On October 5, 2010, the First Coast Tea Party held a Ballot Town Hall to discuss the Amendments and Judges appearing on the November 2 ballot in Duval County. The Supervisor of Elections, Jerry Holland, emceed a panel of legal experts and another panel of citizens who had performed their research on all Amendments and Judges. This event was limited in size and 114 people attended. The attendees listened to the presentations and voted on each amendment and judge. Those votes are noted below. These votes reflect the overall consensus of the attendees at the 10/5/10 FCTP Ballot Town Hall. To contact First Coast Tea Party, please go to www.fctpcommunity.org or contact us at (904) 683-3945.

Information you should know:

 It takes 60% of the votes cast to pass the amendments and to 50% of the votes cast to retain a Judge.

 The language of a citizen amendment is limited to 75 words; amendments placed by the legislature are not limited in length

 To fully understand who is asking for this amendment helps you understand the "agenda" behind it. It is important to know who put the amendment on the ballot and check out the organization, individuals, etc. and their motives.

 Follow the motives and follow the money. What will this amendment cost the people and who will benefit from the amendment?

 Amendments to the Constitution will change the Constitution. In California they have passed so many amendments that the Constitution is almost a joke. And let’s take a look at California and ask ourselves, "Do we want to be them?"

There are two organizations that have done a very good job in explaining the Amendments. One is the Collins Center at http://www.collinscenter.org/page/FL_Amend_Home and the other is James Madison Institute at http://www.jamesmadison.org/. Both have documents you can download and print out or forward to others and share the knowledge. The James Madison document will help explain some of the reasons why a Yes or No vote were made. We suggest you check out their sites and become engaged in their work. Both have some great tools and will make you a better, informed citizen activist.

 The Judges are more difficult to "judge." There was a lot of discussion about the fact some judges simply judge based on laws that relate to "auto accidents, civil disputes, etc." and you may not be able to determine if they are Constitutionally-driven. Where there was information about their "conservative" or "liberal" leanings, we had a conversation about them. The votes regarding the judges were made after a long discussion and from the eyes of many attorneys who must stand in front of them. Those votes are reflected in this document.

 We encourage you to share this document with everyone you know. We ask that you encourage everyone you know to vote on November 2nd. It is important that we secure Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for all.

Views: 415


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Comment by Rosemarie Brenneman on October 20, 2010 at 3:38pm
Look for the current NRA magazine. there is a Conservative voter guide pertinent to their area in each subscriber's copy
Comment by John Saputo on October 20, 2010 at 3:35pm
oops there is it right at the top of this page in a PDF...well I answered my own question.
Thanks for putting it altogether!
Comment by John Saputo on October 20, 2010 at 3:32pm
Do we have a voter's guide for Duval County from our Tea Party here in Duval County? Where can I get one. Many of us are puzzled on who to vote for, the amendments and especially the Judges that do not post their party affiliation. Help us if you can. Thank all of you for your patriotism and hope to get our country back into the hands of hard working American People.
Comment by Rosemarie Brenneman on October 20, 2010 at 3:09pm
You are most welcome, Jen
Comment by Jen Rin on October 20, 2010 at 2:12pm
Thank you Rosemarie! I had forgotten about Clay having a dogtrack. I grew up in OP and graduated OPHS, I just don't want to vote on something that is going to burden the taxpayers even more! Trust me.. taxes are very high here in Texas and the schools are saying they are broke.. I can't see how when each homeowner in town pays over 3,000 a year in taxes to the schools.. that's not total just to the schools. Thank you for your input!
Comment by Rosemarie Brenneman on October 20, 2010 at 1:46pm
I should havestated IF a certain amount of revenues are allocated by law to go to the participating county I am for it.
Comment by Rosemarie Brenneman on October 20, 2010 at 1:42pm
On casino gambling is a certain amount of the revenues are allocated to the host County to reduce taxes I am for it as we already have the Dog Track here in Clay. The following amendment allows any County to opt out of permitting gambling.

If a vacancy occurs I do not support having a pre appointed person take their place. This should be up to the people.

I am not giving another dime "for the children". It never gets to them or their community schools. I am tired of every election being hit with this guilt trip. I will volunteer to help paint the schools, to teach the love of reading I have enjoyed for over 55 years
Comment by Jen Rin on October 20, 2010 at 1:15pm
For the Clay County any advice on the proposed:
Charter Amendment Refer. No. 1: Req. Casino Gambling Be Voted On At The 1st Lawful Election
Charter Amendment Refer. No. 2: Remove Sect. 1.5 If Voters Approve Casino Gambling Rights
Charter Amendment Refer. No. 3: Alt. Members to Fill Vacancies on the Charter Review Commission
School Board Refer.: Regarding 2 Yr. Cont. of 0.25 Mills Levy For School Dist. Critical Operating Needs

Thanks for the help! I want to get my absentee ballot in to get it counted!
Comment by Rosemarie Brenneman on October 20, 2010 at 12:34pm
Recommendations: Florida Federation of Republican Women’s Legislative Committee

Amendment 1 – Campaign finance
Repeal of the public financing of statewide candidates who agree to spending limits.
Amendment 1 repeals Florida's system of public financing for statewide elections, created in the 1980s and put in the Constitution by the voters in 1998. Candidates for governor and the state Cabinet got $11.1 million in the last statewide cycle in 2006.
The original, reformist idea was to level the playing field against big money. But leaders of the Legislature call it "welfare for politicians." They have made it tougher to get the money in recent years, and now hope the voters will kill it altogether.

Recommendation –Vote YES to repeal public financing and ask your legislator to consider campaign finance reform in other areas in 2011.

Amendment 2 – Taxes

An additional homestead property tax exemption for members of the United States military or military reserves.

Amendment 2 gives an increased homestead tax exemption (meaning, they have to possess one already) to members of the military and reserves deployed outside the United States. The additional tax break would be based on the number of days of the year they were out of the country.

Recommendation – For

Amendment 4 – Property rights

Requires voter approval of all changes to local comprehensive land-use plans.

Amendment 4, so-called Hometown Democracy, would require voter referenda for local growth planning, wresting control from city and county officials. The intent is to stop what proponents feel is runaway development and destruction of open spaces. Opponents, which include local governments and developers, say the amendment is unworkable and would hamstring decision making.

Recommendation – Against

Two amendments – 5 and 6 deal with redistricting, due to take place in 2012 as a result of the 2010 census. The political implications are huge, particularly for incumbents. Most Democrats favor Amendments 5 & 6, which would redraw boundaries to create compact districts and reduce gerrymandering

Amendment 5 – Redistricting
Amends the current practice of drawing legislative district boundaries.
Amendments 5 and 6 also were put on the ballot by citizen petition. Their stated goal is "fair districts" for the Legislature and Congress, saying that districts should not be drawn by the Legislature to "favor or disfavor" one party or incumbent. Opponents say (among other things) that this is impossible to achieve and will automatically throw redistricting into the courts.
Recommendation – Against
Amendment 6 – Redistricting
Amends the current practice of drawing congressional district boundaries.
Amendments 5 and 6 also were put on the ballot by citizen petition. Their stated goal is "fair districts" for the Legislature and Congress, saying that districts should not be drawn by the Legislature to "favor or disfavor" one party or incumbent. Opponents say (among other things) that this is impossible to achieve and will automatically throw redistricting into the courts.
Recommendation – Against
Amendment 8 – Education

Changes the current “maximum” class sizes to school-wide “average” class sizes.
Amendment 8 would roll back public school class-size restrictions to 2002 levels. This is cost-driven. Local school districts, saddled with shrinking budgets, are hard-pressed to build new classrooms to accommodate smaller classes. The current education studies do not support the position that smaller class sizes lead to increased student performance.

Recommendation – For

Federal Budget Question – Budgets
Asks whether Congress should add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution requiring a balanced federal budget
Recommendation – For

First District Court of Appeals 2010
Judge Lori Rowe - retain
Judge Kent Weatherall - retain
Judge Paul Hawkes – retain
Judge Jim Wolf- retain
Judge Phillip Padovano - NO
Judge Nikki Clark - NO
Took office 2008
Merit retention vote 2010
Took office 2008
Merit retention vote 2010
JORGE LABARGA NO do not retain
Took office 2009
Merit retention vote 2010
JAMES E.C. PERRY NO do not retain
Took office 2009
Merit retention vote 2010

Comment by Cindy Graves on October 20, 2010 at 12:30pm
To Volunteer for the final push to get out the vote in Duval County please sign up for just one shift! Go to: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DuvalGOP-72-Hour-sign-up

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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