Natl Examiner: Progressives issue death threats; call for roundup of 'Tea Baggers'

Well worth the read if you want to know what is being said by the extremist progressives.  So much for a kinder gentler rhetoric.  Anyone reading the truth would be horrified at the plans these folks have for our country and its people.  And so many are still in the dark and believing the rhetoric which has nothing to do with the reality they would like to bring to our country which is one of massive oppression and a life of fear that could only be equaled by what happened in Nazi Germany.  These folks are truly round the bend!


Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner

Views: 622


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Comment by JL Gawlik on August 10, 2011 at 6:39pm

They FEAR MONGER our seniors, our veterans, and disadvantage, they will stoop to new lows to to win. They clearly are taking their notes from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

They are clearly fearful and trying to strike fear in the TeaParty and those who support them, thank goodness the movement is growing daily, the more they spout off and threaten, the more the people question and realize what is going on.

I keep getting a follower on Twitter @NTARC - Washington, DC as soon as they follow then they drop me. I am being followed by several GOP in House now. But that one really threw me for a loop. I think it is all threats period just like the SS checks not being mailed out. To have pulled that off in less than 24 hours after POTUS signature with a Post Office that is in the red would of been boo~coos of overtime for federal employees. One person over at a blog told us that her bank had already received the automatic deposits that Friday after hours for Federal checks as usual.

Every American needs to decide which side they are on and make a commitment. I have made mine, decades ago.

Comment by Armando Delgado on August 10, 2011 at 5:56pm

All of this rhetoric of violence and name-calling against the Tea Party, from the Vice President to the lowest minions of the Democrat Party in their blogs, is just provocation. They will not take any action, but they will talk, demean, and insult hoping someone will respond violently. Then they will have their excuse to assault the Tea Party.

Janet Napolitano again warned last week about internal terrorists. Those warnings came just before all this name-calling began. Do not doubt it, this is an intentional, concerted effort to get an excusse to obliterate the Tea Party.

Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on August 10, 2011 at 4:17pm
For all who are interested, Joshua Warren does womens defense training and a good friend and fellow concerned American, Gary Belson, does an excellent, all day basics with defense tactics course that is an absolute bargain.
Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on August 10, 2011 at 3:39pm

I like this quote, but it is misattributed to Oliver Cromwell:

"Put your trust in God; but be sure to keep your powder dry."

Violent rhetoric is still rhetoric until it is translated into action.  At the same time, a prudent citizen is going to take all precautions necessary to defend themselves and their family members just in case.

If you look at what is happening overseas, then there is no doubt in my mind that many here in the United States can and would run riot in the streets if they became sufficiently motivated by the revolutionary leftists in this country posing as "progressives".

Stay focused and learn how to deal with violence if it comes your way.

Comment by Cilla Whitcher on August 10, 2011 at 1:59pm
There has not been this much racial strife in the country since Bob Byrd, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, all good Democrats themselves.  Why do black Americans in the country want to stay on the plantation.  Please someone explain!!.  The Tea Party is the most welcoming group in the country.  We don't care what color American you are as long as you are an American and you believe in the Constitution and everything that it stands for.  We will survive President Obama!
Comment by JL Gawlik on August 10, 2011 at 1:52pm

Same group who does not really understand where food comes from, how to grow crops, hunt, etc., how to deal with REAL reality. Obama is truly our worst nightmare. Van Jones is trying to fool the youth of our country with redefining the American Dream:

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 10, 2011 at 1:41pm
I know Kurt.  There are places in this country where there are some folks that truly understand how to deal with these folks should they be foolish enough to show up there..........instead of beating up little old ladies walking down the street.  Don't you just love the changes Obama has made.  So much better than the civility we used to have, don't you think (not)?  He is truly the worst thing that ever happened to this country!
Comment by JL Gawlik on August 10, 2011 at 12:44pm

They are scared of the whole movement, remember when it was referred to just a ineffective 'astro-turf' that will not amount to anything?

The Progressives are running scared. Even Harry Reid did not allow the CUTCAP&BALANCE bill to be openly debated on the Senate floor. He is afraid of it because it does not allow for government growth, it stops it dead in it's track.

How many of these so-called 'Flash Mobs' are being organized on fed govt supplied phones per actual people who can afford cell phones because we have to pay a fed tax? I forget what the tax is called but every cell phone owner who actually can pay for one pays it.

IT is going to get very ugly and dirty in the next few months. Just now they are now looking into a investigation of: Per Tweet on *Twitter*:

 Bret Baier 
 RT  Film on Bin Laden Raid Sparks GOP Call for Pentagon Probe 
Fox just announced that John Bolton may announce a run for the WH. We just need to stick with the Truth and Facts like stated by many below. Great Posts all! Spread the word...

Comment by Danny Kirkpatrick on August 10, 2011 at 9:19am
It is a common battle tactic of the progressives to blame Conservatives for the damage they them selfs do to America. It forces us to defend our selfs for the things they do. And it works because so much of America listens to the main stream media. We must get the truth out there in every way we can think of to counter the left. We must call them out with the truth every time they tell a lie or twist the truth, we must have people listen to them so we know what they plan to say or do and be ready to counter them with the truth and facts that can be proved, sorry people i was on a roll, but my wife wants to go for a walk :), think about what i just posted.
Comment by J.R. on August 10, 2011 at 8:57am

What we are seeing and hearing is abject fear being expressed by progressive socialists. They always have to set up a straw man or whipping post to flagellate and demonize, in order to deflect attention away from their heinous socialist objectives, legislation and rulemaking. Their grand plan is failing, which feeds and fans the fires of their increasing extremism.  Their objectives: create chaos and fears of impending catastrophe, in order to make their increasing usurpation of power and control over the federal government and the populace acceptable---all while pitting extremist progressives against all things conservative and patriotic.

The Tea Party symbolizes everything they hate about our Constitution, our constitutional republic, our founding principles, and our national character and morals... and they continue to carry their battle against us to the ultimate extreme.

The flash mobs in this country we read about sporadically in our national news are likely indicative that what is happening in Great Britain could happen on our own soil. It reflects Louis Farrakhan's words that "What's happening in the streets of Egypt, will be coming to the streets of America soon."

The progressive powers in Congress and the federal government have no legitimate grounds in defense of their actions, so they are changing the subject and blaming the Tea Party for everything that is wrong and protraying us as joined at the hip with the Republican Party.  We need an all out public effort to turn this slander and libel against us back at them and demand that they show us their PROOF of their claims against us and PROOF that they have a right to deny us our free speech rights. A few court cases might get their attention and show them their false representations won't go un-answered or un-rebutted. We must hold them accountable, or it will only get worse in the run-up to the 2012 election. 

The Tea Party has become a symbol of the patriotism that has survived all the trials and tribulations to which our country has been subjected in our historic past.  We have to continue to proudly carry that patriotism, love for our country, and support for our constitutional republic forward.  If we don't, WHO WILL?

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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