More on the latest executive orders which have a great deal to do with international law, agenda 21 and the UN. And once again, no congressional action at all on anything.............he just wrote it up and is planning to implement it.
May 15, 2012
Obama has signed 3 new executive orders: and and
This latest executive order will allow the soviet socialists in our local communities through their committees to adopt and enact United Nations regulations designed to establish absolute United Nations’ control over our every resource. The laws of the United States, individual states, counties, cities, and local municipalities, under our Constitution must be legislated. These executive ordersbypass the legislative process and essentially nullify our representative form of government under the guise of allowing us to voice our opinion in reference to new regulation rather than enforce our will through elected representation. If one examines these three executive orders closely, Obama’s agenda becomes clear. The international socialists, known as the United Nations, are worming their way into our political system at every level. Through the local socialist committees that will be assembled, local commissars will be elected.
These commissars, working in coalition with state and local agencies and sovereign nations/Indian Tribes, will attempt to initiate UN dictatorship over our lands, both private and public. And through regulation of the land, they will attempt to establish dictatorial control over the actions of we the people.
This is a sneak attack and it will not be publicized in the mainstream media. You will know these words are true when you see the soviet socialists in your area seizing control over your public and private lands using regulatory powers derived directly from the United Nations Agenda 21.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote international regulatory cooperation, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), states that our regulatory system must protect public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. In an increasingly global economy, international regulatory cooperation, consistent with domestic law and prerogatives and U.S. trade policy, can be an important means of promoting the goals of Executive Order 13563.
The regulatory approaches taken by foreign governments may differ from those taken by U.S. regulatory agencies to address similar issues. In some cases, the differences between the regulatory approaches of U.S. agencies and those of their foreign counterparts might not be necessary and might impair the ability of American businesses to export and compete internationally. In meeting shared challenges involving health, safety, labor, security, environmental, and other issues, international regulatory cooperation can identify approaches that are at least as protective as those that are or would be adopted in the absence of such cooperation. International regulatory cooperation can also reduce, eliminate, or prevent unnecessary differences in regulatory requirements.
Sec. 2. Coordination of International Regulatory Cooperation. (a) The Regulatory Working Group (Working Group) established by Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993 (Regulatory Planning and Review), which was reaffirmed by Executive Order 13563, shall, as appropriate: (i) serve as a forum to discuss, coordinate, and develop a common understanding among agencies of U.S. Government positions and priorities with respect to: (A) international regulatory cooperation activities that are reasonably anticipated to lead to significant regulatory actions; (B) efforts across the Federal Government to support significant, cross-cutting international regulatory cooperation activities, such as the work of regulatory cooperation councils; and
(C) the promotion of good regulatory practices internationally, as well as the promotion of U.S. regulatory approaches, as appropriate; and
(ii) examine, among other things:
(A) appropriate strategies for engaging in the development of regulatory approaches through international regulatory cooperation, particularly in emerging technology areas, when consistent with section 1 of this order;
(B) best practices for international regulatory cooperation with respect to regulatory development, and, where appropriate, information exchange and other regulatory tools; and
(C) factors that agencies should take into account when determining whether and how to consider other regulatory approaches under section 3(d) of this order.
(b) As Chair of the Working Group, the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) shall convene the Working Group as necessary to discuss international regulatory cooperation issues as described above, and the Working Group shall include a representative from the Office of the United States Trade Representative and, as appropriate, representatives from other agencies and offices.
(c) The activities of the Working Group, consistent with law, shall not duplicate the efforts of existing interagency bodies and coordination mechanisms. The Working Group shall consult with existing interagency bodies when appropriate.
(d) To inform its discussions, and pursuant to section 4 of Executive Order 12866, the Working Group may commission analytical reports and studies by OIRA, the Administrative Conference of the United States, or any other relevant agency, and the Administrator of OIRA may solicit input, from time to time, from representatives of business, nongovernmental organizations, and the public.
(e) The Working Group shall develop and issue guidelines on the applicability and implementation of sections 2 through 4 of this order.
(f) For purposes of this order, the Working Group shall operate by consensus.
Sec. 3. Responsibilities of Federal Agencies. To the extent permitted by law, and consistent with the principles and requirements of Executive Order 13563 and Executive Order 12866, each agency shall:
(a) if required to submit a Regulatory Plan pursuant to Executive Order 12866, include in that plan a summary of its international regulatory cooperation activities that are reasonably anticipated to lead to significant regulations, with an explanation of how these activities advance the purposes of Executive Order 13563 and this order;
(b) ensure that significant regulations that the agency identifies as having significant international impacts are designated as such in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions, on, and on;
(c) in selecting which regulations to include in its retrospective review plan, as required by Executive Order 13563, consider:
(i) reforms to existing significant regulations that address unnecessary differences in regulatory requirements between the United States and its major trading partners, consistent with section 1 of this order, when stakeholders provide adequate information to the agency establishing that the differences are unnecessary; and
(ii) such reforms in other circumstances as the agency deems appropriate; and
(d) for significant regulations that the agency identifies as having significant international impacts, consider, to the extent feasible, appropriate, and consistent with law, any regulatory approaches by a foreign government that the United States has agreed to consider under a regulatory cooperation council work plan.
Sec. 4. Definitions. For purposes of this order:
(a) “Agency” means any authority of the United States that is an “agency” under 44 U.S.C. 3502(1), other than those considered to be independent regulatory agencies, as defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(5).
(b) “International impact” is a direct effect that a proposed or final regulation is expected to have on international trade and investment, or that otherwise may be of significant interest to the trading partners of the United States.
(c) “International regulatory cooperation” refers to a bilateral, regional, or multilateral process, other than processes that are covered by section 6(a)(ii), (iii), and (v) of this order, in which national governments engage in various forms of collaboration and communication with respect to regulations, in particular a process that is reasonably anticipated to lead to the development of significant regulations.
(d) “Regulation” shall have the same meaning as “regulation” or “rule” in section 3(d) of Executive Order 12866.
(e) “Significant regulation” is a proposed or final regulation that constitutes a significant regulatory action.
(f) “Significant regulatory action” shall have the same meaning as in section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866.
Sec. 5. Independent Agencies. Independent regulatory agencies are encouraged to comply with the provisions of this order.
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head thereof;
(ii) the coordination and development of international trade policy and negotiations pursuant to section 411 of the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (19 U.S.C. 2451) and section 141 of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2171);
(iii) international trade activities undertaken pursuant to section 3 of the Act of February 14, 1903 (15 U.S.C. 1512), subtitle C of the Export Enhancement Act of 1988, as amended (15 U.S.C. 4721 et seq.), and Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1979 (19 U.S.C. 2171 note);
(iv) the authorization process for the negotiation and conclusion of international agreements pursuant to 1 U.S.C. 112b(c) and its implementing regulations (22 C.F.R. 181.4) and implementing procedures (11 FAM 720);
(v) activities in connection with subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31 of the United States Code, title 26 of the United States Code, or Public Law 111-203 and other laws relating to financial regulation; or
(vi) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Link to article:
Double teamed? What I say is based on fact. Woodrw Wilson established the 16th and 17th Ammendment in 1913 for taxes and allowing states to have two Senators. You have an issue with that?
Should everything be free? How should we be governed? Also this was about Agenda 21 and the mis use of the Executive Orders by our President. Do you and Rommmma understand that...Nuff Said
Thank you. I will be watching the impeachment proceedings and the full audit of the Fed and thats a fact.
Tom don't hand me this baseless dialogue because I have an opinion that doesn't go along with your established guidlines for patriotism. Please refrane from your pointed references to a white flag or your "oops" stuff. You know damn well what you mean. It is searching and a bit trite.
There is nothing more volital than the politics within some of the lesser known veteran organizations and/or at the Chapter level of established veteran organizations. Neither of which do I want any part of. As an American veteran I do not judge their purpose or direction, the intent or value of what they are seeking to accomplish. That also includes Veteran Defenders of America. I champion all of their patriotic efforts irregardless of my non participation. I am only one person so I chose the paths I follow that best serve my patriotic endeavers. There is but one Army made up of many because the battles are many, as are the causes. A persons Military Service is respected and hallowed ground and as such I don't go there. I must assume that you don't feel that way or you would refrane from your referrences of "surrender", "White Flags", and "riducule." All words that are descriptions of defeat and in some cases cowardous. ???????????
You keep refering to going back to the Constitution. I wasn't aware that we left it. Just because our supreme leader keeps by passing the constitution and the legislative process, and given the fact that our legislators lack the balls to call him on it does not mean it is not still the basis of our law.
All of us here for the most part are true Americans who wish nothing more that to have the country back that they grew up in, myself included. Because of the purpose of the Tea Party with a collective drive toward keeping America the land that our founding fathers established. We may become a reason for those who don't want that to subvert the Tea Party from within. You and I have no undertanding of who these individuals may be so we should be vigilant of the fact that they are out there. We all have an opinion. Some of us may agree and others may not, its an opinion. That matters very little as it does not deminish who we are or what we believe in. I know my history, who I am and what I have done for my country. I will gladly give you my shoes if you want to walk in them.
We could debate this for ever but quite frankly Tom this horse is dead. Unless of course you get one of a different color. Other than that any futher dialogue in this direction will be defered to Wilbur and MR. Ed. Any further need for horse sence will be at their discretion.
John, Dennis Kucinich is an avowed member of the Democratic Socialist Party along with 75 other members of Congress. Maxine Waters is also a memeber along with Corrine Brown and Wexler from Florida. It would be nice if he were simply a Democrat. I was also a registered Democrat until about 8 years ago when I saw that they were all becoming sanity challenged. The only difference between a communist and a socialist is that one is at the end of the boat shouting orders and the other is rowing. They are also interchangable and depend on everyone elses money.
I did some research on my own regarding Veterans for Peace and their desire to impeach Bush and Obama. In my mind they are about as potent as Newspaper Boys for a Strong America and Snow Cones. However their is a more viable group that brings validity with a voice. Vetran Defenders of America with involved people like Major General Paul E. Vallely, Floyd and Mary Beth Brown from Western Center for Journalism as well as others. This group has a strong and valid platform along with committed boots on the ground. Yet as you dig deeper to unfold our President, so much more comes to light. His third alias...Harrison J. Bounel, several SSNs, multiple addresses across America.
Obama laughs at all this and wishes for it to can be bought more and more into the open. He knows it will only benefit his election process. Now if you need this to go anywhere and you want something to listen to reason on this direction.....pull up a chair next to the largest tree in your back yard...then start your dialogue. You will get furter there than along any lines of established protocol.
I want this man to be brought to justic through resignation or impeachment more than anyone can imagine. It is not going to happen or it would have long before this. In November we have the only true means left at our disposal to do just that, remove him from office. That is my only goal left that I know I can count on. But if I am proved to be totally wrong and it happens before November I will be a very happy person. More so because we won't have to worry about the damage he can do between November and January.
Well I am a life time member of the DAV and activly involved with the veteran community and I may be just simply dumb...but I don't know of any groups of veterans impeaching Obama. When you say "all of the presidents since 2008" it sort of implys there are others besides Bush and Obama. Other wise it would have been easier to say George Bush for his 2004 term and Obama for his term in 2008. Now that is 8 years of impeachment proceedings or active pesuit of the same. Now there are a lot of involved veterans out there so I am pretty sure there would be smoke somewhere. But none that I have seen. Would you question my motives, or question if I would like to see a man who haulted the space program in a way that would benefit Muslim greatness. Well something to that effect after all nothing he says makes any sence anyway. But there is a slight tie in.. It seems the European Union wants to discuss the code of conduct in outer space to prevent deployment of an anti ballistic missle system. Shutting down N.S.S.A. and the EU pressures with codes of conduct in space??? You think I don't know these two are not somehow related. So what else is in this daisy chain. This is treason to be quite honest and you would feel that I would not align myself with "our" veterans. What veterans? I should read the documentation? If Obama makes a mockery the Constitution and goes about his business consistently breaking the law then what kind of weight will that documentation carry. Tom if Obama were impeached I would be dancing in the streets but it is not going to happen. He has commited so many impeachable offences its pathetic. The lawyers will be fighting about it for the next fifty years.
You question people who don't go along with the veterans. I am 100% Service Connected Disabled, P&T. I would bounce a basketball through a mine field for my brothers and sisters. Your question is a baited one and as such I will overlook it. I know where my heart is and my fellow veterans do too.
John I do not disagree with you with respect to kucinich or the fact that many Republicans are interchangable with him either. I am sure that the fruits of their labor are a horn of plenty for their future. As a person I deplore arrogance on the part of any elected official, or for that matter people in general. When you are an elected official the people have placed in you their trust. A good leader would be humbled by that honor. To lead and not to rule on their behalf. Republicans are not immune to indiscresions or the improprioties of being human. That is a choice only they can make when they come to THAT fork in their road. French thinker Blaise Pascal said that "Reason is what reason knows not." Good or bad, it is an undeniable blind truth.
When I see the American legion, the VFW, the DAV, the PVA and others come together as a single voice calling for the impeachment of Obama, then I will agree that the veterans are calling for his impeachment. But none the less we all mean well and are genuinly concerned for the well being of America and the American citizen. Each signed Executive Order is nothing more than a Restraining Order on our freedoms and ourselves.
Our Flag is a symbol that represents the well being of all that is good in a free and democratic world. Yet is is little more than a cloth without a voice if ours fall silent, if we are allowed to crumble and fall to deceit and do nothing then we have silenced ourselves. Then and only then will we be prey to those darkest days ahead, oppressed to the whims of the oppressor.
On this subject alone we could toss it back and forth for what seems to be forever all which resuts in little more than collective banter. It all results in the same at the end....nothing, nada Lady Ga Ga garners more attention and concern as does Justin Beiber pouting with the Paparazzi with respect to the media. For my own frustration, and I do only speak for myself, I would think that the deeds that this president acted upon against the rule of law under our constitution are outrageous. Then overlooked, dispelled, tossed as an incovenience and swept under a carpet by the House the Senate and our hapless Mr. Holder's Department of Justice. Who do we have in our corner? All of America if we can reach them?!. The minutemen and women are out there....simply waiting to be inspired.
I hope that happens before its to late. Everyday Mr. Obama chips a chunk of our liberty and freedom away. With wreckless abandon and as much as he wants. I only hope there is something left when we get to speak.
I hope the politcians are listening to not only the Veterans this time and not "election time" but to all of America. I am tired of deceit, false hope and deaf ears.
Dennis Kucinich..Now there is a spark of hope who is a point of light on the beacon of moral cervitude in La La Land. The torch toater that you follow into dark cave looking for his friends the bats as he hums relentlesly M I C K E Y MOUSE...Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse. Come on out Jimmy and Bobby I know you are in here. I am wearing my super hero costume, its time to play.
Rule of Law and Cole Slaw. They rime and for some in Washington one is easier to swallow than the other. Sadly to many of them they mean about the same.
Veterans for Peace? Is there a veteran who isn't for peace? I know we we were. But a "just peace"...or those who serve wouldn't have their ass there in some hell hole on the other side of nowhere fighting for the virtues of freedom and liberty in leu of oppression. Todays world is full of educated tyrants and bullies corrupting and coercing our gate keepers to let them in with their gifts of undoing for the cold devistation of the world only they imagine. How can anyone expect Truth and Rule of Law. For that matter even a glint of honesty when we are goverened on the floor of Congress by what seems to be tantamount to the cast of The Howdy Doody Show.!
To be driven to a state of character that is beyond that of reasonable? Hes there already carrying out his lifes goal with a large and cold abandon of youthful will. His signature on an Executive Order is nothing less than a calculated defiant act on his part in his mission. Obsessed radical people care nothing for our freedom, speech or other wise.
Patricia we are not powerless, we are anything but. We are in fact a Sleeping Giant and not as in the metafor but as in fact. If that were not true we would not be here today. We would have closed up shop at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor and countless other hurdles in our path to today. I am a fraid that we cannot depend on Washington from either side of the isle. I know that there are those who would promote civil unrest in our country to gain an even greater foothold in their quest to deminish our nation. We have to understand that no single individual can undo this nation nor can any one person give it back it's greatness. Our greatness hasn't left us and America has to know this.
Do you think that the media will tell us? We both know the answer to that, but somebody has to. How would our children have grown and prospered for themselves and their families if someone put them in a room, locked the door, hammered them with rules and constantly told them they weren't worth the powder to blow them up. Then told them that their parents are no different. Is America any different than that room? Are our regulations and rules on growth any different. Does a nation not desire self worth in the same way as you and I do, as our children do and as our communities do? In order to defeat even the mightest warrior for more than any single fight you must shackle the soul of that warrior. It is no different with a single nation under God...You must shackle the soul of that nation!
They want you to be scared but don't be. They want you to feel powerless but never be.
We the people are POWERFUL. Our founding fathers provided for us and there is a way........
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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