate the situation and confuse the electorate (obfuscation directed at is base)
Well you know I could list two or three pages of lies committed by “The Great Prevaricator” going back to 2006 when I began tracking them. It was then it became apparent to me that the Liberals and Democrats were desperate to elect a radical liberal to the presidency and they did not care what it did to the security of the United States.
Obama was one big lie from the beginning, a made up “intelligentsia” pandering to “white guilt”, children, the weak, victims, grievance mongers, unions and illegal aliens. It worked and we have the results:
Apologies for our country, becoming the laughing stock of the world, strengthening of the Muslim Brotherhood, vast expansion of generational welfare & food stamps, higher energy costs and more coming, downgrading of our debt, never-ending debt limit increase, ignoring laws on the books, failure to defend our borders, failure to defend our sovereignty, extreme political correctness weakening us as a nation, and making as many as possible dependent on government and thus voting for a living instead of working.
Defending my Country in the 60's - Something Obama never did!
LINK: http://open.salon.com/blog/pontevedraman/2012/01/26/obamas_state_of...
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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