The debt ceiling reminds me of September 2008. Remember when we were told we had to bail out the banks because the economy would crash if we didn’t? Remember John McCain had to suspend his campaign and go back to Washington because his country needed him? Remember President Bush standing at the podium white as a sheet saying we had no choice, we had to bail out the banks?
That day in September 2008 was the day I no longer slept and the beginnings of my involvement in the tea party stirred in my soul. All the chaos and confusion sent a message to me that something bigger was going on. All I saw was what the media wanted me to see and wanted me to believe. That was not sitting well with my soul so I began months of research to find out for myself the truth.
What I discovered was shameful and shocking. We had been lied to, we had been used and we had been abused as free citizens of the United States of America.
In one of those long nights with one cup of coffee after another, I uncovered this video from C-Span. My heart beat faster than I thought it could and my stomach turned at the knowledge we had been had. Please watch and remember those times that try men souls:
As a reminder, shortly after McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate, the polls began to favor McCain/Palin and he surged past Obama . The Palin shot in the arm showed up in the polls and Obama/Biden were dropping in the polls.
Isn’t it amazing to see how this ‘crisis’ came out of nowhere when the polls were surging in McCain’s favor. When McCain panicked and stopped his campaign, Obama sat back and took no responsibility for any of the chaos. The GOP looked like a bunch of rubes and the Democrats used the ‘crisis’ to their benefit and the media helped them. Candidate Obama rode the storm out on the wave of rising polls after the banking crisis and ultimately won the Presidential election. And in the words of Paul Kanjorski – “Somebody threw us in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without a life raft and we are trying to determine which is the closet shore and if there is any chance in the world to swim that far. We don’t know.”
Question: Who threw us into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and who created this ‘crisis’ that helped Obama win?
Fast forward to the debt ceiling chaos in DC.
The GOP is once again in the life boat while President Obama sips his umbrella drink as he lies on the shore watching the GOP boat drift aimlessly. The difference now is this – Obama is President and can’t hide his responsibility for the crisis. His out of control spending brought us to where we are today and the GOP for some reason – decided to take on this argument instead of letting Obama pick up the oars. Let’s remind the American public that President Obama spent us into this mess and the ceiling is about to collapse because of him. Take a look at the information from the CBO:
Back track to September 2008.
Go back and listen to the caller at the beginning of the video. Do you wonder if her life is any better today than it was then? Who was President in September 2008? Who got blamed for her problems? Reminder: That would be President Bush.
How many of you could make that call today? How many could say you have higher utility bills and can’t pay your mortgage? How many don’t qualify for help because you make too much money - $10 an hour? How many of you are better off today than you were back then? How many of you are worse off today than you were back then?
Ladies and Gentlemen: The August 2nd deadline is another September 2008 ‘crisis’ and we are being played by our government and others behind the scenes pulling their strings.
So what is the real truth and how does it affect you? No one knows but we will when history books are written about these times. The tea party will either be the villains who took down America OR those in charge will be blamed depending on the authors of those books.
I for one choose the old saying, “The buck stops here.” And that buck lies squarely on the desk of President Obama and no one else.
A Friday message for the GOP: “Get out of the life boat, swim to shore, kick the umbrella drink out of Obama’s hands and give him the oars. He made this mess, make him fix it! Stop being used as a pawn in the Crisis game and let him sink or swim. You’ve given them different plans and Reid & Obama “pooh-pooh” all of them. Tell them, you’re done. He’s the captain of the ship – let him figure it out.”
A Friday message to our tea party members: “Be proud of the fact you have stepped up and done all you can to Save the USA. The media and the Dems will call us names (and yes some in the GOP will too) BUT…had it not been for us, the light would have never been turned on to the corruption in DC. Good job faithful patriots! Our founding fathers would be so proud of you!
This weekend will be chaotic and all the bad news will come from the media. America will collapse if the debt ceiling isn’t raised. If we raise the debt ceiling, the GOP will look weak for not fighting. If we don’t raise the debt ceiling, the GOP will be at fault. I smell a rat and he’s in our life boat!
Some of you may tire of me for saying we should pray. Let me ask you this… “If you were in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without a life raft, would you pray?” I think you would and I am hoping you will now. If you don’t know how to pray, listen to Murray Goff’s song and his prayer asking God to Save the USA.
God bless you dear friends and please God, Save the USA.
Patricia, I am well aware of the "whys" for our presence, having spent 4 overseas tours in my 23+ years of commissioned military service. I also stated, I am a proponent of a strong defense...and I do mean STRONG. But the reasons for our forward deployment have changed to the degree that the "bad guy" the European installations was intended to deter no longer exists, and the European nations have fully recovered from WWII so there is no economic need for a strong U.S. presence. I can also assure you we have unimaginable strike capabilities that do not require forward deployment unless we intend to put boots on the ground. The NATO organization should not be a financial burden on the U.S. any longer. Do we really need a large presence in Japan? As you discussed our meddling, you made my point. Additionally, no matter what we think or do, we are not well-liked in this why are we there? Fiscally, reductions legitimately need to be on the table. It certainly won't take care of the deficit, but well-designed reductions that keep our servicemen/women on our soil should not be considered a sacred cow. we already have so many sacred cows that it's actually a sacred herd. Another of those in the herd is the should go. That would save a healthy bit of change.
Larry, the reason we have done the military presence in these other countries is because these countries are doing and have done what Obama wants to do in our country. They are basically either social democracies or they are dirt poor because they have dictators or just plain lousy governments (like we do right now) and most of those bases are more for our own defense than theirs but having us there makes them safer and us safer as well. The bases put us within strike distance of the bad guys and also gives them heartburn, because we are there period. I know most people do not understand why or what for. I also understand people like Obama think we can take all that down and just pull in to our own country and because all these folks are just swell and have no really devious desire to hurt us, it will be ok for us to do the same thing Europe has done and turn our country into a socialist country where over half the people are feeding off the hard work of the "working people". It isn't what we have ever done and to stay safe requires we show strength. I am old, and I am really sick to death of the leaches, and maybe they deserve the kind of protection a military like Obama envisions, but many of the young people in this country deserve what the government is supposed to provide and that is a strong national defense (and darn little else). What we have is a government that is meddling in everything and making most things worse while they spend trillions, and they would like all that national defense money to blow too! We don't have new anything; we don't have the best for our fighting men and women; we don't have a defense system that we can be truly proud of anymore. What we have really are hard working honest and patriot men and women who would give their lives for us to remain free and for the likes of Obama and those who follow him to keep some symbol of freedom alive. What we have are a group of people who wish to short change those men and women and our country at every juncture for the power and authority they think keeping a group of slaves allows them and make no mistake, many of the people in this country are no better than slaves who kow whatever line the government tells them to for the free lunch they think they are entitled to at someone else's expense!
What is truly amazing IF you have been following Congress, since Jan 2011 the House has been hard at work passing budget after budget, bill after bill, plan after plan only to have Senator Harry Reid in the Senate table it. He talks compromise but he obstructs. What he blames the House of doing is doing 10 times worst. The House has passed budget after budget. The Press does NOT report this. The House has passed plan after plan, they do not report this. ONLY when it is almost ZERO hour, you have the President, Reid, Pelosi and the Progressive Democrats coming out and making accusations. WHY in the HELL didn't they come out when Pelosi & Reid REFUSED TO PASS a budget? There has NOT been a budget passed thru the HOUSE since April 2009, 3 years ago. WHY?
I am just amazed at reality and what the Progressive Democrats reality is, Isn't it interesting HOW Harry Reid is now NOT talking taxes? He has 23 Democrat seats up for grabs in 2012, the buzz is that he & Pelosi want NO Progressives talking about raising taxes, period. They are lying and deceiving while the GOP is openly debating and having a honest talk about it all. We need to CUT, CAP and BALANCE to get our country back to prosperity. The plan that i was talking about earlier is called the MACK PENNY PLAN it is going to be discussed on Hannity. I wish someone could come up with a invention WHEN SOMEONE LIES they implode or wet themselves, i am so fed up with the disingenuous Professional Politicians every where.
Tamara, the only problem I have with what Coburn said is that national defence is one of the few things the federal government is charged with doing (and I mean one of the very few). When liberal people want to cut, they always want to leave us in a worst position for defending ourselves and leave in all the welfare programs and food stamp programs (Obama cried about food stamps too). The problem right now is such a large segment of the population, many of whom do not and likely have never paid any taxes, are on the public dole rather than gainfully employed (from even before the recession). Until such time as we stop the give away programs, we will be where we are............and please note that even thought Obamacare will destroy a class A health care system and COST MORE, no one wants to fix the problem by kicking it back to the states. They want to deterrmine who lives and who dies, the feds want to determine who succeeds and who doesn't, the feds want to micro manage schools, they want to micro manage our diets, they want to micro manage the environment, they want to micro manage so many things with all these expensive departments that should be shut down to save a huge sum of money! Instead, we will cut the military in light of the fact we know are a weakened country with some real enemies who are not going to like us EVER...........and we need to be ever vigilent and put in counter measures but Obama will use the money for folks to sit on the rear ends at home and mooch.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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