Next Week's Up and Coming Events

This coming week is filled with opportunities for you to be involved.  There are some that have to do with city government, EPA and your water rates, helping the schools meet their budget needs, one on one computer training, and getting involved in the 2012 Election.  We are so proud of all these activities and hope you will get involved where you feel most comfortable.  The First Coast Tea Party isn't going away! 

Up and Coming July Events

Monday, July 18th, 2011


Event:  City of Jacksonville Rules Committee  (new members of the council will be heading to their new jobs!)

Location: Council Chambers

Time: 10am – 12pm 

For more information visit this link -



Event:  EPA Conference Call:  New Regulations on your water & what that means to you…Higher Bills!

Location: On your telephone:  Dial-In Number:  1-877-290-8017 – Conference ID#: 81996907

Time: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm 

For more information visit this link -




Tuesday, July 19th, 2011



Event:  City of Jacksonville Finance Committee Meeting (reviewing the Mayor’s Budget)

Location: Council Chambers

Time: 10am – 12pm 

For more information visit this link -



Event:  Get to Know Your Computer Training Class

Location: FCTP Office

Time: 11am – 12:30pm

For more information visit this link -



Event:  Small Business Group Meeting (calling all business owners!)

Location: Zamar Center

Time: 6 – 8pm

For more information visit this link -



Event:  Clay County Community Meeting (we love our Clay County members!)

Location: Weigel Senior Center

Time:   6:30 - 8:00pm

For more information visit this link -




Wednesday, July 20th, 2011


Event:  Poll Project/Beaches Meeting (this is a big one you do NOT want to miss!)

Location: Angies Sub’s

Time: 6 - 8:30pm

For more information visit this link -



Thursday, July 21st, 2011


Event:  Duval County Public Schools Invite Businesses & Faith-based to help Seminar and Breakfast  (an opportunity that was dropped in our laps to bring faith back into the schools!)

Location: Kingdom Plaza – The Potter’s House

Time: 7:30 – 9:00am

For more information visit this link -   RSVP required for breakfast



Event:  Brown Bag Lunch Discussion (weekly event - bring your lunch and hang out with tea party friends discussing today's big news)

Location: First Coast Tea Party office

Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 PM

For more information visit this link -



Event:  Mandarin/Julington Creek Community Meeting (a dynamic group that focuses on educating their members)

Location: South Mandarin Library

Time: 6 – 8pm

For more information visit this link -



Monday, July 25th, 2011


Event:  Arlington Community Meeting   (this group has become very involved in the local political game and they are playing it well for the conservatives!)

Location: University North Branch Library

Time: 6 - 8:30pm

For more information visit this link -




Tuesday, July 26th, 2011


Event:  Let Freedom Sing (a group of patriots that formed to sing together or solos at local patriotic and tea party events)

Location: First Coast Tea Party office

Time: 6:30 - 8:30pm

For more information visit this link -












6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Location to be announced


Views: 26


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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 17, 2011 at 7:25am
Jax Tico, Mr. Yost is running against her again.  He got some name recognition last time, and he has decided to take it on again.  We must all remember there were a couple of conservative candidates in south Florida who took on really bad state reps and lost the first time out; however, they won the election the second time they ran!   So, following the logic that name recognition is important as well as getting your message out, Mr. Yost is going to give this another try!  If you plan on coming to REC on Monday night, you will see him there as he is a regular and can speak to him if you wish!  I know he is looking for help already.
Comment by Jax Tico on July 17, 2011 at 7:08am

Has a Tea Party member from Corrine Brown's district stepped up to tak her on yet?  it would be great to find somebody who can be trained in our founding principles, Natural Law, God Given Rights, and our founding documents.  Gotta start early, 2012 will be here before we know it.  We could hold auditions/interviews and see who rises to the occasion.  We can train several and hold a mini Tea Party Primary; Tea Party Idol.  I would love to volunteer to work on that person's campaign and finally rid the House of Representatives of Corrie Brown.

Thanks for the calendar, now I can plan to attend some of these events.

Comment by John & Audrey Anderson on July 16, 2011 at 6:20pm
This is very helpful.  Thanks - went to next weeks meeting this week and no one was there :)  This will help a lot.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 16, 2011 at 2:32pm
Thank you so much for putting this all together in one place, Billie.  Makes it so easy to plan your week!
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 16, 2011 at 2:31pm
I plan on going to the rules committee meeting and the finance committee meetings this coming Monday and Tuesday.  Hopefully, they will get an agenda up in time for me to choose a couple of bills to make comments on.  Hope to see others there as well!
Comment by CJ on July 16, 2011 at 2:15pm

I would like to add for Thursday the 21 at 10am and Aug 2 at 6pm school board meetings for those that would like to help the community regain their JROTC programs. I would be grateful.

The very things our schools need using a business partnership they are deleting from the 4 area schools. How can they not see value in the following...

goals and objectives of the JROTC.

* Applying principles of leadership
* Planning and implementing unit activities
* Participating in exercises that call for orderly conduct
* Performing in a manner that displays self-confidence
* Performing with moral soundness, honesty and uprightness
* Developing a philosophy of life that respects others to include their privacy
* Being sensitive to the welfare of one's country
* Finding pleasure in individual  and group achievements 
** Students will become aware of and concerned for humanity and world affairs by relating:
* Civil defense to national security
* Problems of mankind to self
* World to domestic affairs
* Historical events to present with emphasis on sea power
** Students will recognize the value of constituted authority by:
* Observing orders of rules established by authorities.
* Accepting responsibility for their actions
* Influencing others to accept constituted authority

* Promote patriotism
* Develop informed and responsible citizens 
* Promote habits of orderliness and precision
* Develop a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, individual discipline, and leadership
* Promote an understanding of the basic elements and need of national security
* develop respect for and an understanding of the need for authority in a democratic society
* Promote community service
* Provide incentives to live healthy and drug free
* Develop leadership potential
* Provide an alternative to gangs
* Promote high school completion
* Provide information on the military services as a possible career
The only thing wrong with our schools is the leadership especially how they make priorities.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

Helpful Links

Blog Posts

RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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