Rick, Sorta' like a perverted GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH?
Dawa in public schools?
Dawa means to invite a non-Muslim to accept the truth of Islam. Performing Dawa involves both our words and actions.
“Muslim students as individuals and as a group can do Dawa in public schools.
School Students are receptive to new ideas
It is important to remember that in the classroom, students are routinely exposed to new information and opinions. That means they tend to be more receptive to new beliefs and ideas. Schools are therefore fertile grounds where the seeds of Islam can be sowed inside the hearts of non-Muslim students. Muslim students should take ample advantage of this opportunity and expose their fellow students to the beautiful beliefs of Islam.”
From grammar school through institutions of higher learning Dawa is being practiced in American schools. In fact it has become so popular that Diwan Foundations have been created on many campuses to offer religious services and programs to the extended community.
This is certainly different than the reception any Christian religion would receive around the Islamic world.
Where is the freedom to choose what you believe in Islam?
Steve, unless the whole world has turned on it's axis, the President of the United States sets the policy of the administration. He has clearly done that right down to deciding personally that the Marriage Act is no longer constitutional, without going through the proper channels to do so, he told the DOJ to NOT prosecute any cases that dealt with that subject. It is his administration and he owns it, just like he owns our debt/deficit, the economy, the unemployment rate, the third war, it is ALL his. Funny how the public and the lame stream media told the previous administration they OWNED everything right down to what the dangerous progressive liberals were responsible in doing by running Congress since 2007 with their leadership and majority. Funny to look back and note that we have had crisis after crisis since their majority has had the purse strings and controlled Congress, odd AiN'T iT?
Patricia, i agree with all that you have said, i am so tired of the great social experiment that the progressive liberals have rammed down our throat, through lies and deception. Look at Europe, they are turning the tide also back to being conservative. Human beings are much more responsible than governments, it has been proven time after time. Our founding fathers' were aware of it when they created our incredible documents for our country. That is why history is so important, to remind us. We just need to keep shining the light on the truth and rat these dangerous people out.
JL, you won't get an argument from me. I want the federal department of education shut down totally and the federal government OUT of education. I want the local schools to control the local schools and have the latitude to put in place whatever programs work for local students. I suspect the graduation rate in our area would be far better if the federal government was out and our local school board was making the decisions about the changes needed for local students to turn the graduation rate around. We are not all one size fits all, and since the federal government put their grimy little paws on education, it has gone down steadily. They can't even run our country without bankrupting it, why in heavens name would they think people want them teaching their children their wacked up morals and beliefs.
Steve, it has been all over the news, Eric Holder the Attorney General appointed by President Obama is suing the Berkley school system in Chicago, Illinois for teacher Safoorah Khan, who wants to attend Haj in Mecca, Saudia Arabia for three weeks, requested in 2007 and 2008 amazing to note also this is her first request was her first year as a teacher. Haj is actually just a four day event. DOJ has decided her civil rights have been violated. Eric Holder is a personal friend of the President and shares his ideologue, he did not want to pursue the case of the Black Panthers agitating voters in Pennsylvania in 2008 because it would shed a bad light on his people. Funny i thought he was supposed to be the Attorney General for ALL the people of the United States just as the President is supposed to be the President of ALL the people of the United States also. Apparently someone died and made them both Kings so they can pick and choose what laws they deem worthy for them to uphold and people they deem worthy to represent and protect. Probably part of the President's administration capaign to reach out to Muslims. He gave N.A.S.A. a new goal also, to reach out and improve Muslim relationships called the N.A.S.A. Muslim Outreach Program. How random is that? Go web search both of them, but be wary of google and BING, i would use another search engine.
2012 can not come quick enough.
If you read the information put forth in the article, you will see that it clearly states the child is to go to public schools to learn to less rigid or more tolerant in her religious beliefs. When, is religion part of the school curriculum, Steve? It certainly was not when I went to school. We have a group of people who are now going through school text books, and they have found that Christianity is being shown in a bad light while Islam is being toted at the religion of peace (which if you are following the news is how Islam tries to present themselves when nothing could be further from the truth). Mr. Obama said Islam was a religion of peace and has pushed very hard to slant in their direction as well as even going so far as to say we were a Muslim society when nothing could be farther from the truth. I think this is part and parcel to many of the other things this horrid man has imposed on teachers to teach. I have no doubt that this push towards Islam comes from this administration and he wants to get as many children as possible while they are at an impressionable age and plant this in their minds. Did you also miss that he, through the department of education, is now threatening to withhold federal money for education unless teachers listen in on conversations children have during their lunch hours and chase them around in placing like Facebook to find out what they are saying and doing (in relation to this new tolerence for gays and people unlike those in the mainstream.......this is something a parent is responsible for, not the federal government). Teachers are doing a relatively poor job preparing students for a meaningful adulthood as it is and we have now added a few more time wasters to the teachers agendas. Religion is not the business of the federal government unless of course you ignor the constitution which Obama does regularly.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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