Good for them! About time. If they want to pass these unconstitutional laws, then they also can abide by them..................and apparently the gun makers are going to help them do it. This is from several sources, and as suggested, writing to gun companies and thanking them or encouraging them to follow suit and not sell to anyone in a state, city etc. if unconstitutional laws are passed is something that should catch on! They are supporting the American people's second amendment rights!
In a turning of the tables, liberty minded gun makers and companies that supply firearms, accessories and ammunition have determined that they have had it with anti-gun governments at the city, state and Federal levels, even if it means lost revenue. Several companies have announced that they will no longer be supplying equipment to hostile governments, police forces or first responders. New York and California have become the prime targets, making an example of out-of-touch politicians who continue to trample upon the Constitutionally protected rights of their citizens to keep and bear arms.
Breitbart compiled a list of statements from several of these companies:
Effective today, in an effort to see that no legal mistakes are made by LaRue Tactical and/or its employees, we will apply all current State and Local Laws (as applied to civilians) to state and local law enforcement / government agencies. In other words, LaRue Tactical will limit all sales to what law-abiding citizens residing in their districts can purchase or possess.
Due the passing of this legislation, Olympic Arms would like to announce that the State of New York, any Law Enforcement Departments, Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders within the State of New York, or any New York State government entity or employee of such an entity – will no longer be served as customers.
In short, Olympic Arms will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York – henceforth and until such legislation is repealed, and an apology made to the good people of the State of New York and the American people.
The Federal Government and several states have enacted gun control laws that restrict the public from owning and possessing certain types of firearms. Law-enforcement agencies are typically exempt from these restrictions. EFI, LLC does not recognize law-enforcement exemptions to local, state, and federal gun control laws. If a product that we manufacture is not legal for a private citizen to own in a jurisdiction, we will not sell that product to a law-enforcement agency in that jurisdiction.
We will not sell arms to agents of the state of New York that hold themselves to be “more equal” than their citizens.
As long as the legislators of New York think they have the power to limit the rights of their citizens, in defiance of the Constitution, we at Templar will not sell them firearms to enforce their edicts.
Templar Custom is announcing that the State of New York, any Law Enforcement Departments, Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders within the State of New York, or any New York State government entity or employee will no longer be served as customers.
Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York. We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York. As a result we have halted sales of rifles, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies.
Recently, companies such as LaRue Tactical and Olympic Arms have announced that they will no longer sell prohibited items to government agencies and personnel in states that deny the right to own those items to civilians. It has been and will continue to be Cheaper Than Dirt’s policy to not to sell prohibited items to government agencies and/or agents in states, counties, cities, and municipalities that have enacted restrictive gun control laws against their citizens. We support and encourage other companies that share in this policy.
Alex Newman at The New American writes:
The recent surge in companies refusing to do business with lawless governments hostile to citizens’ rights may have been partly inspired by Ronnie Barrett, owner and CEO of Barrett Firearms Manufacturing. His company, which produces among the most popular .50-caliber weapons in the world, refused to sell the firearms to officials or agencies in California after lawmakers there some years ago banned civilian ownership of the high-caliber guns.
“It’s hard to believe we live in such a dark time that someone has actually banned a single shot rifle. But as you will see, this is the cleverest of all gun bans, and the end goal is civilian disarmament, the confiscation of your tools of liberty, your rifles,” the respected CEO wrote in a piece at the time explaining his company’s boycott. “Barrett cannot legally sell any of its products to lawbreakers. Therefore, since California’s passing of AB50, the state is not in compliance with the US Constitution’s 2nd and 14th Amendments, and we will not sell nor service any of our products to any government agency of the State of California.”
Gun rights activists celebrated the decisions of the four companies to stand up for the rights of Americans. Analysts expect more firms to stand up soon, noting that otherwise, gun owners may choose to purchase from other manufacturers in the future. Across America, state governments, sheriffs, and even some city and county governments are working hard to protect the right to keep and bear arms regardless of any unconstitutional federal “laws” or edicts from President Obama to the contrary. Activists say it is time for all gun makers to join the effort or potentially face a boycott themselves.
While the big three manufacturers of firearms that sell to the New York Police Department, Glock, Smith & Wesson, and Sig Sauer have not come on board, Freedom Outpost, as well as, Guns Save Lives encourage them to do so.
Not only is the Federal government out of its mind concerning Second Amendment restrictions, but so are the states, including more Democrats in New Jersey putting together a package of 20 sweeping gun-control bills this week with a vote scheduled for February 21. While some naively think that Christie would veto such legislation, don’t hold your breath. Not only has he called for gun control to be a national discussion, but New Jersey has the second toughest gun control statutes in the country. While not enacting new gun control measures, he has not set out to repeal them either, claiming that the existing laws are sufficient.
Take time to contact gun manufacturers and voice your support for them to stop selling to governments (City, County, State, or Federal) hostile to the Second Amendment rights of citizens.
GLOCK, Inc. 6000 Highlands Parkway Smyrna, GA 30082 USA Phone: 770-432-1202 FAX: 770-433-8719 Email them here
SIG SAUER, Inc. 18 Industrial Drive Exeter, NH 03833 Phone: 603-772-2302 Fax: 603-772-9082
Smith & Wesson 2100 Roosevelt Avenue Springfield, MA 01104 Phone: 1-800-331-0852 Fax: 1-413-747-3317
Remington Arms Company, LLC 870 Remington Drive P.O. Box 700 Madison, NC 27025-0700
TEL: 1-800-243-9700 Fax: 1-336-548-7801
Posted by Paul Szemanczky
by NTEB News Desk |
State Democrats follow Obama's lead on banning all firearms
Missouri Democrats introduced an anti-gun bill which would turn law-abiding firearm owners into criminals. They will have 90 days to turn in their guns if the legislation is passed.
Dana Loesch Radio reported on the new legislation being pushed by Missouri Democrats:
Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution.
Here’s part of the Democratic proposal in Missouri:
4. Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution:
(1). Remove the assault weapon or large capacity magazine from the state of Missouri;
(2). Render the assault weapon permanently inoperable; or
(3). Surrender the assault weapon or large capacity magazine to the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction, subject to specific agency regulations.
(5). Unlawful manufacture, import, possession, purchase, sale, or transfer of an assault weapon or a large capacity magazine is a class C felony. source - Gateway Pundit
~~ Gunner Panobscot posted the full text of Missouri House Bill No. 545 HERE.
Senate Gun Grab Bill Could be Worse Than Feinstein's
Posted by Gunner Panobscot
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced S. 54 on January 22, 2013. The bill, titled Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2013, is a cleverly disguised gun grab. How so? According to Gun Owners of America (GOA) the bill “could end gifts and raffles of firearms, and possibly ‘necessitate’ gun licensure across the country.”
GOA’s Michael Hammond writes,
At its core, Section 3 would send a person to prison for 20 years if you ATTEMPTED or PLANNED (“conspired”) to buy a firearm as a gift for another person or to conduct a raffle of a firearm, and negligently failed to note that the gift recipient or the winner of the raffle was, for instance, a veteran with PTSD who had been placed by the Department of Veteran Affairs onto the NICS list.
Note that you don’t have to actually transfer the firearm to go to prison for 20 years, nor do you have to know that the proposed recipient is a prohibited person. It is enough that you acted negligently, that you planned to gift or raffle the firearm, and that you engaged in one “overt act” necessary for conspiracy to take effect (e.g., getting in your car to drive to the gun shop). Read more HERE:
Posted by Gunner Panobscot, Written by Tim Brown
The measure says the new Safe Act has a severe impact on guns that are used for safe recreation. It argues that state lawmakers didn’t have enough time to review it before it was passed.
A copy of the resolution will be on its way to both Barack Obama and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
The resolution also encourages public hearings to be held by lawmakers and encourages the representatives of Oswego County to submit written opinions about the SAFE Act.
Oswego is not the first to do this. Madison and Herkimer counties have already passed similar resolutions and Ontario is poised to follow Read more HERE:
" Reports out of Capitol Hill reveal that just-reelected turncoat West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is about to stick a big knife in the back of American gun owners. And to make matters worse, he's lying about what he’s doing. Both Manchin and House anti-gun crazy Carolyn McCarthy are claiming to be “working with NRA” to enact gun bans and national gun registries. NRA says flatly that Manchin is lying, and we believe he is. (The Hill, 1/24/13)
150,000 honest law-abiding veterans are currently in the NICS system. They didn’t do anything wrong; they honorably served their country. But when they sought VA counseling for a traumatic combat experience, the VA appointed a fiduciary to oversee their fiscal affairs and then took away their guns. And, again, there are 150,000 honest veterans in the system.
What the Manchin bill is about is insuring that “bad guys” like veterans can’t get guns. And, under Barack Obama's “Executive Action #1,” the NICS list could soon include tens of millions of additional soldiers, police, firemen, and other law-abiding Americans." Read more HERE:
Posted by Paul Szemanczky
I attended a conference on CT risk warrants and found myself thinking during the 4-hour discussion and lecture that the Connecticut model could be used by a fascist president to confiscate weapons in total national aggregate numbers. This conference was a reaction to the 100+ bills on gun controls post-Newtown Sandy Hook Massacre being debated in Hartford, CT. It was attended by a lot of conceal and carry gun owners who are about to see: costly annual gun registration requirements, bans on semiautos of all kind, restrictions on magazine sizes, etc., etc. It's obvious CT is Obama's LAPDOG on new gun controls; liberals are excited here. But what's to stop Obama from using RISK WARRANTS TO SEIZE YOUR GUNS in your states? Read the CT Risk Warrant Statute (1999) 29-38c at the end of this post.
TITLE: Gun Owners Hear the Whole Low-Down On "CT Risk Warrants", and How To Fight Them
******A Risk Warrant or the ability by a police department in any town or city in Connecticut to seize by court order any and all firearms of a home owner or renter or other occupants in a dwelling is gaining greater attention during the crisis reaction to a slew of gun control bills (over 100) being considered by the State Legislature in Hartford this winter/spring, 2013. Gun owners, especially pistol permit carriers and defensive rifle owners, have felt since the crisis atmosphere of the Newtown-Sandy Hook school massacre (12/14/12) that the state legislators are planning to remove and/or violate their rights guaranteed by Constitutional Amendments 2 + 4.
The need for a conference and assembly to reach the gun owners was lead and conducted as a free event held at the Crowne Plaza in Cromwell, CT, and sponsored by Rich Burgess, Connecticut Carry Inc., President,, and Ed Peruta, Director of Connecticut Carry Inc., and a legal investigator for Attorney Rachel M. Baird, a leading CT attorney in the issues, facts, history, and cases current and past concerning the use of this firearms seizure law since 2007. Mss. Baird was the splendid main speaker, and Mr. Peruta outstandingly both committed themselves with high moral energy to explain the fundamental nature and complexity of how risk warrants are applied in Connecticut. They purposefully (using specific litigation cases Mss. Baird had represented and Mr. Peruta investigated) outlined step-by-step both correct and incorrect actions taken by accusers, police departments and judges in reference to court cases for clients both individuals have defended and exonerated. Read the rest HERE
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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