Remember what we taught you about "political language?" When the left says something and it sounds good, ask them for a defintion of their words. They are usually 100 degrees away from what the right's definition is. Don't be snookered by their words.
Here's a great example of "snookering." Read this email sent yesterday and then carefully read how they plan to "Secure Social Security" and "Medicare for All." The bottom-line is this...They are socialists and want America to be a socialist country. We are almost 100% there under this President and if we keep him in office, we will be solidly in the camps of other socialist countries. That's their agenda; plain and simple.
Do you want that? Is that the change you thought he was campaigning for?
Would you like to know more about their Agenda? Join us for the movie The Agenda: The Grinding Down of America on Sunday afternoon, August 21st. For more details go to: and watch the trailer of the movie. You can then purchase your tickets online. Popcorn, candy and drinks will be available as well as our new T-shirts (I see debt people).
Here's the carefully and educate yourself on the tactics of the left (and notice too: They want "fair elections" as if we are the ones who cheat.)
Dear MoveOn Member,
Since the tea party-led Republicans held our economy hostage to protect tax breaks for the rich, and punish everyone else, we've seen:
So, if you're fed up with Washington, you're not alone. But isolated anger isn't going to solve anything. What we need are solutions and united action. What we need are Jobs, not Cuts—just like Americans have been saying.3
And while Washington was concocting a debt deal that sold the people out, 130,000 everyday Americans considered 25,000 solutions to create A Contract for the American Dream.
It's a Contract to create jobs, invest in America, and rebuild the American Dream for all. And as a first step, if we can get at least 100,000 citizen signers right away, we'll put the Contract in a full page ad in The New York Times, so America can see the solutions to our broken politics and struggling economy writ large.
Below are the main points of the Contract. Be among the first of many to sign it and get it in The New York Times this week.
Clicking here will add your name.
Americans who are willing to work hard and play by the rules should be able to find a decent job, get a good home in a strong community, retire with dignity and give their kids a better life. Every one of us...has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is our covenant, our compact and our contract with one another...
1. Invest in America's Infrastructure 2. Create 21st-Century Energy Jobs 3. Invest in Public Education 4. Offer Medicare for All 5. Make Work Pay |
6. Secure Social Security 7. Return to Fairer Tax Rates 8. End the Wars and Invest at Home 9. Tax Wall Street Speculation 10. Strengthen Democracy |
Clicking here will add your name.
We'll be putting the principles of the Contract into action almost immediately. But the first thing we need to do is get Washington's attention with a full page ad in The New York Times backed by over 100,000 Americans.
Then we'll take it directly to members of Congress during the August recess, start fighting for it in our local communities, and make it part of our national vision.
Be part of this crucial beginning by signing the Contract for the American Dream today.
Clicking here will add your name.
Thanks for all that you do,
–Justin, Tim, Stephen, Elena, and the rest of the team
P.S. See below for the full text of the Contract and then click here to sign your name to it.
A CONTRACT FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM "I have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream." –Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1963 March on Washington We, the American people, promise to defend and advance a simple ideal: liberty and justice... for all. Americans who are willing to work hard and play by the rules should be able to find a decent job, get a good home in a strong community, retire with dignity and give their kids a better life. Every one of us—rich, poor or in-between, regardless of skin color or birthplace, no matter their sexual orientation or gender—has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is our covenant, our compact, our contract with one another. It is a promise we can fulfill—but only by working together. Today, the American Dream is under threat. Our veterans are coming home to few jobs and little hope on the home front. Our young people are graduating off a cliff, burdened by heavy debt, into the worst job market in half a century. The big banks that American taxpayers bailed out won't cut homeowners a break. Our firefighters, nurses, cops and teachers—America's everyday heroes—are being thrown out onto the street. We believe:
To produce this Contract for the American Dream, 131,203 Americans came together online and in their communities. We wrote and rated 25,904 ideas. Together, we identified the 10 most critical steps to get our economy back on track and restore the American Dream:
1. "Dow Jones Industrial Average," Google Finance, August 8, 2011
2. "Disapproval Rate for Congress at Record 82% After Debt Talks," The New York Times, August 4, 2011
3. "U.S. Jobs, Economy Largely Considered Country's Most Pressing Issues: Poll," The Huffington Post, July 19, 2011
Pay particular attention to the left's use of the word "fair." For example "fairer taxes' mean sticking it to small business and others with incomes over $200k. In other words, class warfare. "Fair elections" mean giving illegals, and convicted felons the vote.
Also watch the covert attempts to cut defense spending. Barney Frank has said that we can cut defense by $250 Billion per year-or about a 50% reduction. The left believes that our military is just a tool for imperialism, so they want a weakened USA. Defense is the one area that the Federal government is supposed to support under the Constitution.
Note attacks on free market capitalism under "create jobs" and "make work pay" when what they really want is a marxist dictatorship-with themselves as dictators.
All I see is the same old tired mantra of the Democratic Party "TAX AND SPEND" where do they think they are going to get all this money.
How about getting some of the more than 50% of Americans that "PAY NO TAX" as usual they want to take the money of the "PRODUCERS" and give to the "TAKERS"
Protect the unions, this is a money laundering scheme, send work to unions, and unions send campaign contributions to them.
It's the same old stuff, except is using children in their message. Shame
Tom Wright
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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