After nearly a year of discussions, we are further away from real health care reform and closer to Government-run healthcare.
What could have been a great opportunity for America has now turned into a game from the White House. The game has no winners. Everyone loses especially -- We the People.
The President of the United States job is to lead. Mr. Obama, unfortunately, is a micro-manager. Micromanagement is a compulsion based upon deep seated insecurities resistant to CHANGE. Mr. Obama's platform was all about Change and yet he is not willing to listen to others, to learn from others or to collaborate with others. Unwilling to really listen, he has put our country in harms way and We the People have no leader.
Since we have no leader, will you lead? Will you step up to the plate and do all you can to keep this healthcare non-reform bill from passing? Will you do all you can to educate yourself on what is happening in politics, in our country and in our schools? Will you encourage others to get up and do something for their country? For their futures? For the future of their children and grandchildren? Will you be willing to Stand Up for America? Are you a leader willing to help your country? If so, read on.
Costs: The new healthcare overhaul is expected to cost $950 billion.
Individual Costs: Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the bill estimates it would cost families an additional $2,300 in premiums.
No Improvement: Jeffrey Flier, M.D., dean of the Harvard Medical School, has stated that there is near unanimity of opinion among analysts that the current legislation "would do little or nothing to improve quality or change health-care's dysfunctional delivery system."
Hidden legislation: Democrats are attempting to incorporate changes in student aid into the bill. The measure would require the government to originate student loans, closing out a role for banks and other private lenders who charge a fee. Obama proposed taking the savings and plowing it into higher Pell Grants that go to needy college students.
More Taxes: Democrats are quietly reshaping the tax system too with a "back door tax." President Obama's latest health-care proposal is a major change to the Medicare tax that has always been tied to payrolls. In every paycheck, employers and employees each chip in 1.45%, regardless of how much someone makes. Under Obama's proposal -- which should be very close to what Congress winds up enacting -- a Medicare tax would now be applied to investment income too: Individuals who earn more than $200,000 and couples over $250,000 would pay an additional 2.9% surtax on unearned income from interest, dividends, annuities, royalties and rents.
Mandates: The proposal would require almost everyone to be insured or pay a fine. There is an exemption for low-income people.
Blue Dog Democrats: One of our last great "hopes" for keeping the Government-run Healthcare Bill from becoming law is Rep. Bart Stupak. Stupak, a Pro-Life Democrat, is also opposed to funding abortions in the bill. "If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more. That's one of the arguments I've been hearing," Stupak says. "Money is their hang-up. Is this how we now value life in America? If money is the issue - come on, we can find room in the budget. This is life we're talking about."
In the National Review, Stupak said, "I am a definite 'no' vote. I didn't cave. The others are having both of their arms twisted, and we're all getting pounded by our traditional Democratic supporters, like unions."
So, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports this week 25% of the people think our country is heading in the right direction while 71% believe it is heading in the WRONG direction.
We hope you will join with the 71% of Americans and Stand Up for freedom – our forefathers did – will you?
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If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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