First Coast Tea Party is a part of a Statewide Coalition of Tea Parties in Florida. The Coalition is named: Florida Alliance. Florida Alliance has come together to create a petition against the Libyan invasion by our President.
Congress is the only governmental authority empowered to “Declare War” under Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. constitution. Yet, the President of the United States has opted to proceed with military action in Libya based on a vote of a group of 15 people in the U.N. Security Council. These are people were never elected and do not have the “consent of the governed” - many of whom seek a weak America.
By firing 114 missiles at Libyan targets on Saturday (3/19/11), the President has engaged our military in a "hostile act" as defined in the 1973 War Powers Resolution. By law, he has until Monday afternoon (48 hours) to report to Congress on this action and then Congress has 60 days to authorize this act or military action must cease. Even now, after initially backing military action in Libya, the Arab League is criticizing the missile attack (cNBC) and Russia also seeks to command the U.S. Military (UPI) to stop its attack plan…clarifying how unreliable these “allies” are. That is why President George Washington warned us to avoid foreign influence an... as they are dangerous to our country. Now Secretary Robert Gates reports that the U.S. Military will be under the command of a foreign military coali... (Fox)!
Since Congress is not planning to vote on a declaration of war, this is the only chance that YOU, The PEOPLE will have to tell your Congressional represenatives how to vote.
The Florida Alliance believes that American Military involvement in Libya at this point is unconstitutional, unwise and is likely to escalate in dangerous ways. It is an unacceptable burden on our economy and on our fine men and women of the U.S. Military who are not supposed to be at the beck and call of the U.N. – but are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States alone.
We ask that you call or write your Congressman and tell them:
Wrong! Just because Madison wrote a case against nullification doesn't mean it isn't viable in some situations or has never been successful in others, for it has. Sometimes it results in a compromise that serves the purpose of those seeking the nullification, as was the case in which the South threatened to secede from the union due to excessive tariffs. The compromise brought about a gradual reduction of the tariffs and the South did not secede at that time. Read about it here:
The below is an excellent analysis that disproves the canard that nullification has never been successful and shows that the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a lawful right to nullification by a sovereign state of any law that is not based on rights expressly granted to the federal government by the Constitution. You can read about it at the link below:
Normally the Supreme Court does what is called a "Judicial Review"
But, not necessarily, Congress has the authority to define, expand and narrow the jurisdiction of judicial tribunals.
During the ratification battle, Rufus King and Nathaniel Gorham, both of whom represented Massachusetts in the federal convention, wrote that "in a few enumerating instances the supreme Court have original & final Jurisdiction - in all other cases which fall within the federal Judicial, the supreme court may or not may have appellate Jurisdiction as congress may direct."
(Refer to Farrand-Supp., p. 283 also 2 Farrand,p.431 (showing that "Exceptions" modifies "appellate," with "Law and Fact" inserted for other purposes.) Around the same time, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, who had played a key role at the federal convention, observed that the judicial powers "cannot be extended beyond the enumerated cases, but may be limited by Congress."
This is all from the book "The Original Constitutional: What It Actually Said and Meant" by Robert G. Natelson.
It goes on to state Congress enjoyed discretion to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
Checks and Balances.
Natelson goes on to name four other limitations on Judicial power.
This is ONE BIG reason we should elect representatives who KNOW the U.S. Constitution. I would bet that over 80% are clueless, at least that number in the 110th and 111th Congress were.
Thanks Roma for posting the url for Wall Builders i have forgotten all about that group.
J.R. i give him a zero minus for breaking his oath of office, period.
It is also interesting to note that in the Declaration of Independence the words "... and the pursuit of happiness." were supposed to be "... pursuit of property." But, the founding fathers' realized that many slave owners would call slaves their property thus never ending slavery. A LOT of thought went into every word of the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and our U.S. Constitution. Truly the most incredible documents ever written by man.
J.R., this whole mess being coordinated by the United Nations says it all. President Obama has handed over our leadership of the Free World to the U.N. period. That is a very dangerous and questionable move in my opinion. Wow, i just listened to former Defense Secretary Rumsfeld just stated that he does not think that it was taken to Congress because the coalition that was formed for the Libya No Fly Zone, does not know what they would ask for, they have not even given the mission in Libya a cause. They are creating it as they go. Not good.
Taking this country into war IS a real issue, this is not a state vs. federal government issue, states and American citizens have every right to challenge unconstitutional acts taken by the President of the United States, and we have every right to demand that our president follow and enforce the law, and follow the U.S. Constitution to the letter.
Today, we learn that President Obama has now put Marine boots on the ground to fight and die in Libya. Being the socialist narcissist that he is, he probably thinks taking this country into war will improve his flagging poll numbers and give impetus to his 2012 presidential run, as a "war president," in a war he unconstitutionally helped start and prosecute. Sending our troops to war is not a political chess game and our military men and women are not pawns to be used in an unconstitutional war.
Further, President Sarcozy of France has now proposed having this illegal war run by a "political committee." That tells us everything we need to know about this war and its so-far undefined mission.
Just have a look at today's war news, in linked articles at, to read and understand the disarray in the incompetent "coalition" and who has pulled out of it... at the same time Obama has taken ownership of the fighting by putting American boots on the ground in Libya.
Just a note also, a great group that is standing up for our Constitution and State Sovereignty which our founding fathers' fully supported is:
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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