Heritage Morning Bell Report: Obama’s Failure to Confront the Iranian Threat

We received the Morning Bell Report from Heritage today and found it very disturbing.


The one thing the Federal Government is in charge of according to our Constitution is National Defense.   Instead of spending time passing regulations about the kinds of fruits and vegetables our children should eat, they should spend their time ensuring the safety of the American people.  This is their job.


This attack was averted.  Will we avert the next one?


Here's the report from Heritage:


Yesterday, America learned that Iran conspired to launch a terrorist attack in Washington, D.C., with a planned assassination of the Saudi ambassador and bomb attacks on the Saudi and Israeli embassies. U.S. authorities disrupted the plot and have brought charges against the men who planned to carry out the attack, but the audacity of Iran’s actions highlights a disturbing truth: The Obama Administration has done far too little to deter state-sponsored terrorism, and it has utterly failed to confront the Iranian threat.


Read the rest of the story here:Obama's Failure to Confront the Iranian Threat  


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Comment by Chuck Riddling on October 24, 2011 at 12:12pm
Kurt, I'm one of those 58 year olds from the same era and would be more than happy to rub elbows with you at the (range) or where ever is needed as long as it is protecting "our" country and "our" constution and unlike our politicians I will protect it from the enemy foregian or domestic! Also it needs to be pointed out many of the 58,000 names on the wall had NO choice in the matter of serving their country on foregin soil to make politicans rich while their sons were protected and never had to serve but prospered off the blood of those who did.
Comment by Kurt R Langenfeld on October 24, 2011 at 9:23am


i 'm not trying to stop you from all the fun thats what the consitution says,i was just reminding everyone that. shoot i'm 58 and i would gladly stand up again and spill my blood for my country. [veitnam 73-74]

so ken go have all the fun you want but just remember shoot low or high because the middle will be protected. yeah did their kids go  to war hell no they kept them in school or lied for them so they didn't have to go to war. there's 58000 names on a black wall that never got to come home because of  politics [sp] thats somethng i will never forget and i keep reminding people of that.


Comment by Chuck Riddling on October 24, 2011 at 8:53am
Here is something that scares the hell out of me, once Obama is defeated and on his way out on his final day in office who do you think he will issue pardons to ? Probably every Muslim prisoner at Getmo and every crooked bastard in his administration along with all of his past terriost communist friends. 
Comment by Kurt R Langenfeld on October 22, 2011 at 11:29am
has anyone ever hear of the militia? 18 to 45 we are the militia it's time to get out of y'alls comfort zone time to stand and march 2012 wil be to late the time is now.
Comment by Ed V on October 12, 2011 at 8:55pm
Ready your arms, Protect your land your freedom, Christian  and Jewish Religion. The fools are coming...
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 12, 2011 at 8:02pm

I honestly have to question the integrity of a law ferm that would hire a man like Charlie Crist and that claims they are a law ferm for the people yet sponsers a fund raiser for a marxist pig like Barack Obama.You can bet if I ever need a law ferm it will not be Morgan & Morgan.

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 12, 2011 at 2:01pm
The assassination was to have taken place on American soil but it was an Arab dipolmat that was to be killed and there was to be an attack on an Israeli embassy. The FBI carried out the US part of the responce by arresting the conspirators and exposing Iran. Is it our place to take action on behalf of the Arabs and the Isaelis? I think not, I know that the Israelis can and if left to do so will take care of themselves. But I think the Arabs will do as always and cower to a threat and expect the US to bail them out. I also think that Holder will try to use this to wiggle out of the fast and furious gun smuggling mess. I personally think he should be arrested and put in prison. Through his knowledge of this issue and negligence to stop it two Border Patrol agents are dead. He may as well have pulled the trigger himself.
Comment by FCTP on October 12, 2011 at 1:37pm
Roma:  Your postings are here.  No deletions on our end.  What got deleted?
Comment by Chuck Riddling on October 12, 2011 at 12:42pm

This is the reason we need to put our military troops on "our" borders and let the border patrol handle stopping the flow of drugs into the country. We also need to adopt the same identical immigration laws as Mexcio has on their southern border, that way we wouldn't be violating anybody's rights, this is where all of the states writing new laws are missing the because Mexico's laws are alot stricter than the United States laws.

Comment by JL Gawlik on October 12, 2011 at 11:46am

Amanda, he was arrested Sept 29th, almost two weeks later, they announce it, weird other administrations announce arrests like this the same day, they have been sitting on it since.

It is what it is.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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