Heritage writes about Agenda 21 -- This is a must read!

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Morning Bell

Agenda 21 and the Threat in Your Backyard

Ready to trade in your car for a bike, or maybe a subway instead? Interested in fewer choices for your home, paying more for housing, and being crammed into a denser neighborhood? You can have all this and more if radical environmentalists and "smart growth" advocates have their way and local, state, and the federal government impose the policies set forth in the United Nations' Agenda 21.

You might have heard of this nefarious-sounding policy in a recent Republican presidential debate, but even if you haven't, here's some background information: Agenda 21 is a voluntary plan adopted at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. It calls on governments to intervene and regulate nearly every potential impact that human activity could have on the environment. The end goal? Getting governments to "rethink economic development and find ways to halt the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources and pollution of the planet."

As adopted, Agenda 21 was described as "a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment." That includes hundreds of specific goals and strategies that national and local governments are encouraged to adopt. And that translates into restrictive zoning policies that are aimed at deterring suburban growth. Ultimately, they suppress housing supply and drive up home prices, in turn imposing unnecessary costs, especially on middle- and lower-income households. These policies contributed to and aggravate the real estate bubble by putting inflationary pressures on housing prices.

But here's the catch: Nothing about Agenda 21 is binding, and it's not a threat in and of itself. Instead, the threat Americans need to be concerned about is the one that lies in their own backyard. In a new paper, "Focus on Agenda 21 Should Not Divert Attention from Homegrown Anti-...," Wendell Cox, Ronald Utt, Brett Schaefer explain:

Opponents of Agenda 21 should not be distracted from the more tangible manifestation of the smart-growth principles outlined in that document. If they focus excessively on Agenda 21, it is much more likely that homegrown smart-growth policies that date to the early 1970s and undermine the quality of life, personal choice, and property rights in American communities will be implemented by local, state, and federal authorities at the behest of environmental groups and other vested interests.

In the United States, smart-growth policies started in California and Oregon but then spread around the country to "deter suburban growth for all but the well-to-do," as Cox, Utt, and Schaefer explain. They also write that those policies were not without detrimental impact:

As they became more prevalent and restrictive, their impact on housing prices and construction likewise expanded. An explosion of exclusionary zoning throughout the U.S. encouraged many communities to adopt zoning policies to ensure that they maintained a certain demographic 'profile.' Such zoning limited real estate development to higher-cost homes in order to 'price out' moderate-income households, which included a disproportionate share of minorities.

Where do these home-grown smart-growth policies stand today? The Obama Administration has embraced them while also increasing environmental regulations and restrictions on the use of natural resources. But the White House isn't the only one behind the smart-growth movement. Local and state officials, along with interest groups, are promoting the policies at all levels of government.

And that's where smart growth must also be thwarted. It's not just a matter of standing against the implementation of Agenda 21 at the national level; it's also about protecting our own backyards against the home-grown threat.

Views: 465


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Comment by Steve Dundore on December 14, 2011 at 10:11am

Newt Gingrich is no Conservative.

Comment by E.C. Dawson on December 5, 2011 at 7:23pm

Tom DeWeese will speak on Agenda 21 on Frances and Friends tomorrow morning Tuesday Dec 6/th with  Son Life Broadcasting  Dish Network at 10:00 am. Check for listings in your area.It plays again at night 8:00 p.m. talking about Agenda 21. People can call into the show or send e-mails that will be read on air during th eam live telecast..... for those who went to see Gingrich when DeWeese  was here on the same day . There is a Tea Party in Valdosta, GA who have been fighting this for 3 yrs . If your interested  get back to me if your not hooked up with them.They are available to help anyone interested in how to fight this.

Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on December 5, 2011 at 1:46pm

Robert and Dan,

I didn't vote for Brown, but I would like to know what your sources are for alleging the Mayor supports Agenda 21 and/or smart growth.

Comment by Stephen Hunter on December 5, 2011 at 10:27am

This article is correct, except that the local public officials are bombarded with regulations coming out of all federal agencies that mandate compliance with policies that advance "Smart Growth" and the erosion of property rights. The problem is that most local public officials do not realize that the grants being offered by the federal government are tied to the takeover of every area of your life by the federal government and the federal government is pushing to completely implement the policies in Agenda 21. Local governments believe they have no alternative except to comply with the provisions in those grants and continue to  impose those provisons as a result. Tell your local officials the grant money comes from the people and the fedreral government is supposed to work for us. Tell them to keep whatever funds they have already receioved and tell the federal government they will no longer participate in the programs the grants promote and that they are keeping the funds already received  as they were secured under a fradulent program, and they money belongs to the community they stoler it from period.

Please get a group in your area to host an Agenders convention and learn about agenda 21 in your community and how to stop the advancement of this vile program.

Comment by Robert G. Deardorff on December 5, 2011 at 10:14am

Another distraction from talking about the real problems, such as David Rockefeller-Council on Foreign Relations, Banking, Monetary, Money Issues. Agenda 21 is a monster, but the bigger monster is its creator. We all know who, when why. Agenda 21 can be brought to and end overnight, but we must start first with cutting off the head. Let's start with 

1.      Mergeing Federal Reserve inside the Department of Treasury.

2.      Make the Federal Reserve subject to scrutiny of the Office of Budget and Management.

3.      Redeem dollar over a period of 112-years replacing it w/ U.S. Gold & Silver Certificates

4.      Distribute U.S. Gold/Silver Certificates simultaneously at the same rate redeemed dollar are

          withdrawn over a period of 112 years. [1]

5.      And finally, end The Central Banking-Money Inflation System, with its ever increasing     

         50-percent taxes, plus constricting regulations that have all but ruined the American Economy.

Forty-years ago I was told about what we are experiencing today. As a young man I asked all my business associates, relatives, neighbors, class mates and friends about the very things we are having to face. David Rockefeller and the power elite are using the fortunes they have made specifically in energy and a continuation of that source of money to finance there agenda, and more.

Comment by Robert Overby on December 5, 2011 at 10:10am

To be specific,our Mayor is a major supporter of Agenda 21,outright

He is part of the newly planted seeds for the exttreme left movment,right out of the Clintons nest.

Comment by dan benefiel on December 5, 2011 at 10:02am
Kudos to Hank madden who constantly talks about agenda 21 on his saturday morning radio show. Our mayor is behind this as well.
Comment by sabrina Wheeler on December 5, 2011 at 9:42am

The resulting reason properties on the West Coast and Europe are so high. The average man can't afford to live in $700K homes with 800 SF.

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If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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