This could almost be funny except it isn't really, is it? Although we do have water shortages, this sounds more like more of the redistribution than anything else. They will find a way to make it free for some while socking it to others.
January 20, 2011
The federal government wants to tell you how to take a shower.
From an editorial on the subject:
I did, however, read with astonishment of the proposed federal regulations that would forever banish the Medusa-like shower heads relied upon by the rich and famous that allow one to enjoy a goodly portion of Lake Michigan when washing off one’s heiny.
My first reaction was one of shock that not only does one now share a commode with Uncle Sam, but also the shower and its many spouting fountains. After all, at what point does Uncle Sam butt out?
Good instincts! Unfortunately, the writer came to her “senses”, and realized that she and the government do know what’s best for everyone.
And then, my more rational side remembered that we do, indeed, face a growing water shortage nationally. Obviously, there are few things more seriously a matter of public interest than the maintenance of a clean water supply at reasonable prices. Since we have already long past the “reasonable prices” stage, we must concentrate on marshalling our water resources as best as possible. Multiple shower head fixtures clearly do not meet this need.
To me, the big picture solution is a multi-tiered water pricing system. Each water account would get a certain number of gallons at the “regular” price, whatever that may be. For every excess gallon used, a second-tier price structure would kick in at significantly greater per-gallon costs.
Progressive price rationing? There must not be such a thing as water neutrality.
One piece of advice: If you let Uncle Sam in the shower with you, don’t drop the soap. If you do, bend at the knees, or learn to pick it up with your feet.
Lyndee, I really want the federal government to back out of those things the constitution does not give it the power to regulate or control. I especially want this president to stop trying to legislate from the white house and if he won't, I want the congress to stop him.
I don't know about you, but I don't know anyone who has changed a toilet out in some time who has not replaced it with a low water use toilet. I know few people who put in new shower heads that don't use one that decreases the amount of water used.
The thing I am most amazed at is Atlanta counting the number of toilets someone uses as a valid criteria. It really does not matter how many toilets you have (just another method of penalizing success to me as it would mean perhaps a bigger or nicer home). No matter how many toilets a person has, if it is 2 people or 4 people, they will only use them a certain number of times, and I don't think the number of uses changes even if they go down to 1 toilet (it just means there will be a line outside the door :).
This is off subject, but relates to you comment about well water Lyndee. I also was appalled when they started saying they also owned the well water you used, here in Jacksonville, and they could tell you how much well water you could use............does that mean they also own the land our house sits on and the house itself, because it certainly seems to be the direction all of this is headed in. Is the city/county/federal government planning on confiscating our property along with everything including all our rights or will they just continue this tax increase sprial until no one can afford to stay in their homes? Right now, we also seem to have a president who thinks he knows it all and has a right to impose his wishes and beliefs on all of us. Considering the man has never had a real job in his life and has lived wholly on the dole with special considerations for the color of his skin and his status as a foreign student (?) to freeload on the taxpayer, I am not sure he should be telling anyone what to do. He and his wife have had a few defining learning moments and are so arrogant they believe they are the only ones who had learning experiences in their lives, and they should impose them on everyone else.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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