We have been informed that Harry Reid and the Democrats are trying to keep the people in the dark about the costs of the DREAM Act.

The Lame Duck Congress didn't get the message that the American people are sick and tired of this tactic.

We WANT TO KNOW AND DEMAND TO KNOW how much the DREAM Act will cost.

Our Senators who will vote on this need to understand how much it will cost before they vote on it.

There is a price each American will pay for each new piece of legislation passed. Are you ready for this?

Drum roll please...

CBO estimates the DREAM Act will cost...

$20-$30 Billion

Florida will take a huge hit as we try to implement illegals immigrants as new citizens onto our rolls who can't find jobs and need unemployment, healthcare, housing, etc.

Are you ready to act NOW? Contact your Senators today and demand they force Harry Reid to release the CBO numbers.

You can reach the Senators at and it is an easy call.

Go -- call NOW or be prepared to take care of a bunch of new citizens who will need your financial resources redistributed!

Views: 28


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Comment by Bob Honiker on December 3, 2010 at 9:18pm
It's not their money, what do they care?
The people responsible for the immigration mess knew from the gitgo what was going to happen, they planned it this way. Now they're telling us it's a done deal, can't be undone, we've got to just ignore the law and make them all citizens.
This isn't just a democrat thing, plenty of so called republicans had a hand in it too.
If we don't send the message right now, and stick with it, we may as well stop pretending to be anything but a big joke of a nation.
Comment by Bob Honiker on December 3, 2010 at 8:29pm
They can all go live at Nancy Pelosi's house.
My point still is that crap like this has got to stop and the government has to get back where it is supposed to be. I'm not in any mood to encourage the liberal idiots to pull off any more screwups like this, a line must be drawn! Every time the government gets away with something it encourages them to try something else sneaky.
Comment by Bob Honiker on December 3, 2010 at 7:05pm
Why aren't they "leaving otherwise"? They are here ILLEGALLY.
The government must not be allowed to scoff at ANY laws, at any time, it's a simple principle.
I don't really believe you have a clue why we have a constitution John. The Constitution protects me, and each of us, from both the excesses of government and the excesses of democracy. The government must be kept within it's legal bounds, or none of us is safe. It's already been allowed to roam too far and it is time to stop the abuse.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on December 3, 2010 at 6:14pm
Great commentary Roma. Thank you!
Comment by Bob Honiker on December 3, 2010 at 6:07pm
We have hard working AMERICAN young people all over the place LOOKING FOR JOBS!
Forget the good intentions game, I don;t play it, liberals support this hoping to swing American political demographics in their favor.
Socialism cannot exist without tyranny, the more socialist a nation becomes the more tyranny is required. I don't care what your personal motives are your actions are threatening my grandson's future liberty.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on December 3, 2010 at 6:05pm
John, does the president pay you for all the good work you do for him? Just wondering, because you come on here and give voice to the liberal point of view no matter what the argument or subject. I am growing quite weiry of it, to be quite truthful. It isn't that I don't like you or appreciate your right to your own opinion, but what I do not appreciate is that you are the liberal voice that we appose on almost everything. I certainly am sorry these young people were "forced" to come here, but their parents expected to be supported while they finish raising many of these young people. The rest of these young people will bring every relative they have across the border to be supported by us. The ones you are talking about can't get help because they are illegal which should mean something until such time as the border is secured. NO AMNESTY for anyone until the border is closed to the rest. Your argument is certainly sad and with merit, but we can't afford it, and most countries wouldn't have allowed anyone to come into their country that could not afford to support themselves, and that is the bottom line (you also dont have an answer for that). Obama wants these folks cause it is an easily bought vote at taxpayer expense...........period. This isn't the American way or any of the other crap you are suggesting. Most of the people that fit what you are pushing are already here and doing what you suggest LEGALLY.
Comment by Bob Honiker on December 3, 2010 at 5:44pm
Anyone now here illegally needs to go back where they came from and apply for entry through legal channels.
It is the constitutional obligation of government to enforce the laws, there should be no way to wiggle around this. What we see now is another attempt by liberals to cram what they want down the throats of the American people.
If government can disrespect immigration law they can disrespect any law, and no one will be safe. All the good intentions in the universe don't justify what is happening in this Nation today.
Comment by Bob Honiker on December 3, 2010 at 5:04pm
Republicans should respect the Constitution and perpetuate a republican form of government. If you don't understand this you probably slept through civics class in high school.
Don't you understand that it is to our advantage to have government, and democracy, limited by law?
The sort of democracy you seem to want is the most easily corrupted form of government concieved by man, and it will end in tyranny of some sort or another if we do not return to the rule of constitutional law and stay there.
Comment by Bob Honiker on December 3, 2010 at 4:43pm
Not as long as La Raza fever rules them. All too many of them are here not to become Americans but to make a large chunk of America Mexican.
Comment by Bob Honiker on December 3, 2010 at 4:18pm
John I'll bet that if all these "best and btightest" folks you want to give the farm to were likely to become conservative republicans you would be loading them up and shipping them back wherever they came from.
Fact is liberals see a chance to load the books with millions of likely liberal voters, and make us pay for it. I don't buy your compassion angle, although you may be personally compassionate. Just like many people you've obviously drunk too damned much of the leftist Koolaid

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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