The duplicity of President Barack Obama knows no bounds.  The quote from the mouth of presidential candidate Obama, in the article posted with link to same below, clearly demonstrates that he well understood the fact that only Congress can declare war when he sent American troops into war in Libya.  Therefore, he knowingly and deliberately violated the U.S. Constitution and the delegated power of the U.S. Congress, which is the only branch of government that can constitutionally declare war... and declare it specifically in defense of the United States of America in response to an attack on this country.  The U.S. was attacked by the Japanese in World War II. Congress performed their constitutional role of declaring war against the allied Axis powers, of which Japan was an allied nation. Libya has committed terrorist acts in the past, but they did not prosecute an attack against the United States that would justify entering into a war action.

President Obama has recently been reported to no longer be meeting with and relying on the advice of his U.S. Senate-approved Cabinet, seeking counsel instead from favored union officials who have a revolving door to the White House, from preferred corporate officials of companies that provide the financial grease to lubricate his perpetual political campaign machine, and from his political czars and allies. 

Neither did our President rely on the advice and consent of, and a declaration of war by, the U.S. Congress, He did not bother to seek their permission before entering into a United Nations-authorized and initiated war action. Nothing in the Constitution allows the United States to take any war action under the authorization of the United Nations. The U.N. is not an elected body and has no legal authority to lead nations into war.

This illegal war has now cost the American people billions of dollars and loss of military assets. One U.S. bomber just had to crash land.  Luckily, the pilot was able to eject.  But, the American people have to pick up the tab for these losses and replacement of assets.

Meanwhile, President Obama has created the appearance that he is fiddling, while many people are dying as a result of his illegal involvement of the United States military in an unconstitutional war action in a United Nations-declared war against Libya. Many people have died and more are dying in Libya, but I don't believe he is just fiddling.  I believe he's on a political mission, while the media play up his "family vacation in Rio" and the American people are distracted by the war in Libya, in order to manipulate oil markets and new alignments of nations that are not in the best interests of the American people.  Witness his Brazil "vacation" with his family, concurrent with his conspiring to undermine American and other western oil companies' interests, in order to divert oil drilling and oil profits to Brazil. Enormous oil profits already go from this country to Hugo Chavez's socialist Venezuela, taking that money out of the U.S. economy.  Obama has a problem with oil profits going to American oil companies, whose profits are far more likely to remain in the U.S. economy and provide jobs for American workers, preferring instead to spread the wealth to leftist countries friendly to him. 

Following the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and Obama's forced oil-drilling moratorium, billions of U.S dollars have been given to Brazil, the only nation that has been granted a permit to drill in the Gulf of Mexico since the oil spill. Obama has also committed to buying our oil from Brazil. Quite a deal they have going on. It makes one wonder just who, exactly, will benefit from those Brazilian profits, while U.S. and British oil companies languish, due to consistent denial of permits for them to drill in the Gulf.  Jobs that Americans formerly had in the oil industry in the Gulf are being exported to foreign nationals.

Of course, these actions by Obama are forcing oil prices up in the U.S., where they are predicted to go much higher. Engineered gas price increases Americans have to pay at the pump will generate megabucks for the federal government, as a gusher of gasoline taxes flows from their wallets into the U.S. Treasury. This is another transfer of wealth---from American taxpayers to the federal government, at the same time oil profits exit our economy.  

Further, having a nation such as El Salvador on Obama's itinerary, when its new leftist President Mauricio Funes was strongly supported by leftist guerillas in his recent election, raises questions in my mind as to Obama's intent for also visiting him.  Just as Nicaragua's leftist President Daniel Ortega's strong endorsement and support for Obama in the 2010 election and thereafter, has raised questions.  

This duplicitous president has violated his Oath of Office and the U.S. Constitution in ways we could never have imagined, and he's done so with impunity.  Where will it end?  That depends on the American people and the U.S. Congress... and, perhaps, the courts.  Whatever we do, we cannot allow this renegade president to continue his shredding of our Constitution, thumbing his nose at our rule of law, and prosecuting an internal war against our Christian heritage, our national history, our constitutional republic, our national sovereignty and identity, states' sovereignty, and our common bond as Americans. And we cannot allow him to continue to gin up hate speech and race baiting to divide the people of this country.  His poor excuse for governing is intolerable. 

Members of the U.S. Congress need to hear from us now... and every day until they get our message that we expect them to do the job we sent them to Washington, D.C. with a mandate to do... and that they must force this president to follow the Constitution and U.S. laws or be impeached and removed from office.  This is our country we are working to save and we cannot allow it to be taken away from us by default.    

Here is the referenced article:

"Obama: ‘President Does Not Have Power Under Constitution to Unilaterally Authorize a Military Attack"

"As a presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama (D.-Ill.) emphatically stated that the Constitution does not give the president the authority to unilaterally authorize a military attack unless it is needed to stop an actual or imminent attack on the United States." Sen. Barack Obama (D.-Ill.), campaigning for president on Sept. 21, 2008, in Charlotte, N.C.

Obama made the assertion in a Dec. 20, 2007 interview with the Boston Globe when reporter Charlie Savage asked him under what circumstances the president would have the constitutional authority to bomb Iran without first seeking authorization from Congress.

'The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,' Obama responded."

Link to CNS article:    http://www.drudgereport.com/http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-president-does-not-have-power-unde


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Comment by J.R. on April 20, 2011 at 9:21pm

"Libya rebels will receive $25M from U.S.

Here we go again... Obama is forking over $25M to Libyan rebels known to be infiltrated by and/or aided by members of al Qaeda. Just as Obama had no constitutional authority to take this country into war with Libya without a Declaration of War from Congress, Obama has no constitutional authority to, of his own volition, give un-appropriated money to Libyan rebels and jihadists in that war. According to the U. S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9: "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time."

Article I, Section 8: "'The Congress shall have Power... To declare War... To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel invasions."

Further, in the absence of an Amendment to the Constitution providing otherwise, the War Powers Act providing for conditional authority for the President to take a war action not in the defense of this country is also unconstitutional.

Below are excerpts from the article, along with a link to the remainder of the article"

"White House OKs non-lethal support"

"The letter notified Congress that the administration authorized “any U.S. government agency to provide assistance to support efforts by Libyan groups such as the TNC to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas under threat of attack in Libya.”

The letter does not say how that assistance will be delivered or whether U.S. troops would be involved.

A Senate aide who asked not to be identified by name said the nonlethal assistance could open the door to future U.S. arms and other military assistance to the TNC.

“The justification in the letter appears to claim the TNC is stable, democratic and adhering to the Geneva Conventions,” the aide said. “If all of this is true, then why can’t you provide lethal military assistance as well?”

Danielle Pletka, the vice president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, said she is concerned by the aid..."



Comment by J.R. on March 28, 2011 at 2:40pm

Below are some articles related to various excuses and feeble attempts at covering for the Obama administration and their trumped-up justification for taking this country to war without a Declaration of War from Congress, and to do so for "humanitarian" reasons. The "humanitarian" justification is a canard used to try to establish legitimacy for some member nations to use the umbrella of the corrupt and socialist United Nations to prosecute a " humanitarian war," with Obama and his handlers knowing full well it was unconstitutional to engage in a war action under the auspices of the U.N., and to do so without Congress' authorization. Jay Carney, White House Press Spokesman, gave a cavalier answer about this, as if it were no big deal. Secretary Gates, head of the Dept. of Defense, knew the administration had proceeded unconstitutionally and went ahead and risked the lives of American troops and costly military assets anyway, upon an unconstitutional order from Commander-in-Chief Obama. Appears he likes his job well enough to go along with anything, even if it violates the Constitution.

And the incompetent and clueless Hillary Clinton made a half-baked excuse to explain why Syria's dictator's war actions against "rebels" demonstrating against the government in Syria are "humanitarian," whereas the same type of war actions in Libya were not humanitarian. Which, of course, is an unintended confession that Obama and his administration are picking winners and losers according to which Muslim dictator they approve of and support, when "humanitarianism" has nothing to do with their decisions to go, or not go, to war. The concept of "humanitarian war" is a mystery to me and smacks of being an oxymoron. What, exactly, is humanitarian about war and picking and choosing which of the two country's citizens to save, or which they will allow to be killed--- when none of them attacked the United States of America?

Here are the above-mentioned links to today's war news:


Comment by Tom Wright on March 23, 2011 at 2:56pm

There goes my buddy JR again. Yet another well written insiteful blog.

I wish I had her writing talent. I have known of her talent for several years, however it  took a venue like FCTP to bring it out.

JR, please keep up with your informative blogs.

I love to read them and to see the reaction from others.

Tom Wright

Comment by J.R. on March 23, 2011 at 1:57pm

I just found some more links that should be helpful to understanding the big picture behind Obama's unconstitutional and un-American actions:






On my Rogues Gallery list of this country's worst Presidents ever, I would place socialist President Barack Hussein Obama as number 3 on the list and moving rapidly and steadily toward first place, as he violates our Constitution and laws, while working to undermine and destabilize the very foundation of our government, to the end of creating a socialist government and establishing a direct path to one-world government. I would place Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was the leading founder of the United Nations, furthered the concept of world government, and laid the first planks in the creation of the "Great Society," as number 1.  I would place Woodrow Wilson, who created the secretive and unaccountable Federal Reserve, the globalist League of Nations, and the progressive income tax as number 2.  I would place Lyndon Baines Johnson, who stuffed the ballot boxes in Texas to get himself elected to the U.S. Congress, created the full-blown Great Society that established forced dependency for massive numbers of the American people, and refused to allow the VietNam War to be fought to be won, as number 4. I would place William Jefferson Clinton, who debased the presidency itself, sold access to the White House, allowed the DNC to set up a "war room" in the White House and use the White House database, thanked his top American campaign contributor, Oracle, by allowing them to provide America's satellite booster technology to the Chinese, tried to push socialized medicine on the American people, and flagrantly accepted illegal foreign campaign contributions, as number 5. And, I would place the feckless Jimmie Carter, who allowed American hostages to languish in Iranian prisons, stabbed Israel in the back, supported the globalist aims of the United Nations, promoted dependency on government, and for many years  has made a post-presidency career of publicly supporting every socialist-leaning, third world, tin-pot nation he can globe-trot around to, as number 6. Each of these six have strived to weaken our democratic republic and push us toward socialism and world government.

I believe Richard M. Nixon made a stupid mistake that resulted in Watergate and his impeachment, and I would have preferred that he provide more support for Taiwan, but he doesn't belong on a list of socialists who have all worked to amass ever-increasing and disproportionate power and control in the federal government, at the expense of our free enterprise system and our God-given rights and liberties. Plus, it was Lyndon Johnson and the Democrat-controlled Congress that hamstrung  our troops and refused to allow them to fight to win the VietNam undeclared war, resulting in the deaths of 50,000 American troops losing their lives in battle.  It was the Democrat Congress, led by Senators Fulbright and Kennedy, who de-funded the war and caused over a million South Vietnamese people to be killed, forced into the sea, or forced to flee and seek asylum in other nations.  Fulbright and Kennedy were assisted in this effort by the now U.S. Senator John Kerry, who, as an active naval officer for 4 1/2 months in VietNam and then a member of the Navy Reserve, founded the VietNam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) and, at the instigation of Senators Fulbright and Kennedy, went before the Democrat-controlled Congress, where he testified against and maligned American troops serving bravely and selflessly in VietNam. 

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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