On June 9, 2011, an Executive Order established the White House Rural Council with 25 executive branch departments including Defense, Justice, Homeland Security, National Drug Control, Environmental Quality, Labor, Commerce, Interior, EPA, Housing, Health, Education to name just a few.
The order covers 16% of the American population who lives in rural counties because they “supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation.”
“Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential in winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead.” What kind of future are we supposed to win? Are we losers right now? This is very vague, what years ahead?
Read the entire article here:
Karen, that top line on that site that you listed below, says it all: 'All you need to know about the International Baccalaureate Program (but were afraid to ask)'
The greatest learning tool is to always ASK QUESTIONS.
Roma, and others here is the young man that translated the Federalist Papers in the original argument for the Constitution. This the story of how it all happened and how him and Glenn Beck hooked up:
Our children are being brainwashed by the U.N. in our own public schools. Look at the IB program!
I disagree with you on the funding for his show. George Soros, IF anything increased his viewership. Soros' businesses is suffering because GB outed him. Over a year ago, GB stated that he was moving in a different direction because you can only talk about the same thing over and over again and if people did not get it yet, they will never get it, it was time for him to move on. Last summer he said he would be making announcements in the future. I have read over and over at media matters, move on.org and many other Soros' back sources stating that advertisers were backing off. I beg to disagree, IF anything, GB's show has too, many commercial breaks, still has. He has also made a deal with Fox to do some upcoming specials. His contract was due to end this year, period. Just look for the truth and you will find it, it is easier now since GB explained how the progressives work. You can go over to: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_org_democratic.html and you can read out disingenuous the progressives are, didn't dear Debbie Wasserman-Schultz the now DNC head stated just last week that the GOP wanted to take the country back to THEIR Jim Crow laws? She really needs to read up on history and probably is not familiar with the Founding Fathers' Charters of Freedom, she constantly votes against them and has obvious broken her oath of office to the people daily.
Interesting this week GB stated that Hillary is still on the sidelines to run for President, don't count her out yet, he said things should start falling apart shortly and she will decide to make a run for it. That is going to be interesting to see how it unfolds.
Like Beck i think more miracles are going to happen, personally i have seen many over the years, just recently in all the fires, floods and storms, it is a miracle that more did not loose their lives. Too, many people think that a perfect life and perfect weather, etc., is part of daily life but it is not. Weather has never been the same, always variable people have forgotten the past, thankfully a lot have not forgotten and understand what is going on. I am from here and no one had air conditioning, back in the 50's, even in schools i can remember the teachers turning off the overhead lighting so it would be cooler in the classrooms, we had fans and open window. It got up the 100's every now and then back then, we had our cooler years also. I am just amazed how quickly people forget, we use to have controlled underbrush burnings by the foresters and that kept many fires from being worst. Because of the environmentalists that has ceased and we have worst fires now because there is so much underbrush and dry matter when we do not get our normal rainfall, it has always fluctuated, either famine or feast. I think Bob Basso tours also, fascinating man.
Bob Basso youtube url is down below, you can web search him and find him, i accidentally found him again on search for the Federalist Papers, the original is very technical, you can actually find them at: http://archives.gov/exhibits/charters/
GB Federalist Papers book is listed down below aslo. I first saw Bob Basso on Glenn Beck's show, thetv star. I have yet to get the book but GB made a deal with the young man on tv to publish it last year so people could have more of a understanding in simpler language not the technical language it was originally written in, it is listed below.
You can find the UN organizations by web searching also. I will list them all down below:
The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Consitution, Adapted for the 21st Century by Glenn Beck (i miss-spelled it in the post below.)
(note you can also search for more books on the Federalist Papers, also the book: Common Sense by Thomas Paine here, The Original Constitution: What It Actually Said And Meant by Robert Natelson, also)
Bob Basso: http://funbobbasso.com/
UN Agenda 21:
Bob Basso youtube url is down below, you can web search him and find him, i accidentally found him again on search for the Federalist Papers, the original is very technical, you can actually find them at: http://archives.gov/exhibits/charters/
GB Federalist Papers book is listed down below aslo. I first saw him on Glenn Beck's show, thetv star. I have yet to get the book but GB made a deal with the young man on tv to publish it last year so people could have more of a understanding. Just go to Amazon and type in the title. You can find the UN organizations by doing the same. I will list them all down below:
The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Consitution, Adapted for the 21st Century by Glenn Beck (i miss-spelled it in the post below.)
(note you can also search for more books on the Federalist Papers, also the book: Common Sense by Thomas Paine here, also)
Bob Basso: http://funbobbasso.com/
UN Agenda 21:
George Soros Open Society:
You can web search all the above including the tv star, and find more information. Search Sustainable Development and you can find more linking all to each other on the UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, Open Society, etc.
List of really great books to read on factual history, you can find at wallbuilders.com and glennbeck.com also i think Amazon has it set up where you can see GB's recommended reading list. Funny to note that Media Matters, the organization that is funded by Soros, says GB re-wrote the Federalist Papers! More miss-information.
Hope this helps, Roma.
What has been interesting to watch swing the other way is the small organic farmers that have popped up over the last few years. There are several in our area supplying neighborhoods and restaurants. I use to watch Martha Stewart several years ago and she was always interviewing and showing their farms and such, talking about the growth surge of these small farmers, that is how i found out about the Heritage seed foundation. Many of these farmers even do roof top farming in NY City area. There was one across Manhattan in the Brooklyn area on the rooftop, it was a incredible size garden system. They raise produce for restaurants and delivery to homes. It had a really interesting system on the roof.
Not sure if this is the same one: http://rooftopfarms.org/
That is HOW it should be, NOT big corporate farms who are just in it for the bottom line, no concern about pesticides or treatment of animals. The smaller farmer is in tune with what is right and producing a good healthy product.
I have notice on cooking shows and even restaurants in our area as well as great restaurants around the country, they have certain organic farms that bring them their produce. Some grow it in back. There is a really interesting restaurant in Melrose that has some produce grown in back, the food is out of this world, it is just below Keystone Heights: http://www.thebluewaterbay.com/
We always call for reservations, because there can be lines. Outstanding food, desserts and wine.
Roma your comment: The bottom line: The government creates the problem, and then offers to "save us" with more regulation and subsidizes.
That is so true, the federal government had their hands in Health Care since the sixties, made it worst in the late 70's by putting into law HMOs, PPOs, etc., that is when Health care costs really began souring upwards and now it is really souring thanks to Pelosi, Reid and Obama. It is almost like they are using a plan to drive costs where people can not survive on their own, they must depend on the government. President Obama has gone on record stating that he wants to drive up the cost of gas and electrical use. AND NO BODY CHALLENGES HIM ON THOSE STATEMENTS. It is ALL out in the open what is going on but, people are oblivious. He wants Green, lean, Sustainable Development to take over, it is all instep with UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, and One Global government. Basically Socialism/Marxism, plain as day. Just look at all the groups coming out of the woodwork in Chicago area. Unbelievable.
Sometimes it looks as if Ron Paul would be the answer, but you would need a Congress in place that would go along with him and many Republicans do not. I heard someone say the other day on FOX, it would be great IF we could get back to the Constitution guidelines because even the Founding Fathers warned yet again that if Congressional members began writing and passing bills that the common man could not read easily or if they were too many pages long, then we were at a point of loosing our freedoms. Remember they also warned us about two political or more party system, the vote would be manipulated, it is and they also warned us about placing our military under another country's command, like Obama recently did. They stated the problem with that, you can not do it immediately without more harm to the economy, it would have to be done in steps. I would just like to see the spending stopped, the debt addressed and start chipping away, the EPA abolished (it is just a menacing political machine like the unions, NEA, DOE, which both should be abolished), and regulations, Obamacare repealed so jobs can be created, period.
I suggest people read " THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION: What It Actually Said And Meant" by Robert Natelson. There are others out there but, this is the one i have read and he does articles for the Tenth Amendment Center and has his own web site. Read our TRUTHFUL history, you can find a great list at wallbuilders.com or glennbeck.com and Glenn Beck just came out with a simpler book on the Federalist papers, a young man last year who is going after his law degree, met GB at a town in Ohio that was bringing itself back after massive job lost in their small community when the main manufacture moved out and they got very supportive with each other, their church and actually got very innovated and saved the town by their own crafts and services. The young man told GB he felt the urge to come to the town after hearing on GB's show that they were going to go there and he encourage others to do the same to help the town out through tourism and visiting the Church that has a 24 hour prayer vigil going and just buy from the town and it would help them recover. The young man with several of his college friends did and he felt the urge to translate the Federalist papers to more common language so Americans could really understand what went on in the argument between our founding fathers on WHY there should be a U.S. Constitution. Glenn Beck published it and it is out this week: The Original Argument: The Federalist' Cars For The Constitution, Adapted For the 21st Century. You can get publications of the original one in our Founding Fathers Charters of Freedoms also. I have yet to get it but am going to get several to give to the same people that i purchased Robert Natelson's book on the Constitution and "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine. We all need to get armed with the truthful history, facts and information and direct others. My apologies for such a long post, there is so much to be said. I forgot about these videos on youtube by Bob Basso 'funbobbasso' at: http://youtu.be/pKFKGrmsBDk
They are all great videos.
Amanda read up on the UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, Sustainable Development, Social Justice, there are some more words and organizations that all link together when you connect the dots. Spooky Dude George Soros is right in the middle of it with his ideal One Global Socialist society with a one global government and economy.
Large Commodity brokerage (many are hedge funds and non FDIC funded>Everbank has Global financial brokerages) companies are now buying up farms around the world investing in agriculture, it is the biggest commodity investment besides food, and oil, right now and will continue to be for several decades.
Jim Rogers of Rogers Holdings who followed the flow of money years ago to the Far East, he is a American living in Singapore, a very successful and powerful investor, says commodities are the investment of the future for the next 20 to 30 years and investing in the Far East and countries like Brazil, India, Malaysia are the new emerging economies that are growing a very fast pace.
As far as Huntsman, his father Jon Huntsmen Sr. followed the money path decades ago and moved his family to China when Jon jr. was young, he basically almost grew up in China with his family and speaks very fluent Mandarin Chinese as well as several other Far East languages.
What i have found very interesting is the younger generations have gotten away from producing their own food, and many really do not know how to, which is a danger. Agriculture, hunting and gathering skills just as being able to do math by pencil and learning to write without a computer are very important skills to learn. Also Monsanto (a big agriculture and food corporation) was trying to get the rights to heritage seeds and they want to produce food without seeds, they were trying to get the rights to creating produce for the whole world. A friend of mine was working very hard on trying to stop it. I can not recall if they ever got their way. I know there is a Heritage seed foundation, a keeper of all seeds from produce grown hundreds of years ago, they are constantly collecting seeds for their library. This is a very serious problem, there is a move to monopolize the world's food supply.
Another thing that Rogers also has pointed out was, in the future there will be water shortages, if someone can come up with an idea to prevent that and to be able to generate fresh water with no harm to the environment, they would make millions.
It just makes my head spin at what is going on...
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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