Meeting with City Council Michael Corrigan anyone interested

I still can't sleep over what the Jacksonville City Council did to families in our community. I have to look into the eyes of my children knowing that my husband and I can't give them as much this year as last because the city council voted to increase our property taxes.

I have called and requested a meeting with Councilman Michael Corrigan, my representative. If change starts in your own house and backyard, then let it begin.

If anyone would like to join me for a one on one meeting with the republican Councilman Michael Corrigan who told me "you just don't understand it's complicated" when referring to his vote to increase taxes. Let me know. He has two days open this coming Friday, October 8 or Monday October 11 in the morning. He is there as early at 6:15am.

Views: 61


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Comment by k. obrian on October 13, 2010 at 12:01pm
Thanks Dawn for coming. My head is still spinning from the double speak we got. But, I can't help but think showing, up and forcing our city council reps to talk with us, will help in the long run. At least I took 30 minutes out of his, and two others day and that is 30 minutes less he has to plan out ways to spend our money.
Comment by Dawn Holder on October 12, 2010 at 11:17pm
Attended the meeting with k. obrian.

The councilman was accompanied by a representative from the mayor's office and another representative (don't recall the name of his department).

The arts grants were addressed. I am not sure where the councilman stands on many of them. I am left with the impression that he likes some of them and doesn't like others. These grants fall under the essential for "quality of life" per either the councilman or the mayor's representative. Don't hold your breath that these will go away. I told him that it was welfare for the rich. I told him that they are not essential. I told him that they should fund themselves or go away. If they go away, it will be because they are not of value to the citizenry.

I can't really say what the councilman thought about anything we discussed. I found out how much he and his parents pay in real estate taxes! I found out that he only gave us 3o minutes to talk. I found out that they have a really nice conference room.

I asked him about the Human Rights commission. I wanted to know why budgeting for it could not be slashed. I asked if there was a mandate. He told me that the Federal government gives money to cities for the low income housing, provided they have a Human Rights commission. I think that amount that comes from the feds is somewhere in the ballpark of 25 million, if memory serves me. Basically, in my terms, we are spending 1.3 to get 25 for low income housing.

One of them, either Corrigan or the Mayor's rep, said that the money for the arts is really not all that much. I reminded them that there are many little charitable item and non essential items in the budget that add up to quite a nice piece of change. One of the reminded me that salaries and pensions are a large part of the budget. I told him that, after witnessing the last council meeting, I did not hold out much hope that the council would reduce the salaries. I suggested they bust the unions! I told him that he should be working on that between now and the end of his term. I told him that, if any republican's get elected to city council in 2011, that they should make this their mission. We are on a fast track to being in the same mess as California.

The councilman said that the city council appropriates monies. I had to disagree. I informed him that he does not appropriate or allocate, he takes money from me and gives it to charities; some of which I don't even know and with which I may not agree. I would prefer to have him leave my money alone and I will provide funds to charities of interest/value to me.

I think that the only thing that came of this meeting was

1. I meet a very nice lady and her children
2. Exposed my child to the wonders of political double speak
3. Made it so that ,perhaps, Councilman Corrigan will remember me the next time we meet.
4. Got to see a lovely conference room
5. got to ride up to the 4th floor and look around city hall - very attractive building, nice elevators.
6 found out that my shoes set off the metal detector so I won't wear them again!
7. Had time left over on the meter so child and went to Chamblin's Downtown

I am sure that more was said, but I can't recall more right now. I will let K. Obrian update all regarding her take on the meeting.

Please forgive any grammar, punctuation, typos.


Comment by Dawn Holder on October 12, 2010 at 5:36am
I will be there.

Comment by k. obrian on October 10, 2010 at 9:04pm
Meeting time is 3:30, this Tuesday at his office, Office of the City Council
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Jacksonville, FL 32202. Please let me know if you plan to attend.
Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on October 6, 2010 at 2:16pm
Dawn, I won't come to this thread again, but everything was civil, until someone had to come play Val Kilmer.
I went back and re-read everything said and don't see where k.obrian was being treated unfairly.
I was simply making a point that just because someone is an encumbant doesn't mean they are not on our side. These few encumbants finally now have the public on their side on the issues they have tried to bring forward, and find solutions to, for many years and it is simply unfair to condemn them now, just because they had no help before.
It's too easy to throw the baby out with the bath water.
Be fair to good people. If that is harsh treatment, I apologize.
Comment by Dawn Holder on October 6, 2010 at 2:01pm
What ever happened to civility? I have been disappointed in the level of animosity leveled at many of the posters. The public officials are fair game; as they chose the public limelight. Attacking each other is counter productive. If your intentions were to run off able bodies from your cause, you may well succeed. I don't need to be involved with a disfunctional organization.

The woman who started this post has been treated horrifically for speaking out. I don't care if she has been involved in politics for 20 years or 20 minutes; she is involved now! I will go to that meeting with her because she is in my district; because she put herself out there by starting this thread; because I have been in her place; because it is easier to do something like this when you have some one with you; and because I have the RIGHT to tell that man a few of my own opinions.

The bottom line is that newbies and retreads (like me) all need support. Isn't that what we should be doing?

Anyone who wants put me down can do it privately, between you and me. Here is my personal email : Don't expect me to respond right away as AT&T has not restored my phone/internet service yet. ETA on that is Saturday evening. If I happen to be at the library, again, between now and then, I will contact emailers.

Let me know when and exactly where we are meeting. Thanks - Dawn
Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on October 6, 2010 at 6:27am
Grady - good riddance.
You don't frggin know me and you sure don't know Mike Corrigan. He went to the city council years ago from the EXACT SAME POINT OF VIEW that the tea party now has, so shove it.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on October 5, 2010 at 6:39pm
Grady, obviously you didn't leave the Tea Party since you're still here making comments :)
Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on October 5, 2010 at 3:14pm
k - I think you may find Mr. Corrigan wants you to be mad and will help you direct your anger toward the proper target -out of control spending. Too many are willing to vote against a tax hike, but unwilling to give up their pet projects. If they insist on the pet projects then they must be payed for. Voting aginst a tax hike and spending the money anyway is hiding the truth from you until someone else has to make you pay, with interest, tomorrow, for today's mis-deeds.
By all means hold EVERY elected official accountable and realize some will open your eyes farther than they already are.
Thank you for being great citizen!!
Comment by k. obrian on October 5, 2010 at 2:22pm
Thanks all, I've requested a meeting Monday AM will post confirmation of date/time once I receive it.

As for the comments about to sit down with him or not.... I didn't just wake up yesterday, I woke up a long time ago and since then, I've donated my time and talents toward the movement. My representative ignored what his constituents wanted. My representative voted against my family and perhaps it will do some good and perhaps it won't to meet with him, but *I* want him to look into my eyes as well as the eyes of my children.

It is easy to vote against the people when your only communication is email and phone. In my opinion, many more of our elected officials need little visits like this.

Each of us decide how and in what way we will become involved, that is the wonderful part of this movement.

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