I’m a blessed person to have been raised by a single dad when single dad families were “strange.” It was normal for a dad to leave but a mom leaving was considered "strange" and truthfully, it was. Because my dad was left with three children to take care of, he realized quickly that we needed boundaries and a firm hand to keep us safe and in line.
He was a hard working, small business owner of an air conditioning company. I grew up from the age of 9 answering the phone and writing down service calls. We did not have cell phones back then so dad would swing by the house between jobs and pick up the new service calls. We worked out of our home until Dad could save enough money to buy a commercial building.
Times were tough and many times in my life I missed having a mom. Dad was not a mom yet he did all he could to raise us up in the way we should go. Dad taught me to be responsible for my actions, to respect my elders, do what my teachers told me to do, clean my room and go to church. Dad was not perfect and he had his flaws yet the one thing he instilled in me that I love the most was to love my country…for better or worse.
Dad was a child of the Depression so he was always concerned about having enough money. He worked two or three jobs to make ends meet and I never saw Dad take a vacation until his later years when we were grown. He finally got to enjoy the fruits of his labor and he traveled the world and enjoyed all he saw. He told me, however, that America was the best place of all and he always enjoyed it when the plane hit the runway in Jacksonville. He loved coming home.
I thought he was a little sappy about America as I was busy living my life and doing my thing to think too much about patriotism. I always smiled when Dad would tell a story about historical moments in America and I thought he was sweet when he cried at the singing of the Star Spangled Banner.
Little did I know that in my 50’s I would begin to take on that same feeling of patriotism that dad had instilled in me without even knowing it. It was planted by him inside of me and when the time was ripe, it bloomed.
My time for patriotism showed up in September 2008 when the bailouts occurred. Some ask why I didn’t do anything before that. My answer…it wasn’t my time. We all come to this movement for different reasons and at different times. Not until we have a personal moment with patriotism can we see the magnitude of what is happening in our country.
I wish Dad were here to see his daughter involved in the Tea Party Movement. I know he would be so proud that we were standing up for freedom. He would be here to cry when we sing at a tea party rally or when we hold our hands over our hearts and say the Pledge. Every daughter wants his dad to be proud of her and I know Dad is as he watches from his palace in heaven.
So Dad – thanks for instilling those values. Even when you thought I did not listen – those seeds were there and the watering of love you gave me finally bloomed into a red, white and blue patriot! I honor you, Billy Newton Rogers, for your dedication to God, family and country. You did good!
So what can you do to honor Father's Day?
Join us as we petition against the building of the Mosque in NYC. On the front page of www.libertycentral.org you will find an article entitled, “The Fathers We’ve Lost: I Miss you Daddy.” This article is in honor of those fathers who died on 9/11 at the hands of terrorists. Those children are celebrating Father’s Day without their Daddy. It must be a sad day for them and sadder than any of us can realize. Sign the petition and show your support for these children who innocently lost their fathers to evil. Send your friends to the site to and ask them to take a moment and sign the petition. Let's do all we can to stop the mosque from being built across from where so many children lost their family members to terrorists who hate American values.
Hug your dad today and show him how much you love him.
God bless America and Daddy too!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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