Years ago when I put my shingle out and declared myself an independent consultant, I had a party to announce the news. I used a local events company to help me make the room feel and look professional and perfect.
The day of the event, I was very happy with the look of the room and very happy with the turnout.
I stood at the front desk and greeted people as they arrived. When the CEO of the events company showed up, I thanked him for creating a wonderful environment and he said these words, “Is there Love in the room?” I laughed and asked him what that meant. He said, “You can put up all the pretty stuff, have the best food, and everyone can be in their best dress of the day. If you do not have love in the room, none of that matters. Is there love in the room?”
I immediately got it. He was speaking of the hearts of those who were there. I could easily say “Yes, there is love in the room” because those I invited were those I trusted and wanted to work with. I did not invite anyone who I did not want to do business with.
He taught me a great lesson that day and I thought him as I spent the last 8 days at three events where “love was in the room.”
9/12 March on DC
The 9/12 March on DC was filled with American-loving patriots who showed up from all across America to shout out their love for our country. Ginni Thomas, founder of who has been fighting tyranny in Washington for a long time, walked alongside the First Coast Tea Party members and others who joined us with the Liberty Wharf moving stage. We felt “love for each other” as we walked down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol steps where we heard from other American-loving patriots such as: Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe of Freedomworks, Andrew Breitbart, Rep. Mike Pence, Rev. C. L. Bryant, Deneen Borelli, Colin Hanna, and a host of other freedom-“loving” patriots. Love showed up on the Capitol steps in Washington, DC and those who do not like Love – scattered! Take a look at some pictures from the march at (Ginni Thomas will be in Jacksonville for a fundraising event for First Coast Tea Party on September 28th. To RSVP go to:
State Policy Network
After the 9/12 March on DC, I flew to Cleveland, Ohio and spent 3 days at a conference with State Policy Network. State Policy Network’s Mission is the capacity building service organization for America's free market, state-focused think tank community. I was asked to be on two panels at this event and in between, was able to learn from other workshop leaders. Love was all around us at this event. The speakers and attendees love their country and are doing all they can to inform and educate citizens within their state network. Liberty loving Americans on the agenda were Tracie Sharp, President, State Policy Network; Governor Jeb Bush; Scott Rasmussen, Rasmussen Reports; Herman Cain, The New Voice, Inc.; and J.C. Watts, Former US Congressman, and Founder and Chairman, J.C. Watts Companies. I was personally moved by all these great people as they continue to educate and motivate others to stand up for liberty. To learn more about State Policy Network check them out at
Values Voters Summit
We traveled back to DC to be on a Tea Party Panel at this event. This is a yearly event where conservatives in the liberty movement come together to hear from each other and challenge each other to continue to fight the good fight. Their mission is to Protect Marriage, Champion Life, Strengthen the Military, Limit Government, Control Spending and Defend our Freedoms. Pretty good mission – don’t you think?
When we arrived, it felt as if we had landed in Conservative Eye Candy Land. The agenda was filled with more great Americans who have love in their hearts. Those on the agenda were: Rev. Johnnie Moore, Liberty University; Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel; Dr. Joshua Straub, American Association of Christian Counselors; Tony Perkins, FRC Action and Family Research Council; Governor Mike Huckabee; Senator Jim Inhofe; Senator Jim DeMint; Matt Spalding & Genevieve Wood, The Heritage Foundation; Rep. Michele Bachmann; Rep. Mike Pence; Governor Mitt Romney; Don Wildmon & Buddy Smith, AFA; Senator Rick Santorum; Sgt. Brian Fleming (U.S. Army Disabled Veteran); Lt. Col Robert Maginnis (U.S. Army Retired); Gen. Carl Mundy, Former Member of Joint Chiefs of Staff; Gary Bauer, American Values; Christine O’Donnell, Candidate US Senate, Delaware; Dr. Ergun Caner, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary; Katy Abram, Tea Party Activist; Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express; Tom McClusky, FRC Action; Sean Hannity and yes even a great American family was on the stage -
The Duggar Family.
That was just on day ONE! I could not stay for the next day due to other responsibilities back home. To learn more about Values Voters Summit go to:
Back Home
Today is Sunday and this is the day we set aside to restore and recharge our batteries and we focus on Love. The people we had the pleasure of hanging out with these last 8 days LOVE our country and LOVE the founding principles that make it unique and special.
When you feel alone in this tea party movement and you think about giving up – remember this: “There is Love in the room” and we are not alone. Our room is our country and there are many like us who are fighting to restore liberty and freedom again. Every person listed above spoke the words “tea party movement” at some point during their speech or on the sidelines.
The Tea Party Movement – although demonized by the media and the left – is filled with Loving Americans who will fight to the end to protect our freedoms and secure liberty for generations to come. I am proud to be a member of this movement and even more proud to stand with these people and with YOU as we remind those on the left and in the media – Love will reign. It always does and it always will.
If you want to hear any of the Conservative Eye Candy Land speakers, go to the Values Voters Summit at and the entire event is there for your listening pleasure. Katy, Amy and I were on a tea party panel towards the end of Day One in the afternoon. We hung out in the green room with Christine O’Donnell and what a sweet, loving person she is in real life. We had a blast and hope you will listen in and hang out with your fellow patriots at the Values Voters Summit and enjoy the Love!
Now – let’s get to work and spread the Love of Liberty to your neighbors, your friends, your family and your co-workers. November 2 is coming and we need to restore Love in DC as we take back the House and Senate!
If you need a little pick me up - listen to John Wayne tell you why he LOVED America.
May you be LOVED today --
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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